Appendicite Flashcards
What is the anatomy of the appendix?
All the same layers (histologic) as the rest of the colon at the junction of the small intestine and large intestine
Nodules lymphoïdes paroi —> adolescence
Where can the appendix be positioned?
Fosse iliaque droite, sous-caecale, pré-iléale, post-iléale, rétrocaecale, pelvienne
What is the pathophysiology of appendicitis?
Obstruction de la lumière: fécalith, nodules lymphoides
Augmentation de la pression luminale: obstruction lymphatique, compression veineuse, nécrose de la muquese —> infection, nécrose transmurale —> rupture, abcès
What are the sx of appendicitis?
malaise, general peri-umbilical pain
4-12 hours later
Anorexia, lack of appetite, vomiting, low-grade fever (38C)
12-24 hours later
Migration of pain to the fosse iliaque droite (point de McBurney)
E/P d’un patient avec appendicite:
Dim. of peristalsis, iléus paralytique (hypomotricité intestinale d’origine fonctionnelle), hyperesthésie cutanée à FID, signe de Rovsing (pression FIG
- —> douleur FID), signe de psoas (retrocecal), signe de l’obturateur (pelvien), douleur au toucher rectal/marche/touch
ACCALMIE TRAÎTRESSE: nécrose ou rupture
What are the lab reports for someone with appendicitis?
FSC: lymphocytosis 12k-18k (n<11.5k)
Sommaire et microscopie des urines: sang: calcul urétéral, lymphocytes: infection urinaure
Get B-HCG —> pregnancy test
What are some other dx tests?
Radiographie simple: fécalithe, iléus paralytique (anse sentinelle), pas d’air libre
Échographie abdominale: appendice de 7mm er plus non-compressible, fécalithe, collection liquide autour de l’appendice
Tomodensitométrie: épaississement de la paroi de l’appendice, appendice distendu (plus de 6mm), appendice sans contraste luminal
How is appendicitis treated?
Antibiotiques: only —> 35% de récidive
Appendectomie: ouverte ou laparoscopique
What are some complications of appendectomies? (5%)
perforation (10-30%), peritonitis, septic shock, septic portal phylephlebitis, hepatic abcesses, peri-appendicular abcesses
0.08% mortality rate
What happens when you get appendicitis during pregnancy?
Presentation masked by pregnancy
Appendix is raised by the uterus
Better to do an echo to check
What are the risks of “appendicectomie tardive perforée”?
Risk of spontaneous abortion, mortality risks increased