T2 L14: Urological development Flashcards
What is Mayer-Rokitansky syndrome?
A disorder affecting the female reproductive system
Causes agenesis of the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and associated commonly with absent kidneys
What is Vesicular urinary reflux (VUR)?
When urine goes back up into the kidneys because the bud of the kidney develops more laterally so the submucosal canal doesn’t form properly close to the detrusor muscle
It’s the most common cause of surgical UTI or there can be an antenatal diagnosis
What is Pilonephritis?
Kidney infection that begins as a UTI
How is Vesicular urinary reflux (VUR) treated?
- Many will stop refluxing after the age of 5
- Prophylaxis is given
- Mostly inoperative
- A valve can be created surgically
What is hydronephrosis?
A dilated collecting system usually caused by an obstruction
What is a mega-ureter?
A ureter that is wider than normal
What is posterior urinal valve (PUV)?
Obstructive membranes that develop in the urethra of men because theirs is longer. It usually presents in the neonatal period
It causes less fetal urine production so less amniotic fluid which can cause growth restriction. Lungs will be underdeveloped because amniotic fluid is needed for lungs to develop
What is the treatment for a posterior urinal valve (PUV)?
Drains can be put in but there are many complications
What is a buried penis?
When the penis and scrotum develop to look like 1 but it can be corrected surgically.
If the testes are formed, everything will be okay
What is hypospadias?
When the urethral opening is not at the tip of the penis and it can vary is severity.
If the opening is close to the scrotum, the bot will be infertile
What is a uterocele?
A swelling at the bottom of one of the ureters preventing urine flow
What happens to the processes vaginalis in an inguinal hernia?
The processes vaginalis isn’t completely obliterated
In a complete hernia, the entire processes vaginalis isn’t obliterated
What is a hydrocele of the cord?
A collection of fluid in what should be an obliterated processes vaginalis
What is a communicating hydrocele?
Communication into the abdominal cavity because the processes vaginalis didn’t close
What does UDT stand for?
Undescended testes
What is the incidence of undescended testes?
3.4% of boys but 20% in preterm infants
Why can’t some undescended testes be brought down?
Because the blood supply and cords are not long enough
Where can ectopic testes develop?
Abdominal wall, thigh, base of penis
What is the most reliable investigation for an impalpable testes?
A laparoscopy
What is the Fowley-Stephens technique?
Clipping and transecting the testicular vessels to allow the testes to survive