systems microbiology Flashcards
term used to desrcribe species of gram neg bacilli that look like e.coli on gram fiilm
how do coliforms grow best
how are coliforms differenitated from each other
Biochemical reactions
Antigenic structure of cell wall (serotyping)
O antigens (cell wall) and H antigen (flagella)
eukaryotic disease of gi tract
e.coli spread
faecal oral route
undercooked food - bbq
e.coli symptoms
sevre bloody or non loody diarrhoea
c.diff treatment
oral vancoymycin
is c.diff positive or negative
gram positive
what may contain frimbriae
gram negative
what is bacterial sore throat caused by
strep pyogenes
16s RNA
a component of the prokaryotic ribosome 30S subunit
How is 16s rna identified
requires the comparison of a dna sequence with a refernce database to determine the species present
rapidly spreading,non-blanching, purpuric rash
neisseria meningitdes