1 MCQs Flashcards
Magna Carta was signed on:
a. June 15, 1215
Magna Carta established, for the first time, the principle that:
a. Everybody, including the King, will subject to the law
Magna Carta was agreed by:
a. King John of England
Treaty of Westphalia was signed on
a. October 24, 1648
Treaty of Westphalia ended the:
a. Thirty Years War (1618-1648) in Europe
Westphalia is the name of the city of modern day
a. Germany
Treaty of Westphalia formally established the principle of
This treaty was foundation stone of nation state system
Meeting of Congress of Vienna was held in:
a. September 1814 to June 1815
Meeting of Congress of Vienna was held after the:
a. Napoleonic Wars
The main purpose of Congress of Vienna was
a. To draw out long-term peace plan for Europe
When United States of America gained independence from British colonial rule
a. July 04, 1776
How many American colonies revolted
a. 13
Thirteenth colony “New York” approved the Declaration on:
a. July 19,1776
Which Pamphlet was much influential in American
a. Common Sense published by Thomas Paine in January 1776
First American opposition to British policy came in 1765 after Parliament passed:
a. The Stamp Act
One of the major events of American Revolution was:
a. The Boston Tea Party of December 16,1773
The United States formally became a free and independent nation in 1783, with the signing of
The Treaty of Paris with Britian
French Revolution occurred in
a. 1789
French Revolution uprooted centuries-old institutions such as:
a. Absolute monarchy and the feudal system
In June 1793, the Jacobins unleashed the bloody:
a. Reign of Terror
Tennis Court Oath is associated with:
a. The French Revolution
What was the slogan of French Revolution?
a. Liberty, equality, fraternity
The French and American Revolutions:
a. Created new challenges to international society by raising the issue of nationalism while also leading to the creation of the Concert of Europe.
Immanuel Kant wrote the book in 1795:
a. “Perpetual peace: A philosophical sketch”
The international border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is called:
a. Durand Line
Durand line was demarcated between Amir Abdul Rehman of Afghanistan and Henry Mortimer Durand, Foreign Secretary of British Government in:
a. 1893
The Red Cross was founded by Henri Dunant in:
a. 1863
The First Geneva Convention was signed in:
a. 1864
The First Geneva Convention deals with the rights of:
a. The Prisoners of Wars (PoWs)
Monroe Doctrine was presented in Congress by American President James Monroe on:
a. December 2, 1823
Monroe Doctrine opposed the European colonialism in the:
a. American Continent
Karl Marx was a German philosopher wrote
Das Kapital in 1867
The Communist Manifesto, a pamphlet was written by:
a. Karl Marx (1848)
The First Hague Convention was signed in:
a. 1899
The Second Hague Convention was signed in:
a. 1907
The Hague Conventions are related to:
a. The Laws of War
First World War was started on:
a. 28th July, 1914 to 11th November, 1918
Which major countries were in the Allied group?
a. UK, France, Russia, USA, Italy
Which major countries were in the Central Powers?
a. Austria-Hungry, Germany, Othman Empire, Bulgaria
Bolshevik Revolutions occurred in:
a. Oct 1917
Who was Grigory Rasputin?
Lenin wrote the book in 1916:
a. “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
Bolshevik means:
a. Majority faction of communist party
Menshevik means:
a. Minority faction of communist party
Russia fought civil war from:
a. 1918-1922
The Armistice, which ended the WW-I, was signed on:
a. November 11, 1918
Treaty of Versailles was signed on:
a. June 28, 1919
Paris Peace Conference was convened in January 1919 and lasted till:
a. 20 January, 1920
The League was established by Part I of the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed on:
a. June 28,1919
The League of Nations formally comes into being when the Covenant of the League of Nation takes effect on:
a. January 10, 1920