Sutures, Rearfoot, and Trauma Flashcards
What is a Keith Needle
straight needle
What are some common needle point configurations (3) and their uses
Taper point- for soft, easily penetrated tissue
Cutting- cutting edge on inner curve
Reverse cutting- cutting edge on outer curve for tough, difficult to penetrate tissue
What is orthofix
polyglycolic acid
How long for orthofix to lose strength/absorb
Loses strength in 6-12 weeks
Absorbed in 1-3 years
What is orthosorb
How long before PDS loses its strength/ absorb
Loses strength in 4-6 weeks
Absorbed in 3-6 months
What are two sutures that are the least reactive to tissue
Stainless steel (least of all)
How is Vicryl broken down
How long does it take to absorb Vicryl (in terms of tensile strength)
Tensile strength:
- 75% at 2 weeks
- 50% at 3 weeks
- 25% at 4 weeks
absorbed completely in 10 weeks
Should you use Vicryl with an infection
avoid it if possible, since Vicryl is too reactive
Describe a Keck and Kelly procedure
For Haglund deformity with cavus foot and high calcaneal inclination angle. Remove the wedge from posterior-superior aspect of calcaneus. The posterior superior process is moved anteriorly
What are treatments for equinus (conservative-2)
Stretching/exercises and night splints
What are treatments for equinus (2 broad categories- with 10specifics)
Gastroc recession
- Strayer
- Vulpius
- Baker
- McGlamary and Fulp
Tendoachilles lengthening
- open/closed Z
- Hauser
- White
- Hoke
- Sgarlato
- Stewart
What is the Murphy Procedure
Achilles advancement for spastic equinus
Name transverse surgical procedures for pes planus (3)
- Evans
- Kidner
- C-C distraction arthrodesis
Name sagittal procedures for pes planus
- Cotton
- Cobb
- Hoke
- Young
- Lowman
- Miller
Name frontal procedures for pes planus
- Koutsogiannis
- Dwyer
- Chambers
- Gleich
- Baker-Hill
- Lord
Name surgical procedures for pes cavus (2 broad categories and 7 specifics)
- Jones
- Hibbs
- PT
- dorsiflexory osteotomy of 1st met
- Cole
- Japas
What is an arthroereisis
a surgical procedure to limit joint mobility (MBA implant in sinus tarsi)
Typically want 2-4 degrees of STJ eversion with implant
What is the Valente procedure
STJ blocking using a polyethylene plug with screw threads. Will allow 4-5 degrees of STJ pronation
What order do you resect and what order to you fixate the joints in a triple arthrodesis
1) Midtarsal joints (TN&CC)
2) STJ
1) STJ
2) Midtarsal joints
What are some types of fixation for a triple arthrodesis
6.5-7.0mm interfragmental compression screws
What are FDA- approved total ankle implants
Two component devices
- Agility
- Eclipse
- Salto Talaris
Three component devices
What should always be asked with a break in the skin
Tetanus status
Appropriate classification for distal phalangeal/nail
Appropriate classification for 1st MTPJ
Appropriate classification for 5th metatarsal base
Appropriate classification for Lisfranc joint (2)
Quenu and Kuss, Hardcastle
Appropriate classification for navicular
Watson Jones
Appropriate classification for Posterior tibial tendon
Appropriate classification for Talar neck
Appropriate classification for Talar body
Appropriate classification for Talar dome (2)
Berndt-Hardy, Fallot and Wy
Appropriate classification for calcaneus (3)
Rowe, Essex Lopresti and Sanders
Appropriate classification for anterior process calcaneal fractures
Appropriate classification for ankle sprains (3)
O’Donoghue, Leach, Rasmussen
Appropriate classification for physeal ankle fractures (2)
Dias and Tachdjian
Appropriate classification for epiphyseal fractures
Appropriate classification for ankle fracture
Lauge-Hansen and Danis Weber
Appropriate classification for Pilon fracture (2)
Ruedi&Allgower, Dias&Tachdjian
Appropriate classification for Achilles ruptures
Appropriate classification for open fractures
Gustilo anderson
Appropriate classification for non-unions
Weber &Cech
Appropriate classification for Frostbite (2)
Orr and Fainer, Washburn
What is a clinical test for a fracture
point tenderness over fracture site
What is the most table fracture pattern
What is the weakest region of the physis
one of cartilage maturation
What is the Vassal principle
initial fixation of the primary fracture will assist stabilization of the secondary fractures
What are possible complications of fractures (5)
- Nonunion
- delayed union
- pseudoarthrodesis
- OA
What is the most common cause of non-healing for a bone fracture
improper immobilization
Are dorsal or plantar lisfranc dislocations more common
dorsal- the plantar ligaments are much stronger than dorsal
What are the Ottowa Ankle Rules
1) A series of ankle X-ray films is required only if there is any pain in the malleolar zone and any of the following findings:
- bone tenderness at posterior edge or distal 6cm of lateral malleolus
- bone tenderness at posterior edge or distal 6cm of medial malleolus
- inability to bear weight both immediately and in the ED
A series of foot X-ray films is required only if there is pain in midfoot zone and any of the following findings:
-bone tenderness at base of 5th met
- bone tenderness at navicular
- inability to weight beat both immediately and in ED
What stages of Berndt & Hardy are often associated with lateral ankle ligament ruptures
II, III, and IV
What are the common locations of talar dome lesions and their mechanisms of injury
Anterior lateral portion- dorsiflexion inversion
Posterior medial portion- plantarflextion inversion
What is Hawkins sign
Presence of subchondral talar dome osteopenia seen 6-8 weeks after talar fracture signifying intact vascularity. Absence of the sign implies AVN
What is the Sneppen classification
talar body fractures
What % of fractures of the talus involve the calcaneus
What is Mondor sign
plantar, rearfoot ecchymosis that is pathognomonic for calcaneal fractures
How is Bohler angle affected by a calcaneal fracture
decreases with intra-articular calcaneal fracture
How is Gissane angle affected by a calcaneal fracture
increases with intra-articular calcaneal fracture
What fractures are commonly associated with calcaneal fractures (3)
- Vertebral fractures (especially L1)
- Femoral neck
- Tibial plateau
What is the mechanism of injury for an anterior process fracture
inversion with plantarflexion
What are tests for ankle ligament pathology (5)
- anterior drawer test
- calcaneofibular stress inversion
- abduction stress
- ankle arthrogram
- peroneal tenography
What does anterior drawer test
What does the talar tilt test
What are the clinical symptoms of an Achilles tendon rupture (5)
- Pain with history of pop
- Weakness of loss of function
- Palpable dell in area of ruptured tendon
- Inability to perform single leg rise
- Increased ankle dorsiflextion
What is the Thompson test
a positive test result when squeezing of the calf muscle does not plantarflex the foot
What is the Hoffa sign?
increased dorsiflexion compared to the contralateral side along with the inability to perform a single leg rise test
What is a radiographic finding of an Achilles tendon rupture
disruption of Kagers triangle
Where is the most common location for the Achilles tendon to rupture
1.5-4cm proximal to the calcaneal insertion
Name the fracture:
bimalleolar fracture
Name the fracture:
trimalleolar fracture
Name the fracture:
avulsion fracture of anterior, lateral tibia from AITFL
Name the fracture:
avulsion fracture of anterior, medial fibula from AITFL
Name the fracture: Volkman
posterior tibial malleolar fracture from PITFL
Name the fracture:
Fracture of posterior medial process
Name the fracture:
Fracture of posterior lateral process
Name the fracture:
entire posterior process
Name the fracture:
lateral malleolar fracture with ankle displacement
Name the fracture:
proximal fibular fracture
What is the most common mechanism of injury causing an ankle fracture
What is the MOI causing a transverse lateral malleolar fracture
What is the MOI causing a short, oblique medial malleolar fracture
What is the MOI causing a short oblique lateral malleolar fracture
What is the MOI causing a spiral lateral malleolar fracture with a posterior spike
What is the MOI to the ankle with a high fibular fracture? What is this fracture called
Maisonneuve fracture
When should a posterior malleolar fracture be fixated
ORIF when fragment is greater than 25% of the posterior malleolus
What direction should transsyndesmotic screws be inserted
approximately 30 degress from the sagittal plane from posterior-lateral to anterior medial
What type of screw should be inserted as a transsyndesmotic screw
Fully threaded cortical screws are placed across both cortices of the fibula and the lateral cortex of the tibia. Goal is stabilization rather than compression
What is the Thurston-Holland sign
epiphysis is separated from the physis with the fracture extending into the metaphysis resulting in a triangular fracture fragment