Intro to the Skull Picture Cards for HFF Flashcards
Name the bones, holes, and the things that go through the holes.

- Frontal bone
- Nasal bones
- Supraorbital foramen - supraorbital nerve (from V1) goes through it
- Infraorbital foramen - infraorbital nerve (from V2) goes through it
- Zygomatic bone
- Maxillae bone
- Mental foramen - mental nerve (from V3) goes through it

Name deez bones.

- Frontal bone
- Parietal bone
- Occipital bone
- Temporal bone
- Mastoid process
- Styloid process
- Zygomatic bone
- Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
- Maxilla
- Nasal bone
- Lacrimal bone

What is this spot called? What is its clinical significance? What are those grooves?

The pterion is a thin spot of the skull that can fracture and rupture the middle meningeal artery or branches, which run in the grooves seen on the right.
Its an infant’s skull

- Anterior fontanelle
- Coronal suture
- Sphenoidal fontanelle
- Squamous suture
- Occipital suture
- Mastoid fontanelle

- Anterior fontanelle
- Metopic suture
- Posterior fontanelle
- Coronal suture
- Bregma
- Saggital suture
- Lambda
- Lambdoid suture

Name the two ridges and the two spaces.

- Superior temporal line
- Inferior temporal line
- Temporal fossa
- Infratemporal fossa
Name these two thingys. What lives inside #1?

- Pterygopalatine fossa - the pterygopalatine ganglion is in it.
- Pterygomaxillary fissure
Also name the hole that #2 comes out of.

- Auriculotemporal nerve
- Trunk of mandibular nerve (V3) coming out of the foramen ovale
- Deep temporal nerves
- Inferior alveolar nerve
- Chorda tympani nerve
- Long buccal nerve
- Lingual nerve
- Mental nerve

For #3, name what goes through those holes. For #7, state what is contained inferior to it.

- Body of the sphenoid bone
- Cribiform plate
- Olfactory nerves (CN I) go through the cribiform plate holes
- Anterior fossa
- Middle fossa
- Posterior fossa
- Petrous part of the temporal bone (a ridge) - inner and middle ear are underneath it.
- Temporal bone (squamous part)
- Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
- Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
- Foramen magnum
For #1 and 4, name the holes and what goes through them.

- Superior orbital fissure - CN III, IV, VI, V1 (opthalmic) go through it.
- Lesser wing
- Greater wing
- Foramen rotundum - V2 goes through
- Pterygoid process
- Medial pterygoid plate
- Lateral pterygoid plate

- Trigeminal (CN V) ganglion
- Maxillary nerve (V2)
- Ophthalmic nerve (V1)
- Superior orbital fissure
- Supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves
- Infraorbital nerve
- Maxillary sinus
- Superior alveolar nerves
- Foramen rotundum
- Pterygopalatine fossa with pterygopalatine ganglia
- Mandibular nerve (V3)

Name the openings + what goes through, bones, and stuff.

- Maxillary bone
- Pterygoid process (lateral + medial pterygoid plates)
- Sphenoid bone
- Petrotympanic fissure - exit for chorda tympani
- Carotid canal - opening for internal carotid artery
- Jugular foramen - for IJV, CNs IX, X, XI
- Stylomastoid foramen - opening for the trunk of facial nerve
- Foramen spinosum - for middle meningeal artery
- Foramen ovale - for V3
- Palatine (horizontal plate)

Figure this mess out.

- Cribiform plate - CN 1 olfactory nerves go through the holes
- Superior orbital fissure - CN III, IV, VI, V1
- Foramen lacerum - nothing goes through it!
- Internal acoustic meatus - CN VII, VIII
- Hypoglossal canal - CN XII
- Jugular foramen - CN IX, X, XI, IJV
- Foramen spinosum - middle meningeal artery
- Foramen ovale - CN V3
- Foramen rotundum - CN V2
- Cavernous sinuses
- Optic canal - CN II
- Sella turcica for the pituitary
- Anterior clinoid processes

Also state which one is the only one that drains into the inferior meatus.

- Maxillary sinus
- Frontal sinus
- Ethmoid air cells
- Nasolacrimal duct - drains to inferior meatus
- Sphenoid meatus

Please name the sinuses.

- Frontal sinuses
- Ethmoidal sinuses
- Sphenoid sinuses
Which sinuses are these? How can you tell?

Maxillary. You can tell cuz the section is kinda low.
Name the two sinuses on the drawing. What is going on in the CT scan?

- Ethmoid air cells
- Maxillary sinus
The CT shows fluid accumulation in the maxillary sinus, especially the right - sinusitis.
What nerve is that?

Trigeminal ganglion with V1, V2, V3
Which cranial nerves are susceptible to damage if the cavernous sinus becomes infected?
Which cranial nerve responsible for lateral eye movement can be affected in the case of an internal carotid artery aneurysm?
Cranial nerves CN III, IV, VI, V1, V2 pass through cavernous sinus and can be affected by an infection.
Canial nerve 6 can be affected by an ICA aneurysm –> affecting lateral movement of the eye.

- Middle meningeal artery
- Maxillary artery

Which arteries supply the dura?

- Ethmoidal branches
- Middle meningeal artery
- Meningeal branches of occipital artery
- Meningeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery

- Parietal bone
- Superior temporal line
- Temporal bone
- Zygomatic process of the temporal bone
- Temporal process of the zygomatic bone
- Zygomatic bone
- Frontal process of the zygomatic bone
- Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
- Frontal bone
Also name what goes into #2 and what comes out of #8.

- Coronoid process
- Mandibular foramen (inferior alveolar nerve - branch of V3 - goes through it)
- Condylar head
- Neck
- Ramus
- Angle
- Body
- Mental foramen (mental nerve comes out of it)
- Mental process
- Groove for nerve to mylohyoid
- Lingula

- Mylohyoid line
- Mandibular notch