Syndromes Flashcards
Desmoid tumor
cytologically bland fibrous neoplasm with local infiltration, slowly enlarging, classically on anterior abdominal wall
from fibroaponeurotic tissue, can be multifocal and locally aggressive with high recurrence rate
associated with previous abdominal surgery or trauma
Assoc w/ inherited syndromes (FAP, Gardner)
Bx: spindle cells, fibrous stroma, +beta-catenin, +actin, +vimentin, -cytokeratin, -S-100
Tx: resection w/ wide margins. radiation for unresectable tumors
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Facial port-wine stain
leptomeningeal angioma
Seizures/Epilepsy Tram track calcifications U/L port wine stain/Weakness Retardation Glaucoma Eye (Bupthalmos)
MEN1 gene mutation
1) 4-gland parathyroid hyperplasia (Calc level)
2) Pancreatic islet cell tumors (MC non-functioning and gastrinomas) (Gastrin level)
3) Pituitary adenoma (MC prolactinomas) (Prolactin level)
Carcinoid syndrome
sxs that occur d/t well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor (NET)
MC location of tumor: rectum
2nd MC location: small bowel (ileum is MC)
Heart: pulm & tricuspid valve thickening/stenosis, endocardial fibrosis Liver: hepatomegaly GI: n/v/d, cramps Skin: flushing, cyanosis Resp: cough, wheezing, SOB retroperitoneal & pelvic fibrosis
mutation of APC gene on 5q21. AD (10% don’t have APC mutation). 100-1000s adenomatous polyps.
CRC risk - q1-2 yr colo starting at age 10-15
Polyps develop at ~16 yo, cancer by ~40
Assoc w/:
- Gastric polyps (MC fundic gland polyps)
- Duodenal adenomas (10% cancer; EGD starting at age 20-25 or when colon polyps appear)
- Desmoid tumor (mesenchymal tumors; CT A/P if fam hx of Desmoid tumors, palpable abd mass, sxs of abd organ obstruction)
- Papillary thyroid cancer (thyroid US q2-5 yrs starting in late teenage years)
- Hepatoblastoma, brain tumors (medulloblastoma MC), sebaceous cysts, lipomas, osteomas, supernumerary teeth
Cowden syndrome
AD - germ-line mutation of PTEN (tumor suppressor gene)
Hamartomatous colon polyps
Assoc w/ CAs: breast, thyroid, endometrium, renal cell cancer
Other manifestations: benign hamartomatous growths of skin & mucosa, oral papillomas, trichelommomas, mucocutaneous neuromas, acral keratoses, macrocephaly
MC malignancy - breast cancer; lifetime risk of 25-50%
Clinical breast exam every 6 months w/ imaging alternating b/w MRI & mammography
Li Fraumeni syndrome
mutation in TP53 (tumor suppressor gene)
Increased risk of: breast, sarcomas, brain, leukemia, medulloblastoma, adrenocortical cancers
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
mutation is STK11
mucocutaneous lesions/freckles, hamartomatous polyps GI tract (small bowel > colon > stomach)
Increased risk of cancers of GI tract (gastric), breast, pancreas, uterus, cervical, ovaries, testis, lung
Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer)
MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 -> mismatch repair genes
Adenomatous colon polyps (few, right-sided)
Assoc w/ CA of: endometrium, ovaries, urinary tract (renal pelvis, ureter, bladder), gastric, small bowel, pancreatic, hepatobiliary, skin
Diffuse gastric cancer
Mutation in cadherin 1 gene (CDH1)
Assoc w/ breast ca
von-Hippel-Lindau syndrome
Germline mutation in VHL gene
CNS, retinal hemangioblastomas, clear cell renal cell carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, pancreatic cystadenomas, NETs, endolymphatic sac tumors (ELST), papillary cystadenomas of epididymis and broad ligament
Dx: 1 tumor + fam hx of VHLs, 2 CNS hemangioblastomas, or 1 CNS hemangioblastomas and 1 visceral tumor
- CNS tumors: resect if sxs
- Retinal hemangioblastomas: laser photocoag or cryo
- RCC: MCC of death (50% deaths); resection
- Annual metanephrines, starting at 5 yo
- Abd US, MRI brain, at 16 yo
RET gene mutation
1) 4-gland parathyroid hyperplasia (Calc level)
2) MTC (Calcitonin)
3) Pheo (Plasma metanephrines)
RET gene mutation
1) MTC (calcitonin)
2) Pheo (Plasma metanephrines)
3) Mucosal neuromas
MutY homolog-associated polyposis (MAP)
Mutation in MUTYH gene. AR
10+ synchronous adenomatous polyps. Mostly R-sided.
High risk of developing CRC (40-60% by age 60)
Increased risk of CA of: duo, ovaries, bladder, breast
Juvenile polyposis syndrome
mutation of SMAD4
Hamartomatous polyps of colon
Assoc with: gastric & pancreatic cancers, hereditary telangiectasis of brain/lungs/liver
Turcot syndrome
Mutation of MLH1, PMS2, APC
Adenomatous colon polyps
Assoc w/: medulloblastoma, glioblastoma