Svenska till engelska (allmänna ord) Flashcards
1.1 Trust
Definition: Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.
Example: “He placed his trust in his business partner.”
1.2 Confidence
Definition: The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
Example: “She has confidence in her team’s skills.”
1.3 Faith
Definition: Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
Example: “They had faith in the success of the project.”
1.4 Reliance
Definition: Dependence on or trust in someone or something.
Example: “Their reliance on the new technology was crucial for the project’s success.”
3.1 Suggest
Definition: Put forward for consideration.
Example: “She suggested a new approach to the project.”
3.2 Propose
Definition: Put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others.
Example: “He proposed a partnership between the two companies.”
3.3 Recommend
Definition: Put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role.
Example: “I recommend we increase our marketing efforts.”
3.4 Put forward
Definition: To offer an idea or opinion, or suggest a plan or person, for other people to consider.
Example: “She put forward a compelling argument.”
4.1 Confirm
Definition: Establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed, suspected, or feared to be the case).
Example: “Can you confirm the meeting time?”
4.2 Verify
Definition: Make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified.
Example: “We need to verify the results before publishing them.”
4.3 Affirm
Definition: State as a fact; assert strongly and publicly.
Example: “He affirmed his commitment to the project.”
4.4 Validate
Definition: Check or prove the validity or accuracy of (something).
Example: “The data was validated by independent researchers.”
6.1 Improve
Definition: Make or become better.
Example: “We aim to improve our services continuously.”
6.2 Enhance
Definition: Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
Example: “The new features enhance the user experience.”
6.3 Upgrade
Definition: Raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve (equipment or machinery) by adding or replacing components.
Example: “We need to upgrade our software.”
6.4 Refine
Definition: Improve (something) by making small changes.
Example: “We refined our marketing strategy based on feedback.”
7.1 Discreet
Definition: Careful and circumspect in one’s speech or actions, especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.
Example: “He handled the situation in a discreet manner.”
7.2 Subtle
Definition: So delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe.
Example: “There was a subtle change in his tone.”
7.3 Low-key
Definition: Not elaborate, showy, or intensive; modest or restrained.
Example: “They kept the event low-key.”
7.4 Inconspicuous
Definition: Not clearly visible or attracting attention.
Example: “She made an inconspicuous exit from the meeting.”
8.1 Implementation
Definition: The process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution.
Example: “The implementation of the new system went smoothly.”
8.2 Execution
Definition: The carrying out of a plan, order, or course of action.
Example: “The project execution was flawless.”
8.3 Carrying out
Definition: The act of completing or doing something.
Example: “They are carrying out a new initiative.”
8.4 Enactment
Definition: The process of passing legislation.
Example: “The enactment of the new policy will begin next month.”
9.1 Availability
Definition: The state of being able to be used or obtained; at someone’s disposal.
Example: “Please check your availability for the meeting.”
9.2 Accessibility
Definition: The quality of being able to be reached or entered.
Example: “We strive to improve accessibility for all users.”
9.3 Attainability
Definition: The ability to be achieved, accomplished, or attained.
Example: “The goals set were challenging but attainable.”
9.4 Readiness
Definition: The state of being fully prepared for something.
Example: “They expressed their readiness to start the project.”
3.1 Consent
Definition: Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
Example: “They gave their consent for the merger.”
4.1 Efficiency
Definition: The state or quality of being efficient.
Example: “The efficiency of the new system has improved productivity.”
4.2 Effectiveness
Definition: The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result.
Example: “The effectiveness of the campaign was evident in the sales figures.”
7.1 Credibility
Definition: The quality of being trusted and believed in.
Example: “The spokesperson’s credibility was questioned after the scandal.”
10.1 Context
Definition: The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.
Example: “Understanding the context of the situation is crucial.”
10.2 Setting
Definition: The place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place.
Example: “The setting of the meeting was very professional.”
1.1 Engagement
Definition: The state of being involved with something.
Example: “Her engagement in the project was evident through her dedication.”
1.2 Commitment
Definition: The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity.
Example: “His commitment to the company was unwavering.”
2.1 Possibility
Definition: A thing that may happen or be the case.
Example: “There is a possibility of expanding the business.”
2.2 Opportunity
Definition: A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
Example: “We have a great opportunity to enter the new market.”
3.1 Resource
Definition: A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.
Example: “They allocated resources efficiently to meet the deadline.”
3.2 Asset (också tillgång)
Definition: A useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.
Example: “Her knowledge is a valuable asset to the team.”
4.1 Facilitate
Definition: Make (an action or process) easy or easier.
Example: “The new software will facilitate better project management.”
4.2 Ease
Definition: Make (something unpleasant, painful, or intense) less serious or severe.
Example: “These tools will ease the workload significantly.”
4.3 Assist
Definition: Help (someone), typically by doing a share of the work.
Example: “The assistant will assist in organizing the files.”
5.1 Impact
Definition: The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
Example: “The impact of the new policy was immediately felt.”
5.2 Influence
Definition: The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.
Example: “Her influence on the team was positive.”
5.3 Effect
Definition: A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
Example: “The effect of the changes was noticeable.”
6.1 Competition
Definition: The activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.
Example: “The competition in the market is fierce.”
6.2 Rivalry
Definition: Competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field.
Example: “There is a strong rivalry between the two companies.”
6.3 Contest
Definition: An event in which people compete for supremacy in a sport, activity, or particular quality.
Example: “The contest for market share continues.”
7.1 Planning
Definition: The process of making plans for something.
Example: “Careful planning is essential for success.”
9.1 Predict
Definition: Say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something.
Example: “It’s difficult to predict the outcome of the negotiations.”
9.2 Anticipate
Definition: Regard as probable; expect or predict.
Example: “We anticipate an increase in demand next quarter.”
9.3 Foresee
Definition: Be aware of beforehand; predict.
Example: “She could foresee the potential problems.”
10.1 Independence
Definition: The fact or state of being independent.
Example: “The company values its independence from larger corporations.”
10.2 Autonomy
Definition: The right or condition of self-government.
Example: “The branch operates with a high degree of autonomy.”
10.3 Self-sufficiency
Definition: The quality or condition of being self-sufficient.
Example: “Their goal is to achieve self-sufficiency in energy.”
1.1 Reliability
Definition: The quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well.
Example: “The reliability of the system is critical for our operations.”
1.2 Dependability
Definition: The quality of being able to be counted on or relied upon.
Example: “Her dependability makes her an excellent team member.”
1.3 Trustworthiness
Definition: The ability to be relied on as honest or truthful.
Example: “His trustworthiness is beyond doubt.”
2.1 Comfort
Definition: A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.
Example: “The comfort of the new office chairs was appreciated by everyone.”
2.2 Convenience
Definition: The state of being able to proceed with something with little effort or difficulty.
Example: “Online shopping offers great convenience.”
2.3 Ease
Definition: Absence of difficulty or effort.
Example: “The ease of use of the new software is a major selling point.”
3.1 Assure
Definition: Tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts they may have.
Example: “He assured the team that the project was on track.”
3.2 Ensure
Definition: Make certain that (something) shall occur or be the case.
Example: “Please ensure that all documents are signed.”
3.3 Guarantee
Definition: Provide a formal assurance, especially that certain conditions will be fulfilled.
Example: “We guarantee satisfaction with our service.”
4.1 Evaluate
Definition: Form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess.
Example: “We need to evaluate the project’s progress.”
4.2 Assess
Definition: Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.
Example: “It’s important to assess the risks involved.”
4.3 Appraise
Definition: Assess the value or quality of.
Example: “The manager will appraise the performance of each team member.”
5.1 Overview
Definition: A general review or summary of a subject.
Example: “The report provides an overview of the company’s financial status.”
5.2 Summary
Definition: A brief statement or account of the main points of something.
Example: “She gave a summary of the key findings.”
5.3 Outline
Definition: A general description or plan showing the essential features of something but not the detail.
Example: “The outline of the project was approved by the board.”
6.1 Revenue
Definition: Income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature.
Example: “The company’s revenue increased significantly last year.”
6.2 Income
Definition: Money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
Example: “His income from the business was steady.”
6.3 Earnings
Definition: Money obtained in return for labor or services.
Example: “The company’s earnings were reported quarterly.”
7.1 Cost
Definition: An amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.
Example: “The cost of production has increased.”
7.2 Expenses
Definition: The cost incurred in or required for something.
Example: “Travel expenses were reimbursed by the company.”
7.3 Expenditure
Definition: The action of spending funds.
Example: “Government expenditure on education is increasing.”
9.1 Effect
Definition: A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
Example: “The new law had an immediate effect on traffic.”
9.2 Impact
Definition: The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
Example: “The impact of the marketing campaign was substantial.”
9.3 Influence
Definition: The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.
Example: “Her influence on the team’s morale was positive.”
10.1 Change
Definition: Make or become different.
Example: “The company underwent significant changes last year.”
10.2 Alteration
Definition: The action or process of altering or being altered.
Example: “The alterations to the building were completed on time.”
10.3 Modification
Definition: The action of modifying something.
Example: “The modifications to the design improved its functionality.”
1.1 Expectation
Definition: A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.
Example: “The expectations for the new product are very high.”
1.2 Anticipation
Definition: The action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction.
Example: “There was a sense of anticipation before the launch.”
1.3 Assumption
Definition: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
Example: “The assumption was that the market would grow.”
2.1 Constraint
Definition: A limitation or restriction.
Example: “Budget constraints affected the project’s scope.”
2.2 Restriction
Definition: A limiting condition or measure, especially a legal one.
Example: “There are restrictions on how the funds can be used.”
2.3 Limitation
Definition: A limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction.
Example: “They faced limitations in terms of available technology.”
3.1 Growth
Definition: The process of increasing in size, number, value, or strength.
Example: “The company’s growth has been steady over the years.”
3.2 Expansion
Definition: The action of becoming larger or more extensive.
Example: “They are planning an expansion into new markets.”
3.3 Development
Definition: The process of developing or being developed.
Example: “The development of the new product is underway.”
4.1 Advantage
Definition: A condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.
Example: “Having a strong brand is a significant advantage.”
4.2 Benefit
Definition: An advantage or profit gained from something.
Example: “The benefits of the new system are clear.”
4.3 Edge
Definition: An advantage over others.
Example: “The company has an edge over its competitors due to its innovation.”
5.1 Improvement
Definition: An example or instance of improving or being improved.
Example: “The improvement in performance was noticeable.”
5.2 Enhancement
Definition: An increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent.
Example: “The software enhancements have made it more user-friendly.”
5.3 Upgrade
Definition: Raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve (equipment or machinery) by adding or replacing components.
Example: “We need to upgrade our infrastructure.”
6.1 Cooperation
Definition: The process of working together to the same end.
Example: “Cooperation between departments is essential for success.”
6.2 Collaboration
Definition: The action of working with someone to produce or create something.
Example: “The collaboration between the two companies resulted in a breakthrough.”
6.3 Partnership
Definition: An association of two or more people as partners.
Example: “They formed a partnership to tackle the new project.”
7.1 Risk
Definition: A situation involving exposure to danger.
Example: “There is a risk of losing the investment.”
7.2 Hazard
Definition: A danger or risk.
Example: “The main hazard of the job is exposure to chemicals.”
7.3 Threat
Definition: A person or thing likely to cause damage or danger.
Example: “Cybersecurity threats are a growing concern.”
8.1 Assessment
Definition: The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something.
Example: “The assessment of the project will take place next week.”
8.2 Evaluation
Definition: The making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something.
Example: “The evaluation of the new system is positive.”
8.3 Appraisal
Definition: An act of assessing something or someone.
Example: “The annual appraisal process is thorough.”
9.1 Goal
Definition: The object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
Example: “Our goal is to be the market leader.”
9.2 Objective
Definition: A thing aimed at or sought; a goal.
Example: “The main objective is to improve customer satisfaction.”
9.3 Target
Definition: An objective or result toward which efforts are directed.
Example: “The sales team met their target for the quarter.”
10.1 Responsibility
Definition: The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
Example: “She took on the responsibility of managing the team.”
10.2 Accountability
Definition: The fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
Example: “There is a strong sense of accountability within the organization.”
10.3 Duty
Definition: A moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
Example: “It’s their duty to ensure the project’s success.”
1.1 Satisfaction
Definition: Fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.
Example: “Customer satisfaction is our top priority.”
1.2 Contentment
Definition: A state of happiness and satisfaction.
Example: “His contentment with the job was evident.”
1.3 Gratification
Definition: Pleasure, especially when gained from the satisfaction of a desire.
Example: “The gratification of completing the project was immense.”
2.1 Assignment
Definition: A task or piece of work assigned to someone as part of a job or course of study.
Example: “She completed the assignment on time.”
2.2 Task
Definition: A piece of work to be done or undertaken.
Example: “The task was more challenging than expected.”
2.3 Duty
Definition: A moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
Example: “It’s their duty to ensure everything is in order.
3.1 Expected
Definition: Regarded as likely to happen.
Example: “The project took longer than expected.”
3.2 Anticipated
Definition: Regard as probable; expect or predict.
Example: “The anticipated results were achieved.”
3.3 Predicted
Definition: Say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something.
Example: “The predicted growth was accurate.”
4.1 Deliver
Definition: Bring and hand over (a letter, parcel, or ordered goods) to the proper recipient or address.
Example: “They promise to deliver the goods by Friday.”
4.2 Provide
Definition: Make available for use; supply.
Example: “We provide excellent customer service.”
4.3 Supply
Definition: Make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide.
Example: “They supply materials to the construction industry.”
5.1 Motivation
Definition: The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
Example: “His motivation for the project was clear.”
5.2 Incentive
Definition: A thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.
Example: “They offered incentives to boost productivity.”
5.3 Drive
Definition: An innate, biologically determined urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need.
Example: “Her drive to succeed is inspiring.”
7.1 Respect
Definition: A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Example: “He has great respect for his mentor.”
7.2 Esteem
Definition: Respect and admiration, typically for a person.
Example: “She is held in high esteem by her colleagues.”
7.3 Regard
Definition: Consider or think of (someone or something) in a specified way.
Example: “He is held in high regard by his peers.”
8.1 Communication
Definition: The imparting or exchanging of information or news.
Example: “Effective communication is key to success.”
8.2 Correspondence
Definition: Communication by exchanging letters or emails.
Example: “Their correspondence has been frequent.”
8.3 Interaction
Definition: Reciprocal action or influence.
Example: “The interaction between the teams was positive.”
9.1 Meeting
Definition: An assembly of people for a particular purpose, especially for formal discussion.
Example: “The meeting will start at 10 AM.”
9.2 Conference
Definition: A formal meeting for discussion.
Example: “They attended an international conference.”
9.3 Gathering
Definition: An assembly or meeting, especially a social or festive one or one held for a specific purpose.
Example: “The gathering was informal but productive.”
10.1 Execution
Definition: The carrying out of a plan, order, or course of action.
Example: “The execution of the strategy was flawless.”
10.2 Implementation
Definition: The process of putting a decision or plan into effect.
Example: “The implementation of the new system is complete.”
10.3 Performance
Definition: The action or process of performing a task or function.
Example: “Her performance in the role was outstanding.”
1.1 Contribute
Definition: Give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something.
Example: “She contributed significantly to the project’s success.”
1.2 Donate
Definition: Give (money or goods) for a good cause, for example to a charity.
Example: “They donated funds to the organization.”
1.3 Assist
Definition: Help (someone), typically by doing a share of the work.
Example: “He assisted in organizing the event.”
2.1 Develop
Definition: Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.
Example: “They developed a new software application.”
2.2 Advance
Definition: Move forward in a purposeful way.
Example: “The company aims to advance its technology.”
2.3 Enhance
Definition: Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
Example: “We need to enhance our customer service.”
3.1 Reduce
Definition: Make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.
Example: “They need to reduce costs to stay competitive.”
3.2 Decrease
Definition: Make or become smaller or fewer in size, amount, intensity, or degree.
Example: “The company saw a decrease in revenue last quarter.”
3.3 Lessen
Definition: Make or become less; diminish.
Example: “Efforts were made to lessen the environmental impact.”
4.1 Keep
Definition: Have or retain possession of.
Example: “They decided to keep the original design.”
4.2 Maintain
Definition: Cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue.
Example: “It’s important to maintain high standards.”
4.3 Retain
Definition: Continue to have (something); keep possession of.
Example: “They managed to retain most of their clients.”
6.1 Preparation
Definition: The action or process of making ready or being made ready for use or consideration.
Example: “Preparation for the meeting took several days.”
6.2 Planning
Definition: The process of making plans for something.
Example: “Proper planning is essential for the project’s success.”
6.3 Arrangement
Definition: The action, process, or result of arranging or being arranged.
Example: “The arrangements for the event were finalized.”
8.1 Include
Definition: Comprise or contain as part of a whole.
Example: “The report includes several key recommendations.”
8.2 Incorporate
Definition: Take in or contain (something) as part of a whole; include.
Example: “The design incorporates feedback from users.”
8.3 Encompass
Definition: Surround and have or hold within.
Example: “The course will encompass all aspects of the subject.”
9.1 Create
Definition: Bring (something) into existence.
Example: “They created a new logo for the brand.”
9.2 Generate
Definition: Produce or create.
Example: “The campaign generated a lot of interest.”
9.3 Design
Definition: Decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), typically by making a detailed drawing of it.
Example: “They designed a new website.”
10.1 Purpose
Definition: The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
Example: “The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the new project.”
10.2 Objective
Definition: A thing aimed at or sought; a goal.
Example: “The main objective is to increase sales.”
10.3 Intent
Definition: Intention or purpose.
Example: “His intent was to improve the company’s performance.”
1.1 Possible
Definition: Able to be done or achieved.
Example: “Is it possible to complete the project by next week?”
1.2 Feasible
Definition: Capable of being done or carried out.
Example: “The plan is feasible given our current resources.”
1.3 Attainable
Definition: Able to be attained; achievable.
Example: “Their goals are ambitious but attainable.”
1.4 Achievable
Definition: Able to be brought about or reached successfully.
Example: “With hard work, the targets are achievable.”
1.5 Viable
Definition: Capable of working successfully; feasible.
Example: “The business model is viable in the current market.”
1.6 Realizable
Definition: Able to be achieved or brought into existence.
Example: “With the right investment, the idea is realizable.”
- Definition: Manage (a situation or problem).
- Example: “She knows how to handle difficult clients.”
- Definition: Be in charge of (a company, establishment, or undertaking); administer; run.
- Example: “He manages a team of engineers.”
- Definition: Take measures concerning (someone or something), especially with the intention of putting something right.
- Example: “We need to deal with this issue immediately.”
- Definition: Think about and begin to deal with (an issue or problem).
- Example: “The company needs to address the rising costs.”
- Definition: A thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist.
- Example: “A degree is a prerequisite for this job.”
- Definition: A state of affairs that must exist or be brought about before something else is possible or permitted.
- Example: “Meeting this condition is essential for the agreement.”
- Definition: A thing that is needed or wanted.
- Example: “One of the requirements for the position is proficiency in English.”
- Definition: Find an answer to, explanation for, or means of effectively dealing with (a problem or mystery).
- Example: “They worked together to solve the issue.”
- Definition: Repair or mend (something suffering from damage or a fault).
- Example: “The technician was able to fix the broken machine.”
- Definition: Think about and begin to deal with (an issue or problem).
- Example: “The company needs to address the customer complaints.”
- Definition: Set right (an undesirable situation).
- Example: “Steps were taken to remedy the situation.”
- Definition: Carry out or put into effect (a plan, order, or course of action).
- Example: “The team was able to execute the strategy flawlessly.”
- Definition: Put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.
- Example: “The company will implement the new policy next month.”
- Definition: Compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).
- Example: “It is important to enforce the regulations strictly.”
- Definition: Perform a task or activity.
- Example: “The workers are expected to carry out their duties efficiently.”
- Definition: Take the place of.
- Example: “We need to replace the old equipment with new models.”
- Definition: Use or add in place of.
- Example: “You can substitute butter with margarine in this recipe.”
- Definition: Take the place of (a person or thing previously in authority or use); supplant.
- Example: “The new law will supersede the old regulations.”
- Definition: The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.
- Example: “Her influence on the team was significant.”
- Definition: The strong effect or influence of something.
- Example: “The new policy had a positive impact on productivity.”
- Definition: The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
- Example: “He has the authority to make changes in the department.”
- Definition: Control or influence (a person or course of action).
- Example: “She managed to sway the opinion of the board members.”
- Definition: Give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing.
- Example: “She emphasized the need for quick action.”
- Definition: Draw special attention to.
- Example: “The report highlights the key issues.”
- Definition: Give particular emphasis or importance to (a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing.
- Example: “He stressed the importance of meeting the deadline.”
- Definition: Emphasize (something).
- Example: “She underlined the significance of the new findings.”
- Definition: Stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens.
- Example: “We need to wait for further instructions.”
- Definition: Wait for (an event).
- Example: “We are awaiting the results of the test.”
- Definition: Delay or postpone an action or decision.
- Example: “Let’s hold off on making any decisions until we have more information.”
- Definition: Be ready to deal with something.
- Example: “Please stand by for further announcements.”
- Definition: Ascertain or establish exactly by research or calculation.
- Example: “We need to determine the cause of the problem.”
- Definition: Set up on a firm or permanent basis.
- Example: “The company will establish new guidelines.”
- Definition: Establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed, suspected, or feared to be the case).
- Example: “Can you confirm the meeting time?”
- Definition: Find (something) out for certain; make sure of.
- Example: “We need to ascertain the facts before making a decision.”
- Definition: Form a mental image or concept of.
- Example: “Try to imagine a world without technology.”
- Definition: Be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official capacity.
- Example: “The statue represents freedom and democracy.”
- Definition: Show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.
- Example: “The artist’s work depicts scenes from everyday life.”
- Definition: Depict (someone or something) in a work of art or literature.
- Example: “The film portrays the struggles of the protagonist.”
- Definition: Begin to do or pursue (something) again after a pause or interruption.
- Example: “They decided to resume the meeting after lunch.”
- Definition: Start again or continue after a pause or interruption.
- Example: “We will restart the project next week.”
- Definition: Begin or cause to begin again.
- Example: “The construction work will recommence in the spring.”
- Definition: Persist in an activity or process.
- Example: “They will continue the discussion tomorrow.”
- Definition: Produce (a list or book) by assembling information collected from other sources.
- Example: “She compiled a report based on the survey data.”
- Definition: Gather together in one place for a common purpose.
- Example: “The team will assemble the final presentation.”
- Definition: Bring or gather together (things, typically when scattered or widespread).
- Example: “We need to collect all the relevant documents.”
- Definition: Arrange into a structured whole; order.
- Example: “He will organize the notes into a coherent report.”
- Definition: Become or make larger or more extensive.
- Example: “The company plans to expand its operations internationally.”
- Definition: Cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider.
- Example: “They decided to extend the deadline by two weeks.”
- Definition: Expand to encompass more people, areas, or subjects.
- Example: “The program aims to broaden students’ knowledge in various fields.”
- Definition: Make or become bigger or more extensive.
- Example: “They are looking to enlarge their customer base.”
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- Definition: Try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others.
- Example: “They need to negotiate the terms of the contract.”
- Definition: Discuss the terms and conditions of a transaction.
- Example: “She tried to bargain for a better price.”
- Definition: Talk about something with another person or group of people.
- Example: “They will discuss the new policy at the meeting.”
- Definition: Intervene in a dispute to bring about an agreement.
- Example: “He was asked to mediate between the conflicting parties.”
- Definition: Consisting of many different and connected parts.
- Example: “The issue is too complex to be solved quickly.”
- Definition: Consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.
- Example: “The instructions were too complicated to understand.”
- Definition: Very complicated or detailed.
- Example: “The design is intricate and beautiful.”
- Definition: Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning.
- Example: “She gave an elaborate explanation of the process.”
1.1 Apply
Definition: Make a formal application or request.
Example: “He decided to apply for the job.”
1.2 Request
Definition: Politely or formally ask for.
Example: “She requested additional information about the program.”
1.3 Submit
Definition: Present (a proposal, application, or other document) to a person or body for consideration or judgment.
Example: “They need to submit their applications by the end of the month.”
förbittring, harm, ilska
förbittrad, långsint, harmsen, ilsken, förtrytsam
harmas över, bli förnärmad över
1.1 Rights Issue
Definition: An offer to existing shareholders to purchase additional shares at a discount before the new shares are offered to the public.
Example: “The company launched a rights issue to raise capital for expansion.”
1.2 Share Issue
Definition: The process of creating and selling new shares to investors.
Example: “The share issue brought in new investors, providing fresh capital for the business.”
1.3 Capital Increase
Definition: An action by a company to raise more capital by issuing new shares.
Example: “The company decided to go for a capital increase to fund its expansion plans.”
1.4 Equity Financing
Definition: A method of raising capital through the sale of shares in the company.
Example: “They opted for equity financing to avoid increasing their debt load.”
Enligt Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL) definieras “integritet” som “orubbat tillstånd; okränkbarhet; oberoende”.  Detta innebär att en persons integritet handlar om att vara i ett oförkränkt och självständigt tillstånd, där ens personliga sfär respekteras och skyddas mot intrång.
Stark och God Moral
1.1 Integrity
Definition: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Example: “She is known for her integrity in business dealings.”
1.2 Probity
Definition: The quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency.
Example: “His probity is admired by all his colleagues.”
1.3 Rectitude
Definition: Morally correct behavior or thinking; righteousness.
Example: “They were impressed by his rectitude in difficult situations
2.1 Reputation
Definition: The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
Example: “The company has a reputation for innovation.”
2.2 Prestige
Definition: Widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of their achievements or quality.
Example: “Winning the award boosted her prestige in the industry.”
2.3 Standing
Definition: Position, status, or reputation.
Example: “His standing in the community is well-established.”
4.1 Empathy
Definition: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Example: “Her empathy made her an excellent therapist.”
4.2 Compassion
Definition: Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
Example: “They acted with compassion towards those affected.”
4.3 Understanding
Definition: The ability to understand something; comprehension.
Example: “His understanding of cultural differences is profound.”
5.1 Sublime
Definition: Of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe.
Example: “The orchestra’s performance was simply sublime.”
5.2 Exalted
Definition: Placed at a high or powerful level; held in high regard.
Example: “She holds an exalted position within the organization.”
5.3 Transcendent
Definition: Beyond or above the range of normal or merely physical human experience.
Example: “The artwork offers a transcendent experience.”
This relates to an long-standing demand which should be made concrete as soon as possible.
6.1 Materialize
Definition: Become actual fact; happen.
Example: “Their plans began to materialize after securing funding.”
6.2 Realize
Definition: Give actual or physical form to.
Example: “They realized their vision of a sustainable community.”
6.3 Embody
Definition: Be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling).
Example: “The new policy embodies the company’s values.”
7.1 Discrepancy
Definition: A lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.
Example: “There is a discrepancy between the two reports.”
7.2 Inconsistency
Definition: The fact or state of being inconsistent.
Example: “They found inconsistencies in the data collected.”
7.3 Divergence
Definition: The process or state of diverging.
Example: “There was a divergence of opinions among the experts.”
9.1 Reflect
Definition: Think deeply or carefully about.
Example: “She took a moment to reflect on the implications.”
9.2 Contemplate
Definition: Look thoughtfully for a long time at.
Example: “He contemplated the challenges ahead.”
9.3 Ponder
Definition: Think about (something) carefully.
Example: “They pondered the next course of action.”
10.1 Diverge
Definition: Develop in a different direction.
Example: “Their paths began to diverge after the merger.”
10.2 Deviate
Definition: Depart from an established course.
Example: “They decided to deviate from the traditional methods.”
10.3 Differ
Definition: Be unlike or dissimilar.
Example: “Their approaches differ significantly.”
1.1 Consensus
Definition: General agreement among a group.
Example: “The team reached a consensus on the project’s direction.”
1.2 Unanimity
Definition: Agreement by all people involved; consensus.
Example: “The proposal was accepted with unanimity.”
1.3 Accord
Definition: Agreement or harmony.
Example: “They worked in accord to achieve their goals.”
2.1 Discretion
Definition: The quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing confidential information.
Example: “He handled the sensitive information with discretion.”
2.2 Prudence
Definition: The quality of being prudent; cautiousness.
Example: “Her prudence saved the company from a risky investment.”
2.3 Circumspection
Definition: The quality of being wary and unwilling to take risks; prudence.
Example: “Circumspection is advised when dealing with new clients.”
3.1 Ambivalence
Definition: The state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
Example: “She felt ambivalence towards the proposed changes.”
3.2 Uncertainty
Definition: The state of being uncertain.
Example: “There was uncertainty regarding the project’s outcome.”
3.3 Indecision
Definition: The inability to make a decision quickly.
Example: “His indecision delayed the entire process.”
4.1 Controversy
Definition: Prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion.
Example: “The new policy sparked a lot of controversy.”
4.2 Dispute
Definition: A disagreement or argument.
Example: “They were involved in a legal dispute over the trademark.”
4.3 Debate
Definition: A formal discussion on a particular matter.
Example: “There was a heated debate over the proposed law.”
5.1 Complexity
Definition: The state or quality of being intricate or complicated.
Example: “The complexity of the issue requires careful analysis.”
5.2 Intricacy
Definition: The quality of being intricate.
Example: “She admired the intricacy of the design.”
5.3 Complication
Definition: A circumstance that complicates something; a difficulty.
Example: “The complication arose due to unforeseen events.”
6.1 Paradox
Definition: A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true.
Example: “It’s a paradox that technology can both simplify and complicate our lives.”
6.2 Contradiction
Definition: A combination of statements, ideas, or features which are opposed to one another.
Example: “There is a contradiction between his words and actions.”
6.3 Anomaly
Definition: Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
Example: “The data presented an anomaly that required further investigation.”
9.1 Reform
Definition: Make changes in order to improve it.
Example: “They plan to reform the healthcare system.”
9.2 Revise
Definition: Reconsider and alter in the light of further evidence.
Example: “The guidelines were revised after feedback.”
9.3 Overhaul
Definition: Take apart in order to examine it and repair it if necessary.
Example: “An overhaul of the policy is needed.”
1.1 Consequence
Definition: A result or effect of an action or condition.
Example: “Consider the consequences before making a decision.”
1.2 Outcome
Definition: The way a thing turns out; a consequence.
Example: “The outcome of the negotiations was favorable.”
1.3 Repercussion
Definition: An unintended consequence occurring after an event or action.
Example: “They faced repercussions for their actions.”
2.1 Quantify
Definition: Express or measure the quantity of.
Example: “It’s difficult to quantify the benefits of the new system.”
2.2 Measure
Definition: Ascertain the size, amount, or degree of something.
Example: “We need to measure the impact accurately.”
2.3 Calculate
Definition: Determine by mathematical methods.
Example: “They calculated the costs involved.”
1.1 Archetype
Definition: A very typical example of a certain person or thing; an original that has been imitated.
Example: “The hero is a common archetype in literature.”
2.1 Existentialism
Definition: A philosophical theory that emphasizes individual existence, freedom, and choice.
Example: “He studied existentialism to understand the meaning of existence.”
2.2 Philosophy of Existence
Definition: A branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of existence.
Example: “The philosophy of existence explores fundamental questions of life.”
2.3 Absurdism
Definition: The belief that human beings exist in a purposeless, chaotic universe.
Example: “Absurdism questions the meaning of life in an irrational world.”
3.1 Hierarchy
Definition: A system in which members are ranked according to status or authority.
Example: “The corporate hierarchy dictates the chain of command.”
3.2 Ranking
Definition: A position in a scale of achievement or status.
Example: “She quickly moved up the ranking within the company.”
3.3 Pecking Order
Definition: A hierarchy of status among members of a group.
Example: “There’s a clear pecking order in the organization.”
4.1 Logos
Definition: In philosophy, the principle of reason and judgment; in rhetoric, an appeal to logic.
Example: “He used logos to strengthen his argument.”
4.2 Reason
Definition: The power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments logically.
Example: “She appealed to reason during the debate.”
4.3 Logic
Definition: Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
Example: “The argument lacked sound logic.”
5.1 Chaos
Definition: Complete disorder and confusion.
Example: “The sudden change caused chaos in the office.”
5.2 Disorder
Definition: A state of confusion.
Example: “There was disorder after the announcement.”
5.3 Anarchy
Definition: A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
Example: “Without rules, there would be anarchy.”
10.1 Ideology
Definition: A system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory.
Example: “Their ideology influenced their policies.”
10.2 Doctrine
Definition: A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by an organization.
Example: “They followed the doctrine without question.”
10.3 Philosophy
Definition: The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.
Example: “She studied philosophy to explore different ideologies.”
11.1 Ontology
Definition: The branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being.
Example: “Ontology addresses questions about what entities exist.”
11.2 Metaphysics
Definition: A branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things.
Example: “Metaphysics explores existence and reality.”
11.3 Existential Philosophy
Definition: Philosophy concerned with the nature of human existence.
Example: “He delved into existential philosophy.”
2.1 Rhetoric
Definition: The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.
Example: “He used powerful rhetoric to sway the jury.”
2.2 Eloquence
Definition: Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing.
Example: “Her eloquence made the complex topic accessible.”
3.1 Refute
Definition: Prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false.
Example: “She refuted the opposing counsel’s claims effectively.”
3.2 Disprove
Definition: Prove that (something) is false.
Example: “The new evidence served to disprove the initial hypothesis.”
1.1 Quota System
Definition: A system of allocating a certain number or percentage of opportunities or positions to specific groups, often to address historical inequalities or underrepresentation.
Example: “The company implemented a quota system to increase female representation in leadership roles.”
1.2 Affirmative Action
Definition: Policies that support members of disadvantaged groups that have historically faced discrimination, aiming to create equal opportunities in areas like education and employment.
Example: “Affirmative action programs were introduced to promote diversity within the university.”
1.3 Positive Discrimination
Definition: The practice of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously.
Example: “Positive discrimination was used to ensure a more diverse workforce.”
1.1 Entail
Definition: Involve something as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence.
Example: “The new policy will entail significant changes to our workflow.”
1.2 Result in
Definition: Lead to a particular outcome.
Example: “Lack of maintenance may result in equipment failure.”
1.3 Bring about
Definition: Cause something to happen.
Example: “The CEO’s decision will bring about major restructuring.”
1.4 Lead to
Definition: Cause or have as a consequence.
Example: “Improved efficiency can lead to cost savings.”
1.1 Imply
Definition: Strongly suggest the truth or existence of something not expressly stated.
Example: “His resignation implies that there were underlying issues.”
1.2 Mean
Definition: Intend to convey or refer to a particular thing; signify.
Example: “What does this symbol mean?”
1.3 Signify
Definition: Be an indication of.
Example: “A high score signifies strong performance.”
unilaterally, one-sided
Assess, Judge
1.1 Settled
Definition: Established or decided; resolved and unlikely to change.
Example: “The matter is settled; we will proceed with the original plan.”
1.2 Decided
Definition: Having clear opinions or determinations; resolved.
Example: “It’s a decided issue; we need not discuss it further.”
1.1 Accuse
Definition: Claim that someone has done something wrong or illegal.
Example: “He was accused of lying to the committee.”
1.2 Charge
Definition: Formally assert that someone is guilty of a crime.
Example: “They charged her with embezzlement.”
1.3 Allege
Definition: Claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof.
Example: “The report alleged that the company violated regulations.”
1.4 Incriminate
Definition: Make someone appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing; implicate.
Example: “The evidence could incriminate innocent people.”
1.1 Self-actualize
Definition: To realize or fulfill one’s talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone.
Example: “She pursued her passions to self-actualize and lead a fulfilling life.”
1.2 Fulfill oneself
Definition: Achieve one’s full potential through personal growth and self-development.
Example: “He aimed to fulfill himself by exploring new challenges.”
1.3 Realize one’s potential
Definition: Reach the level of success or achievement one is capable of.
Example: “With hard work, she realized her potential in the field of science.”
1.1 Counteractive
Definition: Acting against something to reduce its force or neutralize it.
Example: “They implemented counteractive measures to balance the effects.”
1.2 Opposing
Definition: In conflict with or actively resisting something.
Example: “She held an opposing view that served a motverkande function in the discussion.”
1.3 Inhibitory
Definition: Serving to hinder or restrain a process.
Example: “The medication has inhibitory properties that are motverkande to the disease’s progression.”
1.1 Countervailing
Definition: Offsetting the effect of something by countering it with equal force; counteractive.
Example: “They implemented countervailing measures to address the issue.”
1.2 Counterbalancing
Definition: Offsetting the effect of something by exerting an opposite influence.
Example: “The new policy has a counterbalancing effect that is uppvägande the potential risks.”
1.3 Compensating
Definition: Acting to neutralize or correct a deficiency or imbalance.
Example: “She made compensating efforts to uppväga the team’s lack of experience.”
1.4 Outweighing
Definition: Being greater or more significant than something else.
Example: “The benefits are uppvägande the costs involved in the project.”
uppfyller kraven
meets the requirements
1.1 Monotonous
Definition: Dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.
Example: “The work became enformig and monotonous over time.”
1.2 Tedious
Definition: Too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.
Example: “Folding envelopes all day was an enformig and tedious task.”
1.3 Repetitive
Definition: Containing or characterized by repetition, especially when unnecessary or tiresome.
Example: “The repetitive nature of the assembly line was enformig for the workers.”
1.4 Dull
Definition: Lacking interest or excitement.
Example: “The lecture was so dull and enformig that many students struggled to stay awake.”
1.5 Mundane
Definition: Lacking interest or excitement; dull.
Example: “She longed for adventure to escape her enformig and mundane routine.”
1.1 Sensible
Definition: Chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; likely to be of benefit.
Example: “She made a förnuftig and sensible decision to save money.”
1.2 Reasonable
Definition: Having sound judgment; fair and sensible.
Example: “It’s förnuftigt and reasonable to plan ahead for emergencies.”
1.3 Rational
Definition: Based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
Example: “He provided a förnuftig and rational explanation for his actions.”
1.4 Prudent
Definition: Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Example: “Investing in education is a förnuftig and prudent choice.”
1.5 Judicious
Definition: Having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense.
Example: “Her förnuftiga and judicious approach helped resolve the conflict.”
byrå verksamhet organ myndighet kontor hand makt inverkan verkan instans medverkan agentur förmedling försorg förrättning verkande kraft
1.1 Authorization
Definition: Official permission or approval to undertake a specific action or access certain information.
Example: “You need proper authorization to access this database.”
1.2 Eligibility
Definition: The state of having the right to do or obtain something through fulfilling certain conditions.
Example: “Her eligibility for the program was confirmed after she submitted her transcripts.”
1.3 Qualification
Definition: A credential or accomplishment that makes someone suitable for a particular job or activity.
Example: “He has the necessary qualifications to practice medicine.”
1.4 Access Rights
Definition: Permissions granted to users to access systems, resources, or information.
Example: “Your access rights do not include permission to edit this document.”
1.5 Credentials
Definition: Documents or certificates proving a person’s identity or qualifications.
Example: “Please present your credentials at the reception desk.”
1.1 Qualified
Definition: Having the necessary skills, experience, or knowledge to do a particular job or activity.
Example: “She is fully qualified to lead the project.”
1.2 Authorized
Definition: Having official permission or approval to do something.
Example: “Only authorized personnel may enter the restricted area.”
1.3 Competent
Definition: Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully.
Example: “He is a competent and reliable employee.”
1.4 Eligible
Definition: Having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate conditions.
Example: “He is eligible to apply for the scholarship.”
1.5 Appropriate
Definition: Suitable or proper in the circumstances.
Example: “They took appropriate measures to ensure safety.”
1.1 Unscrupulous
Definition: Having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.
Example: “He was an unscrupulous businessman who cheated his clients.”
1.2 Unprincipled
Definition: Not acting in accordance with moral or ethical principles.
Example: “Her unprincipled actions led to widespread distrust.”
1.3 Unconscionable
Definition: Not right or reasonable; lacking a sense of moral responsibility.
Example: “Their unconscionable actions caused widespread harm.”
Röra – Att något har med ett specifikt ämne att göra.
Exempel: “Den här lagen rör arbetsmiljöfrågor.”
Angå – Att något är relevant eller betydelsefullt för en viss sak.
Exempel: “Informationen angår alla anställda.”
Höra till – Att något är en del av eller har en koppling till något större.
Exempel: “Dokumenten hör till projektets planering.”
Avse – Att något syftar på eller relaterar till ett särskilt område eller ämne.
Exempel: “Frågan avser företagets tillväxtstrategi.”
pertaining to
definition: having to do with; belonging to.
kraft fördel dygd förtjänst god egenskap förmåga effekt verkan
1.1 Premise
Definition: A previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion.
Example: “His argument is based on the premise that all humans seek happiness.”
främja, underlätta
1.1 Domstolsprövning
Definition: Processen där en domstol prövar och fattar ett beslut i en tvist eller rättslig fråga.
Exempel: “Tvisten löstes genom domstolsprövning.”
1.2 Avgörande
Definition: Ett formellt beslut eller dom som fattas av en domstol eller annan beslutsfattande myndighet.
Exempel: “Domstolens avgörande satte ett nytt prejudikat.”
1.1 Adjudication
Definition: The process of making a formal judgment or decision about a problem or disputed matter.
Example: “The dispute was resolved through adjudication by an independent body.”
medling skiljedomsförfarande förlikning skiljeförfarande skiljedom
1.3 Arbitration
Definition: The use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute outside of court.
Example: “They agreed to arbitration to avoid a lengthy trial.”
enastående stjärn-
1.1 Cogent
Definition: (Of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.
Example: “She presented a cogent argument that was difficult to refute.”
1.1 Convincing
Definition: Capable of causing someone to believe that something is true or real.
Example: “She presented a convincing argument that swayed the audience.”
1.2 Persuasive
Definition: Good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or temptation.
Example: “His persuasive speech influenced many voters.”
1.3 Compelling
Definition: Evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.
Example: “The evidence was so compelling that it changed their perspective.”
1.1 Loneliness
Definition: Sadness because one has no friends or company.
Example: “After moving to a new city, he experienced feelings of loneliness.”
1.2 Solitude
Definition: The state or situation of being alone, often by choice.
Example: “She cherished the solitude of her quiet cottage in the woods.”3
sluta sig till, härleda, deducera, dra slutsats
1.2 Deduce
Definition: Arrive at (a fact or conclusion) by reasoning; draw as a logical conclusion.
Example: “He deduced the cause of the problem after running tests.”
1.1 Admit
Definition: Confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance.
Example: “He admitted his mistake to the team.”
1.2 Acknowledge
Definition: Accept or admit the existence or truth of.
Example: “She acknowledged the challenges they were facing.”
1.3 Recognize
Definition: Accept or become aware of (a fact or situation).
Example: “They recognized the need for immediate action.”
räcka, räcka till
1.1 Suffice
Definition: Be enough or adequate.
Example: “A brief explanation will suffice for now.”
1.2 Enough
1.3 adequate
som inte utmärker sig med sina egenskaper, eller som i varje fall är slumpmässigt vald /med avseende på dessa egenskaper/ och som kan ha vilka (okända) egenskaper som helst
Välj ett godtyckligt heltal mellan 10 och 20.
som inte följer några regler, utan förefaller vara av slumpmässig natur av illvilja?; nyckfull, regellös
Ibland ser det ut som om landets avrättningar är helt godtyckliga.
En polis får inte handla godtyckligt.
1.1 Arbitrary
Definition: Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Example: “The selection process was godtycklig and arbitrary, lacking clear criteria.”
som är full av nycker och vars beteende därför inte kan förutses och (till synes) saknar motivering
Synonymer: lynnig, ombytlig, kapriciös, oberäknelig, oförutsägbar, journaljär
Han var rädd att hon, alltid lika nyckfull, skulle ångra sig.
Fraser: (konkreta) nyckfull kvinna/väder
1.1 Capricious
Definition: Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.
Example: “The manager’s capricious decisions made planning difficult.”
1.2 Fickle
Definition: Changing frequently, especially regarding one’s loyalties or affections.
Example: “The customer’s fickle preferences made marketing a challenge.”
1.3 Whimsical
Definition: Acting or behaving in a capricious manner; playfully unpredictable.
Example: “Her whimsical ideas often led to innovative solutions.”
1.4 Erratic
Definition: Not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.
Example: “Due to his erratic behavior, the team found it hard to rely on him.”
1.1 Interpret
Definition: Explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions).
Example: “It’s important to interpret the data correctly.”
1.2 Construe
Definition: Interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.
Example: “His silence could be construed as agreement.”
If the new girl in your class asks to sit with you at lunch, you could construe that she wants to be friends.
If you are interpreting something, you are finding out the meaning of it through clues.
Example: You can interpret that somebody went to the store if you see new groceries in your house.
If you’re construing something, you’re understanding it in a certain way, usually the intentions of a person
Example: He construed my actions as mean. The detective construed clues from his words.
Gross margin is the percentage of revenue left over after you subtract your company’s direct costs
härleda - Genom att utgå från ett eller flera påståenden, bevisa att ett annat påstående också måste vara sant.
1.1 Derive
Definition: Obtain something from a specified source; base a concept on a logical extension of another concept.
Example: “She derived her conclusions from the experimental data.”
1.2 Deduce
Definition: Arrive at a fact or conclusion by reasoning; draw as a logical inference.
Example: “From the clues, the detective deduced the suspect’s identity.”
Jag hejar på dig
I’m rooting for you
1.1 Aberration
Definition: A departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.
Example: “The sudden drop in temperature was an aberration for this time of year.”
1.2 Anomaly (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
Example: “They detected an anomaly in the test results.”
1.1 Abhor
Definition: Regard with disgust and hatred.
Example: “She abhors any form of cruelty towards animals.”
1.2 Detest (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Dislike intensely.
Example: “He detests dishonesty in all its forms.”
Samtycka, bifalla
1.1 Acquiesce
Definition: Accept something reluctantly but without protest.
Example: “He decided to acquiesce to her request.”
1.2 Comply (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Act in accordance with a wish or command.
Example: “Employees must comply with the company’s code of conduct.”
1.1 Alacrity
Definition: Brisk and cheerful readiness.
Example: “She accepted the invitation with alacrity.”
1.2 Eagerness (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Enthusiasm to do or to have something.
Example: “His eagerness to learn was evident.”
1.1 Amiable
Definition: Having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.
Example: “The amiable host made everyone feel welcome.”
1.2 Affable (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.
Example: “She was known for her affable personality.”
Blidka, blidka - göra mindre arg; “han lät sig inte blidkas av hennes tårar”
1.1 Appease
Definition: Pacify or placate someone by acceding to their demands.
Example: “They tried to appease the dissatisfied customer.”
1.2 Pacify (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of.
Example: “He pacified the crying child.”
1.1 Arcane
Definition: Understood by few; mysterious or secret.
Example: “The book is full of arcane knowledge.”
1.2 Esoteric (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge.
Example: “They had an esoteric discussion about quantum physics.”
1.1 Avarice
Definition: Extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Example: “His avarice led him to make unethical decisions.”
1.2 Greed (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Intense and selfish desire for something.
Example: “Greed was at the root of the scandal.”
1.1 Brazen
Definition: Bold and without shame.
Example: “He made a brazen attempt to steal the spotlight.”
1.1 Impudent
Definition: Not showing due respect.
Example: “The child’s impudent remark shocked them.”
1.2 Cheeky (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Boldly rude.
Example: “He gave a cheeky grin.”
1.2 Shameless (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Showing a lack of shame.
Example: “Her shameless behavior surprised everyone.”
brysk - Ovänlig, tvär och hård, vanligtvis sträng.
1.1 Brusque
Definition: Abrupt or offhand in speech or manner.
Example: “The doctor’s brusque manner intimidated patients.”
1.2 Curt (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Rudely brief.
Example: “She gave a curt reply and walked away.”
1.1 Cajole
Definition: Persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.
Example: “He cajoled her into going to the party.”
1.2 Coax (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Gently persuade.
Example: “She coaxed the kitten out of the tree.”
1.1 Callous
Definition: Showing or having an insensitive disregard for others.
Example: “His callous remarks offended everyone.”
1.2 Heartless (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Unfeeling; cruel.
Example: “It was heartless to leave them stranded.”
1.1 Candor
Definition: The quality of being open and honest.
Example: “Her candor was refreshing in the meeting.”
1.2 Frankness (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Open and honest expression.
Example: “He spoke with frankness about the challenges ahead.”
Tillrättavisa, tillrättavisa - Säga åt någon hur något skall vara/göras, och ofta också förvänta sig att detta följs; ibland även bestraffa
1.1 Chide
Definition: Scold or rebuke.
Example: “She chided him for arriving late.”
1.2 Reprimand (Relevant synonym)
Definition: A formal expression of disapproval.
Example: “He was reprimanded for his misconduct.”
1.1 Circumspect
Definition: Wary and unwilling to take risks.
Example: “They were circumspect in their negotiations.”
1.2 Cautious (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Careful to avoid potential problems.
Example: “A cautious approach is advised.”
1.1 Coerce
Definition: Persuade someone by using force or threats.
Example: “They coerced him into signing the document.”
1.2 Compel (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Force or oblige someone to do something.
Example: “Circumstances compelled them to act.”
1.1 Coherent
Definition: Logical and consistent.
Example: “She presented a coherent argument.”
1.2 Logical (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Characterized by clear reasoning.
Example: “His explanation was logical.”
1.1 Complacency
Definition: A feeling of uncritical satisfaction.
Example: “Complacency can lead to mistakes.”
1.2 Self-satisfaction (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Excessive pride in oneself.
Example: “His self-satisfaction prevented him from improving.”
förtrogen - nära bekant; “väl förtrogen med uppgiften”
1.1 Confidant
Definition: A person with whom one shares secrets.
Example: “He was her trusted confidant.”
1.2 Confidante (Relevant synonym)
Definition: A female confidant.
Example: “She was his closest confidante.”
Konspirera, konspirera - sammansvärja sig, sammangadda sig delta i konspiration,
1.1 Connive
Definition: Secretly allow something harmful to occur.
Example: “They connived to hide the truth.”
1.2 Conspire (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Make secret plans to commit an unlawful act.
Example: “They conspired to overthrow the government.”
1.1 Cumulative
Definition: Increasing by successive additions.
Example: “The cumulative effect was significant.”
1.1 Debase
Definition: Reduce in quality or value.
Example: “He wouldn’t debase himself by cheating.”
1.2 Degrade (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Treat with contempt.
Example: “She felt degraded by his comments.”
1.3 Humiliate
Fördöma - kraftfullt uttrycka att något är dåligt och starkt ta avstånd från
1.1 Decry
Definition: Publicly denounce.
Example: “Activists decried the new law.”
1.2 Condemn (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Express complete disapproval.
Example: “They condemned the violence.”
1.1 Deferential
Definition: Showing respect.
Example: “He was deferential to his mentors.”
1.2 Respectful (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Feeling or showing respect.
Example: “She gave a respectful response.”
Försynt, taktfull, anspråkslös - som tonar ned den egna personligheten på ett tilltalande sätt -
bara ett försynt påpekande -
en försynt knackning på dörren, blyg, skygg, ödmjuk, mild
1.1 Demure
Definition: Reserved and modest.
Example: “She gave a demure smile.”
1.2 Modest (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Unassuming in estimation of abilities.
Example: “He was modest about his achievements.”
1.1 Deride
Definition: Express contempt; ridicule.
Example: “Critics derided the new policy.”
1.2 Mock (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Tease or laugh at scornfully.
Example: “They mocked his accent.”
Despot -envåldshärskare, autokrat, diktator, auktoritär ledare; ibland även förtryckare
1.1 Despot
Definition: A ruler with absolute power.
Example: “The despot ruled with an iron fist.”
1.2 Tyrant (Relevant synonym)
Definition: A cruel ruler.
Example: “The tyrant was overthrown.”
1.1 Diligent
Definition: Showing care in duties.
Example: “She is a diligent worker.”
1.2 Hardworking (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Tending to work with energy.
Example: “He is hardworking and reliable.”
Upprymd -som upplever en sprudlande känsla av djup glädje, lycka, sorglöshet eller eufori
1.1 Elated
Definition: Ecstatically happy.
Example: “They were elated by the good news.”
1.2 Overjoyed (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Extremely happy.
Example: “She was overjoyed with the results.”
1.1 Eloquent
Definition: Fluent in speaking or writing.
Example: “He delivered an eloquent speech.”
1.2 Articulate (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Able to speak clearly.
Example: “She is an articulate presenter.”
Förskingra - utnyttja och slösa bort något som man har tillgång till men som tillhör någon annan
1.1 Embezzle
Definition: Steal money in one’s trust.
Example: “He was caught embezzling funds.”
1.1 Empathy
Definition: Ability to understand others’ feelings.
Example: “Her empathy made her a great listener.”
1.2 Compassion (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Concern for others’ sufferings.
Example: “He showed compassion to the victims.”
1.1 Enmity
Definition: Active hostility.
Example: “There was enmity between the rivals.”
1.2 Hostility (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Unfriendly behavior.
Example: “Hostility grew over time.”
1.1 Erudite
Definition: Having great knowledge.
Example: “The erudite scholar shared his insights.”
1.2 Scholarly (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Involving serious academic study.
Example: “She wrote a scholarly article.”
Prisa - säga uppskattande saker om; hylla
1.1 Extol
Definition: Praise enthusiastically.
Example: “They extolled her contributions.”
1.2 Praise (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Express approval.
Example: “He praised their efforts.”
Fabricera - (bildligt) hitta på, ljuga; konstruera (förfalska) bevis
1.1 Fabricate
Definition: Invent deceitfully.
Example: “She fabricated an excuse.”
1.2 Forge (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Produce a fraudulent imitation.
Example: “He forged the documents.”
1.1 Flabbergasted
Definition: Greatly surprised.
Example: “She was flabbergasted by the news.”
1.2 Astonished (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Very surprised.
Example: “He was astonished by the discovery.”
1.1 Forsake
Definition: Abandon.
Example: “He decided to forsake his old habits.”
1.2 Abandon (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Leave permanently.
Example: “They abandoned the sinking ship.”
1.1 Furtive
Definition: Attempting to avoid notice.
Example: “They exchanged furtive glances.”
1.2 Sneaky (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Behaving in a secretive way.
Example: “He took a sneaky look.”
1.1 Gluttony
Definition: Excessive eating.
Example: “Gluttony is unhealthy.”
1.2 Overindulgence (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Excessive indulgence.
Example: “Overindulgence can lead to problems.”
Meningslös, ogrundad
1.1 Gratuitous
Definition: Unwarranted; uncalled for.
Example: “The film had gratuitous violence.”
1.2 Unnecessary (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Not needed.
Example: “Remove unnecessary details.”
Högfärdig - fylld av högfärd
Den högfärdiga käringen tror sig vara bättre än alla andra. högmod, mallighet, stolthet
1.1 Haughty
Definition: Arrogantly superior.
Example: “Her haughty attitude alienated others.”
1.2 Arrogant (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Having an exaggerated sense of importance.
Example: “He was arrogant and dismissive.”
Hyckleri - inte leva efter den moral och de standarder man själv argumenterar för att alla ska leva efter - skenhelighet, skrymteri, falskhet, dubbelmoral, hycklande, hyckel,
1.1 Hypocrisy
Definition: Claiming to have standards not practiced.
Example: “His hypocrisy was evident.”
Oklanderlig - som man inte kan anmärka på; som inte innehåller eller uppvisar fel
1.1 Impeccable
Definition: Faultless.
Example: “She had impeccable taste.”
1.2 Flawless (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Without any imperfections.
Example: “His performance was flawless.”
1.1 Impertinent
Definition: Not showing proper respect.
Example: “Her impertinent question surprised everyone.”
1.2 Insolent (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Showing a rude lack of respect.
Example: “He was fired for his insolent behavior.”
1.1 Indolent
Definition: Wanting to avoid activity.
Example: “An indolent lifestyle leads to health issues.”
1.2 Lazy (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Unwilling to work.
Example: “He is too lazy to help.”
Oduglig -som icke duger
om person inkompetent
1.1 Inept
Definition: Having no skill.
Example: “His inept management caused problems.”
1.2 Incompetent (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Not capable.
Example: “An incompetent leader can harm a team.”
Vanära - ringa anseende
Synonymer: vanheder
1.1 Infamy
Definition: Being known for a bad deed.
Example: “The crime brought him infamy.”
1.2 Disgrace (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Loss of reputation.
Example: “He left in disgrace.”
1.1 Inhibit
Definition: Hinder or restrain.
Example: “Fear can inhibit progress.”
1.2 Restrict (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Limit.
Example: “Rules restrict our actions.”
1.3 Limit
1.1 Innate
Definition: Inborn; natural.
Example: “She has an innate talent.”
1.2 Inherent (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Existing as a permanent attribute.
Example: “Risks are inherent in any venture.”
Omättlig -som inte kan bli tillfredsställd eller stilla
1.1 Insatiable
Definition: Impossible to satisfy.
Example: “He has an insatiable appetite for knowledge.”
1.2 Unquenchable (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Unable to be satisfied.
Example: “Her unquenchable curiosity drove her.”
1.1 Insular
Definition: Ignorant of other cultures.
Example: “Their insular community resisted change.”
1.2 Narrow-minded (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Unwilling to consider other ideas.
Example: “He was narrow-minded in his views.”
1.1 Intrepid
Definition: Fearless; adventurous.
Example: “The intrepid explorers ventured forth.”
1.2 Brave (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Ready to face danger.
Example: “She made a brave decision.”
1.1 Proficient
Definition: Competent or skilled in doing or using something.
Example: “She is proficient in multiple languages.”
1.2 Skilled (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Having or showing the knowledge, ability, or training to perform a particular activity well.
Example: “He is a skilled craftsman.”
1.3 Adept (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Very skilled or proficient at something.
Example: “They are adept at solving complex problems.”
skarpsinne klarsynthet
1.1 Acuity
Definition: Sharpness or keenness of thought, vision, or hearing.
Example: “Her mental acuity enabled her to solve complex problems quickly.”
1.2 Perspicacity (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness.
Example: “His perspicacity allowed him to anticipate the challenges ahead.”
1.3 Insight (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something.
Example: “She provided valuable insight during the discussion.”
skarpsinne klarsynthet
1.1 Acuity
Definition: Sharpness or keenness of thought, vision, or hearing.
Example: “Her mental acuity enabled her to solve complex problems quickly.”
1.2 Perspicacity (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness.
Example: “His perspicacity allowed him to anticipate the challenges ahead.”
1.3 Insight (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something.
Example: “She provided valuable insight during the discussion.”
1.1 Vowel
Definition: A speech sound produced without any significant constriction of the airflow in the vocal tract; in English, vowels are represented by the letters a, e, i, o, u (and sometimes y).
Example: “Every English word contains at least one vowel.”
1.1 Lament
Definition: To feel or express sorrow or regret for something.
Example: “They lamented the loss of their old traditions.”
1.2 Bemoan (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Express discontent or sorrow over something.
Example: “He bemoaned the lack of progress.”
1.1 Retrieve
Definition: To get or bring (something) back from somewhere.
Example: “She went upstairs to retrieve her jacket.”
1.2 Fetch (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Go for and then bring back (something).
Example: “He asked his son to fetch the newspaper.”
1.3 Collect (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Gather or bring together from different places.
Example: “They stopped to collect their luggage at the claim area.”
1.1 Transport
Definition: To carry or move goods or people from one place to another.
Example: “They will transport the materials by truck.”
1.2 Convey (Relevant synonym)
Definition: To carry or transport to another place.
Example: “Pipes convey water throughout the building.”
1.3 Ship (Relevant synonym)
Definition: To send goods by any form of transport.
Example: “They plan to ship the package overseas.”
1.4 Haul (Relevant synonym)
Definition: To pull or drag with effort; often used for transporting heavy or bulky items.
Example: “They had to haul the furniture up three flights of stairs.”