TA Review 1 Flashcards
Mandible attaches to this bone to allow for flexion, extension, translation of the jaw.
a) Frontal
b) Greater wing of sphenoid bone
c) Occipital
d) Parietal
e) Temporal
e) Temporal
Where is the adam’s apple?
a) C2
b) C2/C3
c) C3
d) C4/C5
e) C6
d) C4/C5 - thyroid cartilage
These are at what vertebral level?
Angle of mandible
Cricoid cartilage
Hyoid bone
Thyroid cartilage
C2 – Angle of mandible
C3 – Hyoid bone
C4/C5 – Thyroid cartilage
C6 – Cricoid cartilage
The arteries which supply the superior portions of the three spinal arteries pass through these spaces in the cervical vertebrae.
A: Transverse foramina – vertebral a.
**Vertebral a. also passes through foramen magnum
Which ligament prevents excessive rotation? Anterior displacement of atlas on rest of cervical vertebrae?
Alar ligament
Transverse ligament
Nuchal ligament
Anterior longitudinal ligament
Posterior longitudinal ligament
Alar ligaments preevnt excessive rotation
Transverse ligament prevents anterior displacement of atlas on axis
Infection can pass to the posterior mediastinum through this open space around which fascia?
a) Retropharyngeal space
b) Danger space
c) Pretracheal space
b) Danger space - between alar fascia and anterior aspect of vertebrae
Between the alar fascia and the visceral fascia lies the…
a) Retropharyngeal space
b) Danger space
c) Pretracheal space
a) Retropharyngeal space
In the anatomy lab, you had to remove one layer of fascia in order to access the platysma m. Under this muscle is more fibrous tissue, which is called what?
Investing fascia
What landmark separates/can be used to ID external vs. internal jugular vein?
SCM (external jugular vein is anterior to the SCM)
Which two fascia form the superficial and deep boundaries of the posterior neck triangle.
a) Superficial fascia
b) Investing fascia
c) Prevertebral fascia
d) Alar fascia
e) Visceral fascia
b) Investing fascia – roof
c) Prevertebral fascia – floor
Can you think of a way to remember/associate Trapezius with the SCM?
Spinal accessory nerve – CN XI supply both, runs DEEP to these muscles
To anesthetize the cervical plexus, what landmark would you use to guide you?
A: Nerve point of the neck.
Cervical plexus appear from behind the SCM within the posterior triangle.
Which nerve from the cervical plexus (C1-C4) runs with the external jugular vein?
a) Great auricular n.
b) Lesser occipital n.
c) Transverse cervical n.
d) Branches of supraclavicular n.
a) Great auricular nerve - lower ear
What are the components of cervical plexus with motor functions?
Phrenic n, Ansa cervicalis
Phrenic n. can refer pain to the shoulder via these cervical nerves.
a) Great auricular n.
b) Lesser occipital n.
c) Transverse cervical n.
d) Branches of supraclavicular n.
d) Branches of the supraclavicular nerve
How can you test the sensory component of C1 in the head and neck region?
You can’t, there is no C1 dermatome
Brachial plexus passes between these muscles near the root of the neck.
Anterior and middle scalenes
Name these axial planes

C1 = occlusal plane
C2 = angle of mandible
C3 = hyoid bone
C4/5 = hyoid cartilage
C6 = cricoid cartilage

Vagus nerve is in between these, carotid sheath covers them
Which boundary is shared by the posterior and anterior triangles of the neck?
What other muscle (other than suprahyoid muscles) is supplied by the cervical branch of the facial nerve?
Platysma muscle
What innervates the geniohyoid muscle? Which other muscle receives innervation from this nerve?
C1 ventral primary rami via hypoglossal n. (CN XII)
Same with the thyrohyoid
Trigeminal n. (CN V)
V-1 = Oplthalmic n. => what opening?
V-2 = Maxillary n. => what opening?
V-3 = Mandibular n. => what opening?
Facial n. (CN VII) => what opening?
V1 –> superior orbital fissure
V2 –> foramen rotundum to the pterygopalatine fossa
V3 –> foramen ovale to the infratemporal fossa
Facial (CN VII) –> stylomastoid foramen
Which of the following muscles below the hyoid bone does not directly depress the hyoid?
a) Mylohyoid
b) Digastric
c) Stylohyoid
d) Thyrohyoid
e) Sternohyoid
f) Sternothyroid
g) Omohyoid
f) Sternothyroid
How can you distinguish between superficial and deep infrahyoid muscles?
Deep ones attach near thyroid cartilage => “thyro” in name. Superficial ones lies over thyroid cartilage/deep muscles.
Superficial = omohyoid, sternohyoid
Deep = thyrohyoid, sternothyroid
The ansa cervicalis of the cervical plexus supplies all of the infrahyoids except…
a) Thyrohyoid
b) Sternohyoid
c) Sternothyroid
d) Omohyoid
a) thyrohyoid (its innervated by C1 via hypoglossal)
Middle meningeal a. supplies the dura mater and arises from where?
a) Internal carotid a.
b) External carotid a.
b) External carotid a. –> maxillary a. –> middle meningeal a.
Circle of Willis is supplied by the union of which arteries? Which spaces do these arteries pass through?
Vertebral a. (foramen magnum)
Internal carotid a. (carotid canal)