Syndrome du côlon irritable et autres troubles fonctionnels Flashcards
What is syndrome du côlon irritable (SCI)?
It’s a trouble fonctionnel —> douleur abdominale, changement de selles
Non dû à des lésions organiques
It’s an actual dx… Critères de Rome (not something that is dx when you can’t find anything else.. it’s am actual dx)
Maladie chronique non dégénérative
What are the three types of SCIs?
SCI-C —> type constipation
SCI-D —> type diarrhée
SCI mixte —> alteration between and diarrhea
What are the causes of SCI? (3)
- Genetic and environmental factors
- Trauma during childhood
- SCI post-infectieux —> family hx, light sx that are exarcerbated by an infection and then turns into IBS
What are the 2 main theories for the causes of IBS?
- Théorie motrice:
- Altération de la motricité digestive
- Douleurs crampiformes, contractions de grande amplitude
- 10-20% of pts
- Théorie de l’hypersensibilité (50-90%)
- Signal intestinal élevé, hypersensibillité à la distension
- Amplification médullaire ou corticale
- Non compensation par inhibition descendante
What are the main things that are considered déclencheurs?
Eating/drinking, stress
Normal stimulus of the GI tract that are perceived in an exaggerated way
How are SCIs diagnosed?
Pas un dx d’exclusion —> not only dx if it’s nothing else
- Histoire compatible
- Examen physique normal
- Examens biologiques normaux (si indiqué)
What are the dx criteria for SCIs and most frequent sx?
What are the most frequent comorbidities or SCIs? (3)
Digestive, somatic, and psychogenic comorbidities
DDx of SCI:
Pain, constipation, and diarrhea
- Celiac disease —> serological test to check
- Maladies inflammatoires intestinales (MII)
- Infections entériques (ex: giardia)
- Néoplasie colique
What are the important signes alarmes to know?
- Rectorragies
- Anemia, abdominal masses
- Weight loss
- Sx nocturnes
- Début récent des symptômes —> < 6 months
- Début à l’âge > 50 ans
- Histoire familiale de MII, néoplasie du côlon, mx coeliaque
- Sx obstructifs ou malabsorption
How are SCIs treated?
Pharmaco and physiotherapy only used if necessary
Dietetic information for SCI tx:
Try diet w/o lactose, FODMAPS, consult with nutrition
What are FODMAPS?
General dietetic recommendations for SCI tx:
Pharmacology information for SCI tx:
Tx pharmacologique if sx too intense or frequent
Identify and treat the principal sx