Svenska till engelska 2 Flashcards
Personskap (not a widely used term in Swedish, but serves as an approximate translation)
1.1 Personhood
Definition: The quality or condition of being an individual person.
Example: “Discussions about rights often center on the concept of personhood.”
1.2 Selfhood (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The quality that constitutes one’s individuality or identity.
Example: “Philosophers explore selfhood to understand personal identity.”
1.3 Individuality (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The unique characteristics that distinguish a person.
Example: “Celebrating our individuality is a vital part of embracing personhood.”
1.1 Imbue
Definition: Inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality.
Example: “Her speech was imbued with a profound sense of hope.”
1.2 Ingrain (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Firmly fix or establish in a person.
Example: “They tried to ingrain good habits in the students.”
1.3 Infuse (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Fill or pervade.
Example: “The author infused the novel with vivid imagery.”
1.1 Gestation
Definition: The process of carrying or being carried in the womb between conception and birth.
Example: “Elephants have one of the longest gestation periods among mammals.”
1.2 Pregnancy (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The condition of having a developing embryo or fetus in the body.
Example: “Human pregnancy typically lasts about 40 weeks.”
1.3 Gravidity (Relevant synonym)
Definition: A medical term referring to the state of being pregnant.
Example: “The doctor noted her gravidity in the patient’s records.”
1.1 Zygote
Definition: A fertilized ovum formed by the union of a sperm and an egg, representing the earliest developmental stage of an organism.
Example: “The zygote contains the genetic material from both parents.”
1.2 Fertilized Egg (Relevant synonym)
Definition: An egg cell that has been fused with sperm, initiating embryonic development.
Example: “Once the fertilized egg implants, embryonic growth begins.”
1.1 Neonatology
Definition: A branch of medicine concerned with the care, development, and diseases of newborn infants.
Example: “She specialized in neonatology to help premature babies.”
Verklighet / Aktualitet
1.1 Actuality
Definition: The state of being real or actual.
Example: “The actuality of the situation was surprising to everyone.”
1.2 Reality (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The state of things as they actually exist.
Example: “He struggled to accept the reality of the loss.”
1.3 Topicality (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Relevance to current events or situations.
Example: “The topicality of the issue made it a hot topic in the debate.”
1.1 Latent
Definition: Existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed.
Example: “He has a latent talent for music that has not yet been realized.”
1.2 Hidden
Definition: Not discovered or known about; concealed.
Example: “There are hidden dangers in the path that we must be aware of.”
1.3 Veiled
Definition: Partially hidden or covered; not directly expressed.
Example: “His true intentions were veiled behind a friendly demeanor.”
1.1 Potentiality
Definition: The capacity to develop or become something in the future.
Example: “The potentiality of the young athlete was evident from an early age.”
1.2 Possibility (Relevant synonym)
Definition: A thing that may happen or be the case.
Example: “There is a possibility of rain tomorrow.”
1.3 Capability (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The power or ability to do something.
Example: “The team has the capability to win the championship.”
1.1 Trivial
Definition: Of little value or importance.
Example: “The mistake was trivial and easily corrected.”
1.2 Insignificant (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Too small or unimportant to be worth consideration.
Example: “His contribution was insignificant to the overall project.”
1.3 Minor (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Lesser in importance, seriousness, or significance.
Example: “They discussed only the minor issues during the meeting.”
oavbruten följd
1.1 Continuum
Definition: A continuous sequence or range of values or elements that vary by very small degrees.
Example: “The color spectrum is a continuum that includes all possible colors.”
1.2 Spectrum (Relevant synonym)
Definition: A broad range of varied but related ideas or objects.
Example: “The political spectrum includes a variety of ideologies.”
1.3 Range (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The area of variation between upper and lower limits on a particular scale.
Example: “There is a wide range of temperatures in this region.”
1.1 Inherent
Definition: Existing as a natural or essential part of something.
Example: “The risk is inherent in the process.”
1.2 Intrinsic (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Belonging naturally; essential.
Example: “Trust is intrinsic to a strong relationship.”
1.3 Innate (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Inborn; natural.
Example: “She has an innate ability to understand complex concepts.”
Rådgivning / Råd
1.1 Counsel
Definition: Advice or guidance, especially that given formally.
Example: “She provided valuable counsel to the committee.”
1.2 Advice (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action.
Example: “He sought advice from his mentor before making the decision.”
1.3 Guidance (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty.
Example: “They offered guidance to the new students.”
1.1 Ascribe
Definition: Attribute (something) to (a cause).
Example: “They ascribed the success to hard work and dedication.”
1.2 Attribute (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Regard something as being caused by (someone or something).
Example: “She attributed her good health to regular exercise.”
1.3 Credit (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Acknowledge (someone) as a participant in the production or creation of something.
Example: “He credited his team for the project’s success.”
1.1 Contingent
Definition: A group of people united by some common feature, forming part of a larger group.
Example: “A large contingent of supporters attended the rally.”
1.2 Dependent
Definition: Contingent on something else; conditional.
Example: “Their plans are dependent on the outcome of the negotiations.”
1.3 Conditional
Definition: Subject to one or more conditions or requirements.
Example: “The offer is conditional upon a background check.”
hänga, bero, förse med gångjärn
1.1 Hinge
Definition: A movable joint or mechanism on which a door, gate, or lid swings as it opens and closes.
Example: “They installed new hinges on the door to ensure it swings smoothly.”
1.2 Pivot (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or oscillates.
Example: “The door was attached with a sturdy pivot.”
1.3 Joint (Relevant synonym)
Definition: A point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined.
Example: “The hinges acted as joints for the old gate.
Inkonsekvens, motsägelse
1.1 Inconsistency
Definition: The state of being inconsistent; lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.
Example: “There is an inconsistency in the data that needs to be addressed.”
1.2 Contradiction (Relevant synonym)
Definition: A combination of statements, ideas, or features which are opposed to one another.
Example: “His actions were in direct contradiction to his beliefs.”
1.3 Discrepancy (Relevant synonym)
Definition: A lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.
Example: “The discrepancy between the two reports was evident.”
Påtvinga / Införa
1.1 Impose
Definition: To forcibly place a burden or duty upon; to establish something by authority.
Example: “They decided to impose strict regulations on the industry.”
1.2 Enforce (Relevant synonym)
Definition: To compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).
Example: “The police enforce traffic laws to ensure safety.”
1.3 Dictate (Relevant synonym)
Definition: To lay down authoritatively; prescribe.
Example: “The manager dictated the terms of the contract.”
1.4 Mandate (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Give (someone) authority to act in a certain way.
Example: “The government mandated the new health guidelines.”
främst, av största vikt, högst, störst, överlägsen, viktigast, dominerande
1.1 Paramount
Definition: More important than anything else; supreme.
Example: “Safety is paramount in our operations.”
1.2 Supreme (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Superior to all others.
Example: “Her skills are supreme in the field.”
1.3 Preeminent (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Surpassing all others; very distinguished in some way.
Example: “He is a preeminent scientist in his field.”
1.1 Overriding
Definition: Having superior importance; prevailing.
Example: “Their overriding concern is the safety of the participants.”
1.2 Dominant (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Most important, powerful, or influential.
Example: “The dominant factor in the decision was cost.”
Av största vikt
1.1 Of Utmost Importance
Definition: Extremely important.
Example: “It is of utmost importance to follow the guidelines strictly.”
1.2 Crucial (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.
Example: “Effective communication is crucial for the project’s success.”
1.1 Maternal
Definition: Relating to a mother, especially during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth.
Example: “She showed maternal instincts by caring deeply for the newborn.”
1.2 Motherly (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Like a mother in kindness and affection.
Example: “Her motherly demeanor made everyone feel at ease.”
1.1 Mandate
Definition: An official order or commission to do something.
Example: “They decided to impose strict regulations on the industry.”
1.2 Directive (Relevant synonym)
Definition: An official or authoritative instruction.
Example: “The government issued a directive to reduce emissions.”
1.3 Authority (Relevant synonym)
Definition: The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
Example: “The agency has the authority to regulate the industry.”
1.1 Worried
Definition: Anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems.
Example: “She was worried about the upcoming exam.”
1.2 Anxious (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness.
Example: “He felt anxious about the job interview.”
1.3 Troubled (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Beset by problems or difficulties.
Example: “They were troubled by recent events.”
1.1 Concerned
Definition: Worried, troubled, or anxious.
Example: “He was concerned about his friend’s health.”
1.2 Uneasy (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Feeling anxiety or discomfort.
Example: “She felt uneasy about the sudden changes.”
1.3 Apprehensive (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
Example: “They were apprehensive about the results of the test.”
bryta, kränka, överträda, göra intrång
1.1 Infringe
Definition: To actively break the terms of a law, agreement, or set of rules.
Example: “He infringed on the company’s policies by accessing restricted files.”
1.2 Violate (Relevant synonym)
Definition: To break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement).
Example: “She violated the terms of her contract by leaving early.”
1.3 Encroach (Relevant synonym)
Definition: To intrude on the territory, rights, or personal life of someone.
Example: “The new building encroached on the neighboring property.”
Determinant / Avgörande faktor
1.1 Determinant
Definition: (Mathematics) A scalar value derived from a square matrix that can determine whether the matrix is invertible.
Example: “The determinant of the matrix was calculated to be 5.”
1.2 Decisive factor (Relevant synonym)
Definition: A factor that decisively affects the nature or outcome of something.
Example: “Her experience was a decisive factor in her promotion.”
1.3 Key factor (Relevant synonym)
Definition: An important element or component.
Example: “Efficient communication is a key factor in the team’s success.”
Imperativ / Afgörande
1.1 Imperative
Definition: Absolutely necessary or required; of vital importance.
Example: “It is imperative to follow the safety guidelines.”
1.2 Essential (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Absolutely necessary; extremely important.
Example: “Good communication is essential for the success of the project.”
1.3 Crucial (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.
Example: “It is crucial to address the issue promptly.”
1.4 Vital (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Absolutely necessary or essential.
Example: “Water is vital for all known forms of life.”
värdighet, ädelhet, hög rang
1.1 Dignity
Definition: The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.
Example: “She carried herself with dignity despite the challenges.”
1.2 Self-respect (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honor and integrity.
Example: “Maintaining self-respect is important in all aspects of life.”
1.3 Honor (Relevant synonym)
Definition: High respect; esteem.
Example: “He was awarded for his honor and bravery.”
1.4 Prestige (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something based on achievements or quality.
Example: “The university has a great deal of prestige in the academic world.”
Kasta / Slunga
1.1 Hurl
Definition: To throw forcefully.
Example: “He hurled the ball across the field.”
1.2 Throw (Relevant synonym)
Definition: To propel something with force through the air by a movement of the arm.
Example: “She threw the paper into the trash.”
1.3 Toss (Relevant synonym)
Definition: To throw lightly or casually.
Example: “He tossed the keys to her.”
1.1 Imminent
Definition: About to happen; impending.
Example: “The storm is imminent, and residents are advised to take shelter.”
1.2 Impending (Relevant synonym)
Definition: About to happen; forthcoming.
Example: “With the deadline impending, the team worked overtime.”
1.3 Approaching (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Coming nearer in time or space.
Example: “The approaching deadline created a sense of urgency.”
Djupgående / Djupt
1.1 Profoundly
Definition: To a great depth; extremely.
Example: “She was profoundly moved by the speech.”
1.2 Deeply (Relevant synonym)
Definition: To a great depth; extremely.
Example: “He was deeply affected by the news.”
1.3 Intensely (Relevant synonym)
Definition: With extreme force, degree, or strength.
Example: “They were intensely focused on their goals.”
1.1 Dissent
Definition: The expression or holding of opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed.
Example: “She voiced her dissent regarding the proposed changes.”
1.2 Opposition (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Resistance or dissent expressed in action or argument.
Example: “He faced strong opposition to his policies.”
1.3 Disagreement (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Lack of consensus or harmony.
Example: “There was significant disagreement among the members.”
Dominerande / Övervägande
1.1 Prevailing
Definition: Existing at a particular time; current.
Example: “The prevailing winds made sailing difficult.”
1.2 Prevalent (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.
Example: “Smoking is still prevalent in some countries.”
1.3 Dominant (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Most important, powerful, or influential.
Example: “The dominant culture often shapes societal norms.”
1.4 Overriding (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Having superior importance; prevailing.
Example: “Her overriding concern was the safety of her team.”
Bara / Enbart
1.1 Mere
Definition: Only; nothing more than.
Example: “It was a mere misunderstanding.”
1.2 Only (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Solely; exclusively.
Example: “She was the only person at the meeting.”
1.3 Just (Relevant synonym)
Definition: Exactly; precisely; merely.
Example: “It’s just a scratch.”