2 MCQs Flashcards
The covenant of League of Nations ratified by how many people
League of Nations held its first meeting on:
10, January 1920
The Headquarter of the League of Nations was shifted from London to Geneva on
a. November 1, 1920
First chair of IR was set up in 1919 in:
The University of Wales, England
Mussolini came to power in Italy on:
a. October 31, 1922
The “Beer Hall Putsch” a conspiracy was hatched in:
a. November 1923
(Beer Hall Putsch secures Hitler’s rise to power. Adolf Hitler is sentenced for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch of November 8, 1923. The attempted coup in Munich by right-wing members of the army and the Nazi Party was foiled by the government, and Hitler was charged with high treason)
Great depression hit Europe in:
a. 1929-1930
Hitler came to power in Germany on:
a. January 30, 1933
Rome-Berlin Axis was a Coalition formed in 1936 between:
a. Italy and Germany
Anti-Commiturn Pact signed in
Nov. 25, 1936
by Germany and Japan
German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact was signed on:
a. August 23, 1939
. Neville Chamberlain, British PM and France Govt. adopted
“The policy of Appeasement in
Hitler invaded Poland on: »
a. Sept 1, 1939
Second World War started on:
a. Sept 1, 1939
Second World War ended on:
a. 10 th Aug 1945
Name the two opposing alliances of WW-II:
a. The Allies Vs the Axis powers
Which major countries were in the Allies Group?
a. Poland, UK, France, USSR, USA, Australia, Newzealand, British Commonwealth
Which major countries were in the Axis group?
Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary and Bulgaria
USSR became the part of the Allies Group on:
a. June 30, 1941
USA becomes the part of the Allies Group on:
a. Dec 7, 1941
Who attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941?
a. Japan
On June 6,1944, when the Allied countries invaded Germany from the beaches of Normandy
France, with almost 156000 troops is known as:
a. D-Day
USA prepared Atom bomb under the project name:
a. Manhattan Project
USA testified its first nuclear bomb, under the codename of Trinity, on:
a. 16 July, 1945
USA dropped first Atom Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, on:
a. August 6, 1945
USA dropped Second Atom Bomb on Nagasaki, Japan
a. August 9, 1945
What was the name of atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima?
a. Little Boy
What was the name of Atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki?
a. Fat Man
The Allied group met first time to discuss the war time strategy in November 1943 in:
a. Tehran Conference
Yalta Conference was a second war time meeting of the Allies “Big Three” which was held in:
a. February 1945
To deal with the Post-WW-II scenario, “the Allies’ Big Three” third meeting was held in July- August 1945 which is known as:
a. Potsdam Conference, Germany
Bretton Woods conference was held in:
a. July 1944
Bretton Woods conference was attended by:
a. 44 countries
The idea of World Bank officially began operations in:
a. June 1946
GATT signed on
October 30, 1947 and took effect on January 1, 1948
The Long Telegram written in
Feb 1946
US President Harry S Truman replaced President Franklin D Roosevelt on
a. 12th April, 1945
Truman Doctrine was announced on:
a. 12th March, 1947
Marshal Plan (also known as European Recovery Program) was given in:
a. 5th June 1947
The Marshall plan was named for Secretary of State:
a. George C. Marshall
The term Cold war was coined in
16t h April, 1947
by Bernard Berauch
Cold War is defined as:
a. “A war without fighting or bloodshed, but a battle nonetheless”
UNDHR (United Nations Declaration on Human Rights was signed on:
a. December 10, 1948
10th of December in every year is observed as the:
a. Human Rights Day
USSR detonated its first nuclear bomb under the code name of “First Lightning” on:
a. 29th August, 1949
Communist revolution occurred in China under the leadership of Mao Zedong on:
a. 1st October, 1949
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty) was established by the USA and other European countries
a. 4th April, 1949
The Warsaw Pact was a political and military alliance established by USSR and its allies
against NATO on:
a. 14th May, 1955
Current NATO members
Name the only Muslim member country of NATO?
a. Turkey