T3: Informatics Flashcards
What are medical informatics?
the field of information science concerned with the analysis, use and dissemination of medical data and information through the application of computers to various aspects of health care and medicine
What is clinical informatics?
Pharmacy informatics represents informatics applied specifically to pharmacy and is a type of clinical informatics.
Where did informatics?
the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
What is the requirement to utilize informatics?
emphasizes the importance of health care providers’ ability to use timely, relevant, and authoritative information that is critical to providing quality patient care
Categories of information managed in electronic environments
- Patient records
- Medication usage information
- Insurance information
- Laboratory tests/results
- Medication administration histories
What is pharmacy infomractics?
The use and integration of data, information, knowledge, technology, and automation in the medication use process for the purpose of improving health outcomes
What does pharmacy informatics focus on?
the use of information (including data and knowledge) and technology (including automation) to specifically address the medication use process
What is the goal of pharm informatics?
to enable the attainment of optimal patient outcomes through the use of HIT to manage medication-related information
What is the medication use process?
a system comprising a group of interconnected parts that work together to achieve safe and effective medication therapy, ultimately leading to positive patient outcomes
What are business intelligence and analytics?
Tools that can be used to convert raw data into valuable information to improve overall performance
List the benefits associated with interoperability
List the characteristics of a closed-loop medication management system.
What are components of medication use process?
- Monitor
- Prescribe
- Transcribe
- Dispense
- Administer
What are the key concepts of administration?
right patient, right medication, right route, right dose, and right time
What are the roles of pharmacy infrmraticians?
1.Participation in all aspects of informatics that support the medication use process.
2. Leadership that focuses on informatics to enable safe medication use.
3. Education at the local and national levels to prepare pharmacists for informatics in practice.
4. Research into various technical, workflow, outcomes, and related considerations.
What are clinical decision support systems?
use patient-specific information and knowledge-based information to identify potentially critical situations or errors in care.
What are used to generate medication orders?
- E-scripts
What are pharmacy info management systems?
administrative and clinical systems that support the pharmacist’s daily medication management activities
What is benefits of interoperability?
- Allow communication between computers in different settings
- Financial implications
- Prescription drug utilization -> important part of current US healthcare system
- The ability to utilize clinical or administrative data generated in various healthcare settings creates problems
List the characteristics of a closed loop medication management system?
- Electronic patient health record
- Provider order entry process
- CDS systems that evaluate orders at entry & when orders are changed based on the patient’s condition
- Preparation & distribution automation that uses automatic identification & other information technology to verify that medications in response to specific orders were appropriately selected and prepared
- Computer-based, patient bedside verification of medications at administration
What is PIMS
backbone of the medication use process technology
1. Verification of prescribed orders
2. Structured ordering
3. Online drug information support
What are the benefits of preparation and dispensing systems?
Improve patient care, customer service, and utilization of available resources
What is barcode medication administration?
- Technology that performs safety checks for the process that is highly prone for errors
- Based on the “Five Rights” principle
- Nurse scans ID badge, scans barcode on medication package, then scans barcode on patient wristband
What is eMAR?
- Provides real-time, accurate medication information for the healthcare team
- Tool for medication documentation, therapeutic assessment & treatment, monitoring, quality & compliance measurements
What are medication infusion devices?
- Provides precise delivery of medication
- Potentially prevent severe or fatal medication errors, when integrated with CDS tools