(T3) Lecture 10b - Ingredients in pet foods Flashcards
What do dogs and cats have a demonstrated requirement for?
Dogs and cats have a demonstrated requirement for specific nutrients but NOT a requirement for specific feedstuffs to be included in their diet.
Why is this statement important?
- We use ingredients to provide nutrients
What might be an important reason to investigate the ingredient composition of pet food?
Ingredients can also supply functionality to the kibble, such as taste, colour, gut heath
*way less important relative to human nutrition
What are 5 ingredient characteristics?
- Nutrient characteristics
- total content known
- bioavailability generally poorly described (no facilities to look at ileal cannulation of dogs/cats) - Functional characteristics
- hard to define in pet models
- anything you can do on the outside is not too difficult (ex. hair coat, ultrasound, cat scan)
- the moment it becomes invasive the fxnl characteristics that could be explored often aren’t for cats and dogs - Feed processing characteristics
- ingredients impact extrusion and shape of dry food - Taste characteristics
- Colour characteristics
- owner preferences
Importance of Food Quality Evaluation: Input, Output, Pet
- ingredients
- intake
- feces; stool Q
- companionship
- Growth: animal health and welfare
What are overall concerns for animal origin ingredients?
- Animals carry a lot of material around in the GI tract and we want to ensure food safety with ingredients coming from slaughter plant
- Need to get rid of pathogenic bacteria, using high temp but concern about bioavailability
There is large range in ‘quality’ among animal origin feedstuffs, why?
- Ranging from meat (high price and value) to co-products from slaughter plants (low price and value)
- Off grade for humans (such as organs) can be perfectly valid and safe pet food
What ingredients do we expect to see more in dog than cat diets?
Plant origin ingredients
- But surprisingly, cats can tolerate important quantities of plant products
What are overall concerns for plant origin ingredients?
Antinutritional factors
- ex. legume bean have ANF to protect themselves but can also affect animals ingesting them
What is Brewer’s Rice?
Dried extracted co-product of rice from the manufacture of wort or beer; may contain pulverized dried spent hops
- Brewers rice is a mixture of broken rice, rice bran and rice germ
What does the nutritional composition of brewer’s rice depend on?
Source and processing
DM: brewers grain > broken rice
CP: brewers grain > broken rice
Fat: brewers grain > broken rice
Starch: broken rice> brewers grain
ADF: brewers grain > broken rice
CF: brewers grain> broken rice
Lys brewers grain > broken rice
What is a concern for brewer’s rice? Why pick rice?
- Fiber
- Anytime you do a process on an ingredient with variability of a nutrient profile, variability of the nutrient profile transfer s to the coproduce
- Also need to be mindful of mycotoxins in these ingredients that survive and end up in coproducts
What are concerns for poultry by-product meal?
- Food safety
- Variability
- have a system set up for rapid ingredient evaluation to characterize the batch of ingredients and readjust the diet formulation if needed
How are lysine digestibility and availability related?
Lysine digestibility does not equal lysine availability!
- As lysine is heat treated, availability decreases but still appears to be digestible for a high percentage = heat treated lysine can be digested but is not absorbed in the form the animal can use (therefore availability is low)
What are unique about pulse ingredients (such as lentils)? What is a concern for this feedstuff?
Unique: high in starch and protein
- becoming a popular ingredient due to being able to mkt it as “grain free”
Concern: ANF
What is a concern for fish meal as an ingredient despite being a high quality protein?
It’s a non-sustainable way of sourcing ingredients
What are characteristics of powdered egg albumin?
- Egg waste comes from egg processing facilities
- Egg white is >90% water; its sticky and acts as a binding agent in pet food
- Very high quality protein source
- No fat
- Lactose-free
- BUT may contain dangerous pathogens like Salmonella
What are characteristics of Brewer’s Yeast?
- By-product of brewing beer; inactivated, non-living, dried yeast
- Protein source
- B-vitamin source
- Help fight bacteria that cause infections in the intestine
- Help relieve diarrhea
- Can be used to increase palatability
What are 3 factors of starch to consider
- Starch Origin
- Grain, Pulse, Tuber
- Amylose vs. Amylopectin
- Protein starch matrix - Resistant starch
- Processing
- High moisture and temp disrupt crystalline structure
- Gelatinization and retrogradation
- Influence RS formation