T8 (Population) Case Studies Flashcards
HIC / Ageing population
Japan (also can use UK)
- Fertility Rate: 1.25 (lowest since records began)
- Labour Shortage (slows economic growth), reduced tax base and strained pension system = 5-year project with more day-care centres and encourage male paternity leave
- Women put off having children (social attitude)
Johannesburg, South Africa
- Death rate tripled women age 20-39, doubled men aged 30-44 (AIDS)
- 900 die a day of HIV
- 5.5mn infected with HIV
- 140,000 in treatment programs (2003 target 380,000)
- 500,000 need AIDs drugs to survive
NIC / anti-natalist
China: One Child Policy in 1979
- tested on family planning, wage increase, bonus incentives
- Sex selective abortions, 9/10 girls died in orphanages within a year, spoilt children, gender imbalance, dependency imbalance
- Relaxed then withdrawn 2015
- now 30mn men can’t find a spouse and 32mn more men under 20 than girls
International Development Plans
2000 UN Millennium Development Goals (2015 replaced Sustainable Development Goals)
- Eradicate extreme poverty + hunger (reduce people living less $1 day 50%, reduce hunger 50%)
- Achieve universal primary education
- Promote gender equality + empower women (eliminate gender disparity education 2025, literacy parity men/women, women’s equal representation national parliaments)
- Reduce child mortality (under 5s to 2/3, universal child immunisation measles)
- Improve maternal health (reduce maternal mortality ratio 75%, increase access reproductive health)
- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria + other diseases (reverse spread/incidences diseases)
- Ensure environmental sustainability (reverse forest loss, halve proportion w/o improved drinking water + sanitation, improve lives 100mn slum dwellers 2020)
- Develop global partnership for development (reduce youth unemployment, increase internet use)
Tropical Impact Rainforest
Brazilian Rainforest
- once 10mn Indians living Amazon, now less 200,000
- Brazil = 58% land forest; rate removed 20,000km2 year
- Brazil $230mn debt imported oil 70s price rose
- N Brazil Grand Carajas Project = huge mining development produces 45mn tonnes iron ore year - 900,000km2 area, affect 23 tribal groups, $60mn spent rainforest conservation, deforestation, soil erosion, air + water pollution
- Mahogany m3 = £500 (illegally cut)- removing 1 tree = 27 others damaged + roads/tracks built
- 140 species lost day = 50,000 species year
- nature reserves - Tumucumaque National Park = 38,000km2 (world largest)
Tropical Impact Corals
Caribbean Coral Reefs
- Caribbean suffers hurricanes = break/flatten coral (surface run-off = sediment sea)
- over-fishing problem (trawlers drag nets, explosives, boats)
- land clearing + poor agricultural practices = erosion + sedimentation - fertiliser / pesticide sea = coral stress
- corals break acid sea increase CO2 atmosphere
- coral diseases = 80% lost 20yrs
- corals = tourist attraction; tourism = vegetation removal, more sewage, increased energy demand, reefs mined, snorkelling/diving, pollution - limit dives 6000 site year
Depletion of Renewable Resources 1
Aral Sea
- Border Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan
- shrinking / drying up - sea now divided in 2
- USSR era major cotton (“white gold”) growing region Fergana Valley = 6mn tonnes/yr produced
- Cotton grown in desert = need large amount water / irrigation - Dams / Canals on rivers diverted water to farms = less water reaching Aral sea (consequences ignored for profit)
- Declining water quality - sea saltier (evaporation / salt left in less water) - salinization - pollution from toxic chemicals (fertiliser etc.) - chemicals into rivers water back to sea
- wetlands deltas dried out = affects wildlife - fish/ birds declined - fishing industry collapsed/ factories closed
- large areas sea = barren lifeless salt pans
- wells dried out; water table dropped
- unemployment rose
- increased migration from area
- boats left “high + dry”
- decline local health from chemicals
Depletion of Renewable Resources 2
Dead Sea shrinking
- less 100mn rainfall year
- pop growth Israel (3mn 1970 - 8mn 2014), Jordn, Palestine - pop x3 since 1970
- River Jordan flows into Dead Sea - less input year
- R Jordan flow decrease 1300mn m3 yr 1960 - 20mn m3 yr (98% drop flow)
- Dead Sea 2m evaporation ponds responsible over 30% water lost
- agriculture 50% local incomes
- Dam + reservoir R Yanmouk
- 400mn m3 water for manufacturing potash - only 50% water returned sea
- 1965 Israeli Gov built National Water Carrier transport water R Jordan to Israel
- Jordan income risen $1000 yr 1970- $6000 2012
- countries food producers for Europe
- 1966 Jordanian Gov East Ghor Canal Yanmouk River (R Jordan tributary)
- R Jordan banks industry
- water irrigation cash crops inefficient
- sea lost 20mn m3 + 1/3 surface area 80yrs
- Dead Sea length reduced 75 to 55km - 1m reduction yr
Depletion Non-Renewable Resource
- phosphate-based fertilisers to increase yields = may run out phosphate - threat global food supply
- only just attracting attention 2009 Un discussion
- 62bn tonnes phosphate ground 15bn mineable (run out 50yrs) - rest impurities / offshore
- Morocco 26.7 gigatonnes, China 14.1, USA 4.6
- 2008 161mn tones mined globally
- fertiliser demand grow 2.5-3% year
- No single international organisation responsible phosphate resources
- Offshore / impurities being considered w/ demand eg Peru, Australia, Namibia deposits - company investment tech exploit these = more costly production
- supply concentrated hands few - China, morocco, USA, Russia = over 70% global phosphate deposits - strategic eg Morocco/ USA 2004 free trade agreement USA get phosphate when run out
- no substitutes
- (recovery/recycling) all domestic wastewater facilities Canada covered biological treatment systems = produce fertiliser meet 30% needs
Valuing the Oceans
- Ocean = $70trillion to global GDP
- tourism, carbon sink, flood protection, pharmaceuticals, fish/ seafood, HEP
- 50% worlds oxygen + stores 50x CO2 atmosphere
- climate regulation (covers 70% earth’s surface)
- 76% US trade involves marine transportation
- US ocean economy produces $282bn goods/services + ocean-dependent businesses employ 3mn ppl
- cost climate change on oceans = $2 trillion annually
- temp rise 4oc 2100 = $41.98trillion; rise 2.2oc = $612bn
- 147-216mn live on land will be below sea level end century
e-waste To
- 70% world’s electronic refuse sent there
- 120,000 locals work for industry (poor, many ex-farmers)
- Illegal disassembly by hand extreme health risks (10hrs day) e.g. respiratory + skin disease from pollution; brain damage from lead gas
- over 80% children pos for zinc poisoning
- River’s polluted as result
- 2012 China generated 11.1mn tonnes e-waste (5kg per person) (50mn generated globally)
- Guiyu, China e-waste capital world - industry worth $75mn town year - pop lead poisoning, cancer, miscarriages
Solid Domestic Waste
- UK 28mn tonnes year
- World cities 1.3bn tonnes year
- China urban pop throw 520mn tonnes waste day
e-waste From
- 2010 discarded 258.2mn computers, monitors, TVs, phones (66% recycled)
- 2011 12mn phones collected recycled, 120mn bought
- 2012 generated 10mn tonnes (per capita 29.5kg)
Circular Economy International
EU Extended Producer Responsibility
- EU moving towards circular economy = 400,000 new jobs + 20,000 jobs from increasing recycling targets
- shift financial responsibility disposal producers = incentive design
- Many European nations EPR laws increase reuse + recycling plastics, diverting plastics to power plants use fuel (waste-to-energy process)
- 9 European nations banned landfills = 90-100% plastics recycled or used energy production
- Europe 2012 25.2mn tons post-consumer plastic - 26% recycled, 36% recovered for fuel, 38% landfill
- 2015 European Commission submitted Circular Economy Package to European Parliament
WEEE Regulations
- UK law 2014
- legislation EU since 2003
Circular Economy Local
Suzhou New District, China
- 4000 manufacturing firms linked operations eg circuit boards manufacturers use copper from other companies wastes
SDW Disposal Recycling
- 2005 UK plastic 43% recycled, 57% exported recycling to Asia (concern if reach recycling plants)
SDW Disposal Incineration
- accounts for 4.8% electricity + 13.7% domestic heat consumption Denmark
SDW Disposal Landfill
- USA 1900 landfill sites
- largest Puente Hills LA - over 160m high, 60yrs decomposing rubbish - produces enough methane to generate electricity 70,000 homes
Global Waste Problem
Pasic Ocean
- last 10yrs made more plastic than century before
- whales / animals die plastic in digestive system
- 63bn gallons oil used year to supply USA w/ plastic water bottles - 50% used once
- plastic durable = all pieces still exist
- over 80% ocean plastic from land sources
- 8mn tons plastic dumped ocean year
- Plastic:Plankton = 1:2 Mediterranean
- 5 trillion pieces plastic afloat Oceans
- (North) Pacific garbage patch (small broken down plastic surface, large sinks) - microplastics water borne radiation into food chains
- endocrine disruptors mimic hormones = interfere development, metabolism, reproduction, growth
- record 276 pieces plastic 90 day old chick = 15% body weight
- 92.6% Americans over 6 detectable levels BPA bodies
Issue Plastic Oceans
- Sinopec chinese oil company make nurdles spilt plastic beach = Rapid action plan, civilian help, took responsibility, 5-6 pellets in each fish = local fishing industry destroyed, facebook info shared
Reactions Plastic Oceans
- Lidl, G return bottles scheme = 25p bottle
- Rwanda banned plastic bags
- Plastic bank made plastic waste currency Haiti alleviate poverty - collect plastic for solar charging
- Plastic bottles Bristol marathon created artwork whale
Sustainable Tourism (Increasing Carrying Capacity)
Casuarina beach club, Caribbean Islands
- Hotel sound environmental practice, conserves natural resources, staff w/ environmental awareness training, composts, reuses, recycles, promotes local culture eg furniture bought locally, protects turtle nesting habitats, conserves coastal forest strip as hurricane defence
- collected + modified 320 plastic containers for garbage collection in guest rooms
- requested less packaging from suppliers eg ketchup bottles over sashays
- low-flow devices showers/taps + waste-water beach showers irrigate gardens + rules towel washing = reduced water loss
- use degradable plastic bags only
- employ locals
- 2005 club bought = no longer sustainable but Caribbean Alliance for sustainable tourism
USA = 12.22/gha per person
0.78/gha per person
EF Reduction
- 4th highest EF per person (12th total)
- 4.7 earths needed if all lived like Canadians
- 6th highest biocapacity / 4th per capita
Calgary city
- 2005 EF study showed EF per capita exceeded Canadian average 30% (9.8 global hectares per person)
- Reducing EF now = one 114 targets imagineCALGARY (city’s sustainability vision)
- aims reduce EF to national average 7.25 by 2036
- Worked reduce CO2 emissions = efficiency improvement energy-intensive operations, LEED-certification new buildings / energy efficient renovations old, energy-efficient street lighting, modernisation public transport
- Environmental goals - climate change action plan, land + transport plan (Plan It Calgary), environmentally-friendly budgeting / city planning, light rail system powered by renewable energy - ENMAX’s wind-power park