Syphilis Testing Flashcards
What is Syphilis caused by?
Bacteria called Treponema pallidum
What are the types of treponemal tests?
Darkfield microscopy
FTA-Abs (Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test)
TPI (Treponema pallidum immobilization test)
MHA-TP (Microhemagglutination assay)
What are the types of non-treponemal tests (reagin tests)?
VDRL - Veneareal disease research lab
RPR - Rapid plasma reagin test
What is the test of choice for screening CSF for Syphilis?
In regards to sensitivity and specificity, how does RPR differ from VDRL?
RPR is more sensitive but less specific than VDRL
What syphilis test is the most sensitive in all stages of infection?
FTA-ABS - fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
What three tests are the most sensitive in the primary stage of Syphilis infection?
FTA-ABS (most sensitive)
RPR (second)
VDRL (third)
What Syphilis tests are most sensitive in the secondary stage of infection?
All tests equally sensitive
What Syphilis tests are most sensitive in the late stage of infection?
FTA-ABS, MHA-TP, TPI, Reagin Tests (equal sensitivity)
Do RPR and VDRL tests screen or diagnose Syphilis?
RPR and VDRL (non-treponemal/reagin tests) screens for syphilis and are NOT diagnostic.
Treponemal tests are diagnostic