Orbit Picture Cards Flashcards
Name the bones, holes, and the things that go through the holes.

- Sphenoid bone
- Superior orbital fissure: CNs III, IV, V1, VI, and ophthalmic veins
- Supraorbital foramen: supraorbital nerve (V1)
- Optic canal: optic nerve (CN II) and ophthalmic artery
- Palatine bone
- Lacrimal bone
- Infraorbital foramen: infraorbital nerve (V2) and infraorbital artery
- Ethmoid bone
- Zygomatico-facial canal: zygomatico-facial nerve (V2)
- Zygomatic bone
- Inferior orbital fissure: infraorbital and zygomatic nerves and arteries (nerves are from V2)
Name these holes. What spaces do these connect? What do they contain?

- Anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina. They connect the orbit and nasal cavities and contain anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves (V1) and arteries (from ophthalmic a.).
- Nasolacrimal duct opening. Drains tears to the inferior nasal concha.
What happened?

Blowout fracture with protrusion of orbital contents into the maxillary sinus.

- Conjunctiva
- Sclera
- Cornea
- Iris
- Lens

- Check ligaments
- Periorbital fascia
- Tenon’s capsule - separates eye from periorbital fat.

- Supratrochlear nerve (V1)
- Supraorbital nerve (V1)
- Lacrimal nerve (v1)
- Frontal nerve (V1)
- V1 at the superior orbital fissure
- V2 –> foramen rotundum
- V3 –> foramen ovale
- CN IV going to the superior oblique
Which one is the ophthalmic artery?


- Anterior ethmoidal artery
- Posterior ethmoidal artery
- Central artery of the retina
- Ophthalmic artery
- Posterior ciliary arteries
- Lacrimal artery
- Supraorbital artery
- Supratrochlear artery

- Anterior ciliary arteries
- Retina
- Choroid
- Sclera
- Posterior ciliary arteries
- Central artery and vein of the retina

How would vision be affected if the right optic nerve were cut as seen here?

Right monocular blindness.

How would vision be affected if the optic chiasm were compromised as seen here?

Bitemporal hemianopsia (loss of peripheral vision)

How would vision be affected if the right optic tract were cut as seen here?

Loss of the left visual field.

Infraorbital nerve and artery

Also name their innervation.

- Inferior oblique muscle
- Inferior rectus
- Medial rectus
CN III oculomotor

- Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
- Abducens nerve (CN VI)
- Ciliary ganglion
Also name its innervation.

Lateral rectus - CN VI (abducens)

- Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
- Ophthalmic artery
Also name their innervation.

- Superior rectus - CN III oculomotor
- Superior oblique - CN IV trochlear

- Supraorbital nerve
- Supratrochlear nerve