Systemic Disease And Genodermatoses Flashcards
Illicit drug use may lead to delusions of parasites. This condition is more commonly associated with what drug?
Which illicit drug can be associated with development of raynaud’s phenomenon?
Tooth decay and eventual loss of teeth are associated with chronic use of
“Skin tracks,” scars and hyperpigmentation from injecting illicit drugs can be located anywhere on the body but first signs are usually found
On the arms
Injecting an illicit drug under the skin (skin popping) is used by abusers of
Cutaneous symptoms of injecting illicit drugs may include
Hyperpigmented sites over veins, granulomas, abscesses
Development of acne type lesions in a male body builder may be linked to
Anabolic steroids
Porphyria disorders are caused by deficiency in
Heme biosynthesis pathway
The ratio of prevalence between acquired and hereditary etiology of porphyria cutaneous tarda is
3 to 1
A common trigger for porphyria cutaneous tarda is
The medications most often associated with an acute porphyria attack include
Treatment for non acute porphyria is
Phlebotomy of 500 ml of blood every 2 weeks
A deficiency of ferrochlatase is the etiology for
Erythropoietic Protoporphyria
Von Recklinghausen disease is another term for
Neurofibromatosis type 1
Crowe’s sign is the presence of
Intertriginous freckling
Plexiform neurofibromas are most commonly located on
Lisch nodules are most common in what age group?
Patients with neurofibromatosis should have periodic evaluation by their primary care provider, dermatologist and
Ophthalmologist and neurologist
The thick hyperkeratosus of epidermal and non-epidermal palmar plantar hyperkeratosis is colored
Keratolytics act by
Reduction of corneocytes
Star-fish shaped keratosis over the knuckles is a finding in
Vohwinkel syndrome
What keratoderma is associated with hyperhidrosis?
Pachyonychia congenital
A 5 year old female presents with her mother for treatment of a want. Mother states they’ve been using a home treatment of salicylic acid with no improvement. The lesion is on the right arm, linear, veruccal appearing and 7 cm in length. This lesion is most likely a
Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus(ILVEN) is a type of skin overgrowth, called epidermal nevus. It is characterized by skin colored, brown, or reddish, wart-like papules (nevi). The nevi join to form patches or plaques that often follow a pattern on the skin known as the “lines of Blaschko”
Icthyosis is a condition involving disorders of
Icthyosis vulgaris is due to a mutation in which gene
Which other dermatological conditions are often associated eith icythosis?
Atopic dermatitis
The mechanism of action for humectants is
Attraction of water into the epidermis
Which type of ichthyosis only occurs in males?
Steroid sulfates deficiency
Lamella ichythosis often causes eye problems if
Macrophage is a type of
Langerhan cells function as an
Antigen presenting cell
Langerhan cell histiocytoses occurs predominantly in which age group
Young children
Bony lesions of langerhan cell histiocytoses occur most commonly in which location?
Kidney shaped nuclei are likely to be demonstrated in the pathology of
Langerhan cell histiocytoses
The most common type of non-langerhan histiocytoses is
Juvenile xanthogranulomas
The lesions and pattern of those lesions in Hailey-Hailey disease can be similar to other dermatological conditions including
Intertrigo, candidates, darier’s
Darier’s disease is an
Autosomal dominant inheritance pattern
Most cases of Darier’s disease have an onset of what age range
6-20 years old
Darier’s disease is more common in
The pathogenesis of Darier disease is due to a mutation in ATP2A2 which causes a defect of what substance in the endoplasmic reticulum?
What is characteristic of the lesions associated with darier disease?
Hyperkeratotic reddish brown papules located on the trunk, longitudinal ridging of nails, keratotic papules located on the palmoplantar surfaces
The histology findings of a lesion of darier disease will demonstrate
Hyperkeratosis and acantholysis
A secondary mediator of pruritis is
Substance P
Which antihistamine blocks H1 and H2?
Eruptive xanthomas are reflective of increased levels in?
Topical treatment options for acanthosis nogricans includes
Muehrcke nails can be found in
Wilson’s disease is related to transport problems in?
Eruption of multiple seborrheic keratosis within a few months is seen in
Leser-Trelat Syndrome
Primary cutaneous forms of amylodosis
Macular, lichenoid, nodular
The “rippled” pattern of skin lesions in amylodosis can be seen in
Macular and lichenoid
The term macroglossia describes an enlarged
An example of psychophysiological disorders (where emotional distress can exacerbate symptoms)?
Examples of primary psychological disorder (where the condition causes cutaneous symptoms)
Delusions of parasitoses, OCD, trichotillomania
Examples of secondary psychological disorders (where a disfiguring skin condition causes psychological problems like depression)
Acne, vitiligo, alopecia