Systems - FMDS Flashcards
The FMDS consists of what 4 components?
- Reversionary switch panel
- Electronic flight information system (EFIS)
- Multi function slew control
The MFD consists off what 4 main pages?
Primary flight display (PFD)
Navigation display (ND)
Engine caution and advisory display (EICAS)
Tactical map display (TAC)
The reversionary switch panel allows you to get _____ information scource
Airspeed indicator, altimeter and VSI gets information from the:
Air data computer (ADC)
Attitude indicator and Compass rose gets its information from the :
Embedded GPS inertial navigation system
EICAS and Power pot gets its information from the:
What do the MFSCs provide
The control of MFD cursor, cursor activation, menu activation and sceleciton
The 3 HSI sub modes
the 3 stabilator modes:
Auto mode (white)
Manual mode (yellow)
Limited auto mode ( wihite but with STAB DEGRADED advisory)
Does the 60M have a VSI or IVSI?
The High/Low Default setting on the radar altimeter is:
Low - 50ft
High - 200ft
The default QNH for the altimter is:
Yellow R in relation to wind readout indicates
Remembered wind
Strikes are depicted as ____ when stormscope is enabled?
What about cells?
Strikes = X
Cells = +
TGT will show on the power pod in what 3 conditions:
TGT above 793C
Difference ov 75C or over
below 55% NG