T2 - Blueprint (Josh) Flashcards
— are the mental skills that are coordinated in the brain’s frontal lobe.
Executive Functions
- lost with NCD
Types of Crisis
- Dispositional
- Anticipated Life
- Traumatic Stress
- Reflecting Psychopathology
- Developmental
- Psychiatric Emergencies
In family therapy, — is a three person emotional configuration that is considered a basic building block of the family system.
- reliance on different members of family instead of an equal continuation
Noncompliance is common with —
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Husband comes home with dirty shoes. Instead of being mad, the wife reorients her thinking to be thankful and view it as a sign of love b/c he works hard for the family.
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
a syndrome of confusion, loss or recent memory, and confabulation in alcoholics.
Korsakoff’s Psychosis
- often seen in those recovering from Wernicke’s Enephalopathy
— is a primary NCD
— is a secondary NCD
Alzheimer’s (or any organic brain disease)
any caused by another disease such as HIV, depression, etc
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
A condition in which an excessive amount of serous fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity
Occurs in response to portal hypertension
— is a persistent pattern of angry mood and defiant behavior.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
— is creating imaginary events to fill memory gaps to cover up/deny that memory problem exists.
NCD or Depression:
Oriented to time and place
— is the inability to carry out motor activities and eventually unable to care for self.
Lack of equal partnership b/t spouses.
Marital Skew
- ex: wife domineers husband and puts him down in front of kids
— is serious because is t a precursor to Antisocial Personality Disorder.
Conduct Disorder
— is NOT treatable.
- needs a heart transplat
According to ATI, alcohol intoxication occurs at BAC of —
According to the text, it occurs at —
0.08% (80 g/dl)
100-200 mg/dl
Meds for NCD:
- Antipsychotics
- Benzos
- Tricyclic Antidepressants
more in book
Peripheral Neuropathy and Wernicke’s Encephalopathy are the results of a deficiency in –
B Vitamins (Thiamine)
NCD or Depression:
Forgetful and confabulates
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
inflammation and pain in the esophagus. Occurs b/c of the toxic effects of alcohol on the esophageal mucosa.
Labs to test for Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy.
- CPK elevation
- AST elevation
- ALT elevation
- LDH elevation
— is another term for depression.
When caring for client’s with NCD, — is foremost.
Types of Crisis:
— normal life-cycle transitions that may be anticipated but over which the individual may feel a lack of control
Anticipated Life
Alcohol screening using CAGE:
- have you CUT down on your drinking?
- have people ANNOYED you by criticizing your drinking?
- have you felt GUILTY about your drinking?
- have you needed a drink first thing in the am as an EYE-OPENER?
NCD or Depression:
Wanders in search of familiar things.
— is the inablity to speak or express what they want to.
May forget meanings of words and names of things.
Enmeshment occurs in response to — —-
diffuse boundaries in which there is overinvestment, overinvolvement, and lack of differentiation b/t individuals
— is the inability to recognize familiar objects.
Types of Crisis:
— caused by situations that trigger emotions related to unresolved conflicts in one’s life
Drugs of choice to manage Tourette’s Syndrome:
- Haloperidol (only severe symptoms)
- Pimozide (not younger than 12)
- Atypical Antipshychotics
- Alpha Agonists
Types of meds to manage ADHD
- Antidepressants
- CNS Stimulants
- Atomoxetine
- Buproprion
- Centrally Acting Alpha Agonists
Need to do:
10f 11b 12a,b,e 14a,b,i 15
Hallucinations and Illusions are common w/ —
Death could result from BAC levels of —
greater than 0.35% (300 g/dl)
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
Veins in the esophagus become distended b/c of excessive pressure from defective blood flow through the cirrhotic liver
Esophageal Varices
NCD or Depression:
Better as day progresses.
In — —, there is a persistent patter of behavior in which basic rights of others are violated.
Conduct Disorder
— are common in alcohol withdrawal.
D.T.’s (Delirium Tremens)
Types of Crisis:
– general function has been severely impaired and the individual rendered incompetent or unable to assume personal responsibility
Psychiatric Emergencies
How many positive symptoms of schizophrenia must one have?
- Hallucinations
- Disorganized Thinking/Speech
- Disorganized Behavior
— have to do with the 5 sense.
- Visual
- Auditory
- Tactile
- Gustatory
- Olfactory
When a family member is the target of projection.
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
Can be acute or chronic and affects the pancreas
If Delirium is caused by substance withdrawal, which med do we use?
Syndrome of chronic and possibly progressive intellectual and functional impairment involving memory, language, emotion, cognition, and changes in personality.
Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD)
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
Occurs in response to the inability of the diseased liver to convert ammonia to urea for excretion
The continued rise in serum ammonia, if allowed to progress, leads to coma and eventual death
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Types of Crisis:
— precipitated by an unexpected external stressor over which the individual has little/no control and as a result of which he/she feels overwhelmed and defeated
Traumatic Stress
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
Characterized by peripheral nerve damage that results in pain, burning, tingling, or prickly sensations of the extremities
Peripheral Neuropathy
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
Paralysis of the ocular muscles, diplopia, ataxia, somnolence, stupor
Wernicke’s Encephalopathy
- death will result of thiamine replacement therapy isn’t started quickly
Seeing what’s not there is —
Seeing what’ there and confusing it with something else is –
— is exagerated correctness among family members during family therapy.
— are fixed false beliefs.
Which cognitive test is used to assess for NCD?
Mental Status Exam (p. 342)
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
alcohol negatively affects the heart by lipid accumulation in the myocardial cells, resulting in enlargement and a weakened condition. (Generally relate to CHF or arrhythmia)
Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy
The most serious result of thiamine deficiency in alcoholics is —
Wernicke’s Encephalopathy
Which meds are given to offset the - agitation - aggression - hallucinations - illusions common w/ Delirium?
Neuroleptics (antipsychotics)
— is an acute, time-limited event during which a client experiences an emotional response that cannot be managed w/ the client’s normal comping mechanisms.
— are misinterpretations / misconceptions of the environement
Examples of Negative symptoms of Schizo?
- Affective flattening
- Alogia
- Avolition/Apathy
- Anhedonia
- Social Isolation
A state of severe chronic disequilibrium and discord w/ recurrent threats of separation.
Marital Schism
Types of Crisis:
— preexisting psychopathology has been instrumental in precipitating the crisis or it significantly impairs or complicates adaptive resolution
Reflecting Psychopathology
Types of Crisis:
— is an acute response to an external situation.
NCD or Depression:
Rapid Onset
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
Caused by overworking the liver trying to assimilate large amounts of alcohol
Formation of nodules, or lumps, of regenerating liver cells. Liver cells replaced with connective tissue (fibrosis).
Cirrhosis of the Liver
CNS stimulants for ADHD
- troamphetamine
- methylphenidate
- pemoline
- dextroamphetamine/amphetamine
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
he effects of alcohol on the stomach (inflammation of the stomach lining characterized by epigastric distress, nausea, vomiting, and distention.
Detoxification occurs when?
4-12 hrs of cessation or reduction if it’s really heavy useage
— is when symptoms of NCD worsen at sunset/evening.
NCD or Depression:
No change in concentration.
NCD or Depression:
Consistently poor performance instead of variable performance.
When client’s with a coexisting substance disorder along with a mental disorder.
Dual Diagnosis
— is persistently repeating the same word or idea in response to different questions.
In — —, there is fat globules in the stool (Steatorrhea)
Acute Pancreatitis
The main defense mechanism of substance abusers is —
Complication from ETOH Abuse:
Elevation of BP through the portal circulation results from defective blood flow through cirrhotic liver
Portal HTN
— is the most popular screening tool for alcohol abuse.
CAGE questionnaire
Centrally Acting Alpha Agonists for ADHD.
- Clonidine
- Guafacine
An acute and rapid onset of disturbance in attention, awareness, and cognition.
— includes presence of multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics.
Tourette’s Syndrome
NCD or Depression:
Unchanged appetite instead of worsening appetite.
does not remember to eat, but appetite isn’t changed
In — —, the Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) works together to orchestrate a therapeutic environment.
Milieu Therapy