T1 - Blueprint #1 (Josh) Flashcards
All behavior has —–
—- is a life-threatening neurological disorder often caused by an adverse reaction to anti-psychotic drugs.
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Symptoms of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome:
- high fever
- sweating
- unstable BP
- stupor
- muscular rigidity
- autonomic dysfunction
Hans Seyle described which response to stress?
GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome)
— is a set of involuntary biochemical and physiological changes that occur whenever we are faced w/ a challenging situation.
GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome)
In the initial alarm, what is released?
- fight or flight
What are the stages of GAS?
Adaptation or Exhaustion
Who coined the word ‘stress’?
Who developed the ‘Recent Life Changes Questionnaire’?
Holmes & Rae
- also determined that stress is something triggered by our environment
What is Miller & Rahe’s approach to defining stress?
stress is an environmental event that triggers our response
limits is that it doesn’t take into account our coping skills, support structure, or perception of life events
Lazarus and Folkman described stress as —-
a transaction b/t the individual and the environment
What predisposing factors influence how a person perceives and responds to a stressful event?
- Genetic Influence
- Past Experience
- Existing Conditions
Which coping strategy is protective and restores and maintains to the extent possible both physical and psychological homeostasis?
Adaptive Coping Strategy
Which coping strategy is it when the conflict is not resolved or intensifies?
Maladaptive (Complicated) Coping Strategy
Herbert Benson described which Adaptive Coping Strategy?
Relaxation Response
- has to do w/ release of Nitric Oxide (vasodilator which lowers BP)
Examples of Maladaptive Coping Strategies:
- distancing
- diversion
- blame shifting
- wishful thinking
- alcohol
- etc.
— is the conscious core of the personality.
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development:
- Trust v. Mistrust (b-1)
- Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt (1-3)
- Initiative v. Guilt (3-6)
- Industry v. Inferiority (6-12)
- Identify v. Role Confusion (12-20)
- Intimacy v. Isolation (21-40)
- Generativity v. Stagnation (40-65)
- Integrity v. Despair (65 and up)
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
- Physiological
- Safety/Security
- Love/Belonging
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Actualization
—- is a quality, attitude, and behavior of caring. Understanding another person’s feelings.
—- of communication is nonverbal.
Components necessary to build a therapeutic relationship.
- Rapport
- Trust
- Respect
- Genuineness
- Empathy
Stages of Relationship.
- Preinteraction Stage
- Orientation (Introductory) Stage
- Working Phase
- Termination Phase
—- is the nurse’s ability to be honest, open, and ‘real’ in interactions w/ client.
In what stage of the relationship does the nurse identify the client’s strengths and weaknesses.
Orientation (Introductory) Stage
—- occurs when the client unconsciously displaces to the nurse feelings formed toward a person from his/her past.
Peplau’s Four Levels of Anxiety:
- Mild
- Moderate
- Severe
- Panic
Physical symptoms of severe anxiety:
- Headache
- Trembling
- Insomnia
- Pain
The greater the anxiety, the greater the risk for —- and —- and —- in relating to others.
—- —- occurs with those anticipating the death of a loved one.
Anticipatory Grief
- grieving process is completed prematurely