(T2) Lecture 7a - Nutrient requirements of working dogs and behaviour Flashcards
Muscles in dogs are adapted to use what?
- most muscle fibers are highly oxidative
- metabolize more free fatty acids
- dogs are really good at beta-oxidation in the mitochondria (LCFA go into mito, where there is B-oxidation to create energy)
What metabolic process is used for fat oxidation?
Generally, what are the nutrient requirements of working dogs?
Have higher requirements for energy, but also protein, minerals and vitamins
What do nutrient requirements of working dogs depend on?
- environment (temp and humidity)
- duration (mins, hrs)
- intensity of exercise (sprinting, endurance)
- stress level
- dog’s body composition and temperament
What is the rule of thumb for MER of working dogs?
1.5 to 2.0 x MER of adult dog at maintenance
Requirement = maintenance + exercise
What is the energy requirement for sled dogs vs greyhounds?
Sled dogs
- in kennels and thermoneutral enviro: same energy needs as adult dogs at maintenance
- at -20, slight increase to 215 kcal ME from 130 due to energy needed to maintain body temp
Energy for movement is proportional to distance traveled rather than speed!!!!
- Greyhounds: racing over 500m 2x/wk = ~143 kcal ME x BW0.75
- Sled dogs: racing for 3 days
~1,003 kcal ME x BW0.75
What is the water requirement for sled dogs vs greyhounds?
Sled dogs
- water increases from 1 L/d w/o exercise to 5L/d during a race
- dehydration before race rather than after (dogs kept in pens w/o water before race) then given access immediately after
- why? lighter and a reward
What are the nutrient requirements of sled dogs vs greyhounds?
Sled dogs
- require high fat (>50% of energy), high protein (>30-40% of energy) diet
- less minerals and vitamins per unit energy bc of higher food intake
- higher level of antioxidant vitamins (E, C) for antioxidant effect
- moderately high fat (30-50% of energy), moderate protein (24% of energy) diet
Why do sled dogs require less minerals and vitamins per unit of energy because of higher food intake?
- we express requirements per unit of energy
- for sled dogs energy requirements skyrocket, 6-8x more
- but the requirement for vitamins and minerals does NOT increase 6-8x = reduce the ratio of vit/min to energy
4 points about feeding behaviour in dogs
- dogs hunt in packs and are omnivorous
- prior to domestication - dogs eat fewer, larger, more variable meals/day than cats
- Dogs adjust food intake to diet energy density
- Dogs drink more water/kg BW than cats
Why is it difficult to assess normal behaviour in dogs?
How do dogs respond to food variety?
Response to food variety
- Preference for specific types of foods (taste, texture)
- Prefer novel foods and flavors to familiar foods (risk: overeating and obesity)
Eating too rapidly (social facilitation)
- perhaps leftover of competitive behaviour
Garbage eating
- Normal? Could be attention seeking or attracted to decomposing food waste
- Preference of decomposing food
- Health consequences: mild gastroenteritis or serious intoxication
- Prevent access to garbage
Grass eating
- Dogs naturally would eat herbivore prey
- Viscera of prey often eaten first
- Contains partially digested vegetable material
- Dogs like taste and texture of plants
Begging for food
- Whining, barking, nudging and scratching
- Increases with age
- Good training
Hoarding/burying food
- Hide treats or extra food
- Believed to originate from wolves
- Consumption of feces
- More disturbing than harmful
- Bitches eat feces of puppies during first 3 wks of lactation
- Behavioural problem
Appetite for and ingestion of non-food items
- mineral deficiencies, permanent anxiety and psychological disturbances, zinc intoxication, hepatic encelophalopathy
- behaviour, boredom
In summary, what are the energy requirements of working dogs?
- Energy requirements drastically increase depending on the extent of the exercise
- Working dogs can make extensive use of fat as energy source during exercise (spare glycogen)
Strong relation between food and ________