Dermatitis Flashcards
What drug classes precipitate mast cell degradation?
AsA, NSAIDS, opoiods, narcotics
What is 1st line treatment for atopic dermatitis?
If a pediatric patient is being treated with a low potency TCS on the arms with minimal clearing, what should the next step be?
Change to moderate potency TCS
An absolute contraindication for using phototherapy include
Xeroderma pigmentosum, Lupus erythematous, basal cell nevus syndrome
What should be done prior to a phototherapy treatment?
Apply eye goggles/protection, covering genitals and face, apply non-medicated emollients
What is the mechanism action for phototherapy?
Suppression of DNA synthesis and generation of prostaglandins & cytokines
Most case reports of eosinophilic pustules folliculitis are from what country?
The lesions of eosinophilic pustular folliculitis include
Pustules, eruptive nature, recurrent
The first line therapy for eosinophilic pustular folliculitis is
What medication class is most commonly associated with drug induced erythroderma?
Erythroderma is more common in
Adult males
The definition of erythroderma includes erythema and scale encompassing more than what body percentage?
When the etiology of erythroderma is not clear, close examination of what may give clinical clues?
Mortality associated with erythrodermic conditions in the elderly population is most likely associated with
High output cardiac output failure
About 33% of erythroderm cases are due to
The autoimmune disorder most closely associated with erythroderma is
Pemphigus foliaceous
Patients either asteoatotic eczema are how much more likely to develop Grover’s Disease?
5x more likely
Smooth papules of Grover’s Disease show acantholytoc cells patterned after which diseases
Hailey hailey, darier’s disease
What can trigger Grover’s Disease?
Ribavirin, UV exposure, heat, sweat
The potency of a corticosteroid in decreasing inflammation and controlling pruritis is based on:
Level of vasoconstrictive activity,vehicle, structure and concentration of the molecule
Vitamin D receptors have been identified in a number of skin cells including
Melanocytes and keratinocytes
First line treatment for intertrigo includes
Topical zinc
The medication of choice when treating intertrigo with a secondary fungal infection includes:
A wood’s lamp will fluoresce coral red if an area of intertrigo contained which organism?
Corynebacterium minutisssimun
Keratosis Polaris has the highest incidence in patients with
Which topical treatment of keratosis Polaris has demonstrated highest efficacy?
Lactic acid
Cutaneous lichen planus is often described with what descriptors?
Pruritic, planar, polyangular, purple, papule, polished and plentiful
Lichenoid drug eruptions are associated with what medications?
Thiazide diuretics
Lichen simplex chronicus is most comm9nly seen in
Women over 20 years of age
First line treatment strategy for lichen planus is
Topical corticosteroids
Lichen simplex chronically is often described as
Papules with aggregation into plaques with excoriations and heightened skin lines
True or false: Incidence of nummular eczema is increased in males
The most common location of nummular eczema in males is
The appropriate first line treatment for flares of nummular eczema is
High potency TCS
A pediatric patient presents to the office with the parent complaining of a white rash on the face. The lesions are small eith slight scale, other than appearance they are asymptomatic. The patient also has a history of atopic dermatitis. This condition is most likely:
Pityriasis alba
Nail changes associated with pityriasis rural Polaris include:
Yellow brown discoloration
A key clinical finding of pityriasis rubra pilaris includes:
Follicular hyperkeratosis
Pityriasis rubra pilaris is often confused with what other dermatological condition?
The classic adult type 1 presentation of pityriasis rubra pilaris accounts for what percentage of cases?
PLEVA is which form of pityriasis lichenoides?
Febrile ulceronecrotic Mucha-Habermann disease can involve
GI system
First line therapy for pityriasis lichenoides includes
The etiology of pityriasis rosea is postulated to be
PuPPP is more likely to occur in what trimester?
PuPPP lesions start in which area?
Abdominal straie
Which antihistamine therapy is generally considered safe to use in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?
PUPPP is more likely to occur in
Primiparous women
A 24-year-old pregnant female has been diagnosed with a severe case of PUPPP. She is on oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids with no relief. Her OB/GYN has agreed a short course of oral corticosteroids is needed. The starting dose of prednisolone should not exceed:
35 mg/day
A differential diagnosis for PUPPP is urticarial pemphigoid gestations. This condition can result in
Premature birth
Comorbidities seen in psoriasis patients may include:
Depression, rheumatologic disorders, crohn’s disease
Appropriate education prior to starting a patient on a biologic therapy include:
All appropriate live vaccines should be administered prior to the start of the biologic
The most prevalent form of psoriasis is:
What is true regarding the skin of patients over the age of 60?
Decrease in stratum corneum lipids, decrease in intercellular lipids, decrease in ceramide production
What acts as a humectant?
Xerosis cutis initially starts in which body location?
Results for patch testing are interpreted in which time frame?
48 hours, 72 hours and possibly a week
Dermatitis conditions that occur due to exposure of the urushiol chemicals are termed:
Rhus dermatitis
The type of dermatitis that occurs after exposure due to the fucocoumarin chemical followed by
What accurately describes the lesions found in contact dermatitis?
Lesions that have well defined lines of demarcation
A hairdresser who develops a contact dermatitis on the hands most likely has developed an allergic reaction to
The chronic phase of stasis dermatitis is characterized by
Thick skin