Pain Flashcards
Chronic pain users and fentanyl patch part of regimen. Recommendations for surgery?
Continue fentanyl patch in OR.
Lidocaine toxicity
Initial presentation: personal numbness/tingling
Later sxs: cardiac arrhythmia, seizures
Tx: 20% lipid emulsion
Induction agent reduces risk of PONV and improves bronchodilation, provides sedation and antegrade amnesia without analgesia
Induction agent not used in lap procedures and causes increased PONV
nitrous oxide (accumulates in pneumoperitoneum)
Induction agent used for tight blood pressure control
Postdural puncture headache
after dural puncture
loss of CSF into epidural space, decreased hydrostatic pressure and traction on meninges
sxs: b/l, frontal, retro-orbital, occipital headache w/ photophobia and nausea, positional
tx: epidural blood patch (inject 15-20mL of autologous blood into epidural space at or 1 level below level of dural puncture causing stop of leakage of CSF fluid into epidural space)
Case where anesthetic agent abruptly stopped when patient was still intubated. difficulty ventilating patient, arrested, given epi and had ROSC. what happened?
abrupt reversal of anesthetic agent due causing severe bronchospasm