Face and Parotid Picture Cards Flashcards

Glabella (covered by hair)

- Auriculotemporal (V3)
- Supraorbital (V1)
- Supratrochlear (V1)
- Infratrochlear (V1)
- Infraorbital (V2)
- Zygomaticofacial (V2)
- Long Buccal (V3)
- Mental (V3)

Also, which CN innervates these?

- Zygomaticus minor
- Zygomaticus major
- Depressor anguli oris
- Orbicularis oris
- Orbicularis oculi
- Occipitofrontalis, frontal belly
Innervated by CN VII
Also name the exact nerve branches that innervate these.

- Occipitofrontalis, frontal belly - innervated by temporal branch of VII.
- Occipitofrontalis, occipital belly - innervated by posterior auricular branch of VII.
Also, what is the action of the muscle?

- Long buccal branch of V3 (sensory!)
- Buccinator - it keeps food in your mouth.

- Superficial temporal artery
- Temporal nerve
- Zygomatic nerve
- Buccal nerve
- Mandibular nerve
- Cervical nerve
- Great auricular nerve (from cervical plexus)
- Lesser occipital nerve (from cervical plexus)

- Superficial temporal artery
- Occipital artery
- Posterior auricular artery
- Maxillary artery
- Common carotid artery
- Facial artery
- Inferior labial branch of the facial artery
- Superior labial branch of the facial artery
- Infraorbital artery
- Angular artery
- Supraorbital artery

- Pterygoid plexus
- Retromandibular vein
- Internal jugular vein
- Facial vein
- Ophthalmic veins
- Supraorbital veins

What did #1 arise from?

- Supraorbital vessels (the artery came from the ophthalmic artery, a branch of the ICA)
- Transverse facial vessels
- Facial vessels
- Superficial temporal vessels

What is the clinical significance of this setup?

- Superior and inferior ophthalmic veins
- Cavernous sinus
- Pterygoid plexus
Infection on the face (the danger triangle) can travel through the cavernous sinus –> dural sinuses and infect the brain.

What is this triangle called? Where can an infection go from within this triangle?

Danger triangle. Infection can go to cavernous sinus –> dural sinuses and infect the brain.
Into which nodes to these drain?

- Occipital nodes
- Mastoid nodes
- Parotid nodes
- Buccal nodes
- Submandibular nodes
- Submental nodes
- Deep cervical nodes - they all drain to these
Also, which cranial nerve are these branches of?

- Posterior auricular branch
- Stylomastoid foramen
- Temporal branch
- Zygomatic branch
- Buccal branch
- Mandibular branch
- Cervical branch
Two Zebras Bit My Cat Posteriorly

Also, what large structure has been cut away?

- Auriculotemporal nerve
- Retromandibular vein
The parotid gland is missing.

What happened?

Mumps, a viral disease that spreads through saliva. Parotid gland is swollen
Serves him right for kissin that girl
What happened? What structures are at risk during excision of these?

Parotid tumor. Branches of the facial nerve are at risk during surgery.
Name the muscles, origins, insertions, actions, and innervation.

- Temporalis muscle originates on the side of the skull and inserts on the coronoid process of the mandible. It elevates and retrudes (posterior fibers) the mandible.
- Masseter muscle originates on the deep surface of the zygomatic arch and attaches on the angle of the mandible. Elevates the mandible.
Both are innervated by V3
Name the muscles, origins, insertions, actions, and innervation.

- Lateral pterygoid muscle - Upper belly originates on infratemporal crest, lower belly originates on lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate. The two bellies come together and insert on the fovea of the mandible and partly on the articular disk of TMJ. It protracts and depresses the mandible.
- Medial pterygoid muscle originates from the tuberosity of the maxilla and the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate and inserts on the deep surface of the angle of the mandible. It can elevate mandible and move jaw from side to side.
Innervated by V3

- Articular eminence
- Mandibular fossa
- Articular disk
- Head of the mandibular condyle

Also state what the function of #1 is.

- Lateral temporo-mandibular ligament - prevents posterior and inferior movement
- Sphenomandibular ligament
- Stylomandibular ligament
Name the muslces and innervation. Which one keeps food in your mouth?

- Occipitofrontalis frontal belly - temporal branches of facial nerve CN VII
- Buccinator - buccal branch of facial nerve CN VII - keeps food in mouth
- Depressor anguli oris - buccal and mandibular branches of facial nerve CN VII
Name the muscles and innervation.

- Obicularis oculi - occipital part; facial nerve
- Obicularis oculi - palpebral part; facial nerve
- Temporalis muscle; V3 mandibular nerve
- Zygomaticus major; facial nerve
- Masseter; V3 mandibular nerve
- Zygomaticus minor; facial nerve
- Orbicularis oris; facial nerve
Also, which muscle does #2 pierce?

- Parotid gland
- Duct, pierces the buccinator muscle
Name the artery and what it arose from.

Facial artery, a branch of the external carotid artery
Name the artery and what it arose from.

Angular artery, terminal branch of the facial artery
Also, what did these arise from?

- Superior and 2. Inferior labial arteries, branches of the facial artery.
Name these arteries and what they arose from.

- Superficial temporal artery - parietal branch, arose from the maxillary artery (branch of the ECA)
- Superficial temporal artery - frontal branch, arose from the maxillary artery
- Supraorbital artery, arose from the ophthalmic artery (branch of the ICA)

Auriculotemporal nerve (V3)
Name this nerve and what it does.

Long buccal nerve (V3) - somatic sensory of the skin over the muscle (not motor to the buccinator - the buccal nerve from VII does that)
Name the muscle. Also, where on the mandible does it insert? What is its action? Innervation?

Lateral pterygoid muscle - upper and lower heads. Inserts on the fovea of the mandible. Protrudes the jaw. CN V3.
What is this place called? What nerve comes out here?

Stylomastoid foramen. Facial nerve (CN VII) comes out here.
Name this muscle and its attachments.

Medial pterygoid muscle. Originates on the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate and attaches to the inside of the mandible near the angle.
Also, state what #5 does.

- Hypoglossal nerve
- Occipital artery
- Maxillary artery
- Middle meningeal artery
- Chorda tympani - taste for anterior 2/3 of tongue, and visceral motor to submandibular and sublingual glands, piggybacks on #6 (lingual nerve)
- Lingual nerve (V3)
- Internal carotid artery