T1 (ST-3) Stages of Development of IR Flashcards
04 Stages of Development of International relations was given by?
- Kenneth W. Thompson
- American author
> known for his contributions to normative theory in international relations.
First stage of development in International relations?
-Starts in the end of WW 1
>In which International Relations was taught by diplomatic historians
Second stage of development in International relations?
-Starts after the end of WW1
>wherein the study of Current Affairs given emphasis
Third stage of development in International relations?
-Begin after WW1 ends and
>continues upto WW2’s end.
-Moralistic values were focused during this stage;
>Idealistic approach was prominent throughout this stage to avoid war
Fourth stage of development in International relations?
-Runs after WW2
-Focus of IR shifted to scientific analysis of international politics,
>determination of F.policy,
>techniques of F.policy,
>Mode of resolution of Intl conflict crises.
Fifth stage of development in International relations?
-Further stages added by different scholars
-This stage was surrounded by the post realist approach
>behavioural approach in study of IR
-Factors of IR emerged in this stage:
>interdependence, >Neo Liberalism, >Intl Organization, >Security communities >Dependency theory (1960)
>North South Parties,
>Demand for New Intl Order (NIEO)
Sixth stage of development in International relations?
- Late 70’s
- emerged with a new cold war
- USSR invaded Afghanistan
- USA development of Star wars prog threat the world
- Theory of Neo-Realism developed by Kenneth N. Waltz
Seventh stage of development in International relations?
-Came when Mikhail Gorbvech came to power with this new political thinking
-Major feature of the era:
>Balance of Interest instead of B. O. Power
+cooperation instead of confrontation
>Internationalisation instead of nationalisation
>Disarmament instead of armament
>De-ideologisation instead of ideologisation
>Detente instead of Cold War.
Eight stage of development in International relations?
-Began early 90’s with fall of Berlin wall and disintergeration of USSR
9th stage of development in International relations?
-When US emerged as Sole Superpower of the world
>Termed as Unipolarity
Tenth stage of development in International relations?
-Event of 911 changed the entire structure of the world politics
>Imp of Non state actors became an unformidable reality with start of war on terror.
Current Scnerio?
-Known as Post Withdrawl Scnerio
>Starts in 2017, again there is a global shift in world political scene
> New political reality emerges
-The world is at age of transformation and
>the Scholars are forcasting its change from Unipolarity to Multipolarity as
+ as the Russia is resurging
+ China, an economic giant
+ USA still militarity incompatible
+ Existence of EU
+ Emergence of new security and economc alliance and blocs such as SCO, ASEAN, BRICS.
Trump acendency to presidency?
-Scholars are concious about coming of Trump to power
>Predicting various new global shifts on the world scene (e.g) Cancellation of TTP by the incumbent.
Development of IR Quote?
-IR is of Recent origin, emerged after WW1 and rapidly grew after WW2.
-It is neither well organized nor fully developed,
>nor having complete conceptual framework yet.
-It has developed itself from allied branch of political science and history
>to an autonomous discipline.
Factors Contributed to the development of IR in the Post WW2 period?
-The fear of total war
-technological development
-Estab of UNO
-new states after decolonization
-Rise of tansnational and supranational agencies
-Economic inequality b/w North-South
-Concerns for
>Enviromental protection
>nuclearisationa & De-nuclearisation
-Bi-polarisation & Multipolarisaton
-Cold war detente
-Ideologisation & De-ideologisation
-Concerns for:
>and New World Order.
Major challanges to the IR as a discipline and obstacles in the way of maturity?
-World is facing new challanges which also creates obstacle for IR development as a discipline.
>Global Warming
>Economic Interdependence
>Nuclear Proliferation
>Widening Gap b/w global north and south
>International security and Global Terroism
>Cyber warfare.