T2 L2: Maternal hyperglycaemia during pregnancy Flashcards
What is gestational diabetes defined as?
Diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance causing a fasting glucose of >5.6mmol/l or 2 hour glucose of >7.8mmol/l
How does the maternal metabolic system change as the pregnancy develops?
Early pregnancy is facilitated anabolism
- Increased insulin sensitivity
- Glucose concentration is slightly higher
- Increased maternal energy stores
Later pregnancy is facilitated catabolism
- Increased insulin resistance
- Increased transplacental passage of nutrients causing rapid foetal growth
What is anabolism?
The synthesis of complex molecules in living organisms from simpler ones together with the storage of energy; constructive metabolism.
How does maternal hyperglycaemia mess with the mother and child during the 1st trimester?
Increased foetal abnormalities Eg. hydrocephalus, meningomyelocele, congenital heart disease, single ventricle, sacral dysgenesis, renal agenesis
Abnormal placental programming leading to increased risk of pre-eclampsia and excessive glucose transport
What is pre-eclampsia?
High blood pressure during pregnancy and after labour
What is a meningomyelocele?
When a sac that contains spinal fluid pushes through the gap in the spine
What is sacral dysgenesis?
Abnormal development of the lower spine
How is foetal malformation in maternal hyperglycaemia prevented?
Good diabetes control and folic acid 5mg/day
What is macrosomia?
Babies born larger than average
What are the problems with macrosomia?
- Difficult birth
- Shoulder dystocia
- Breathing problems
- Jaundice
- Hypoglycaemia
- Death (sometimes sudden)
What problems does hyperglycaemia during pregnancy cause for the mother in the future?
- Obesity
- Insulin resistance
- Type 2 diabetes
- Dyslipaemia
- Hypertension
- Vascular disease
What is screened for to detect the risk of gestational diabetes?
- Previous gestational diabetes
- Obesity
- Family history
- High risk racial groups
- Older age
When does gestational diabetes screening happen?
At 26-28 weeks and its universal
What is the treatment for hyperglycaemia during pregnancy?
- Good maternal control of glucose
- Appropriate nutrition
- Reasonable exercise
- Ultrasound monitoring of foetal abnormalities every month from week 28
- Maternal observation of foetal movements
What are the tests for hyperglycaemia?
Fasting glucose: <5.1 mmol/l
1 hour postprandial glucose: <7mmol/l
Foetal abdominal girth: <70th centile
What is the drug treatment for gestational diabetes?
Basal bolus of insulin regimen
What advice is given to the mother after a hyperglycaemic pregnancy?
- Encourage breast feeding
- Maintain good glycaemic control to prevent excess glucose in milk and to reduce maternal weight gain
- Encourage long-term glycaemic control