Surya/Sun Flashcards

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Su - Mo

  • When the Sun and Moon are 6/8, or 2/12 to each other, there is a fundamental disharmony between the yin and the yang in the person’s chart. Usually playing out as problems between the parents; this is the mother and the father, at least early in life, when you are either in the womb, or being raised as a young person. This is not uncommon. The Sun and Moon 6/8 or 2/12 to each other = a fundamental ying/yang imbalance usually playing out as the father and the mother.
  • A rift between the parents plays on one’s psychology because the Sun and the Moon are the main lights; they are the luminaries. The Sun shows us how to externalise our desires, our Dharma; how to live our purpose in this world. And the Moon shows us how to find contentment with living our purpose. If these to luminaries are misaligned what happens is because the parents didn’t get along, the yin and yang wasn’t there, you, the native, finds a hard time either finding satisfaction from their profession (the Moon), or finding the profession that is right for them, that expresses who they are in the world (the Sun).
  • Classic example: abandonment in childhood.
  • The 2/12 will tend to create distance. The 12th house is the house of foreign residence, foreign travel. I’ve seen this in charts; either one person works a lot, or they get separated by immigration; for whatever reason there’s distance. 12th house is also the desire to run away, it’s also drugs; there are many reasons why one person leaves. But the 2/12 tends to create a separation/a leaving, whereas the 6/8 is more of an acute kind of enmity; like these two people were enemies in a past life and in this life they’ve been forced to be together out of whether sexual attraction, social circumstances or whatever the case, they’re together, but now they’re together to work that out. And some do work it out successfully. And let me show you when it works out… If it’s also 6/8 or 2/12 in the D9 (the Navamsha chart) then it’s more of a permanent pattern; then it is harder to work out; much harder to reconcile; more virulent. This is even more likely to be true if the Sun or the Moon are also debilitated or afflicted by Saturn; this will be a deep wound that the native will have found difficulty letting go of. You would get the native to work on developing their yin/yang energy; proper masculinity and proper femininity and to have them model it, not just on their parents, but to have proper role models for it. So, they’re going to need a good physical male or physical female role model in their life to show that good energy can flow from a man or woman so then when they’re in their own relationship they are not carrying any baggage. But, if in D9 they are in anything but 6/8 or 2/12, then there is potential for this to be worked out in your psychology, meaning your Mum and Dad were arguing when you were young but now as you become older you understand where they were both were coming from and it’s not an issue anymore; you’ve balanced your primordial yin/yang energy; over time as you become an adult this yin/yang should become less of an issue for the native. The Navamsha does not negate the Rashi chart but it gives an opportunity for the native to improve it; to grow into and recognise it and then to have positive male/female relationships later in your life. In a way the D9 shows the final result/situation. One of the classic meanings of the D9 is that it’s your life after age 40 or 36 (Simon is not too sure). It’s not that it goes away (the problem the parents have with each other) but it gives you an opportunity to work through it. So, the fundamental yin/yang, the Dad’s gone or the mum’s gone, that doesn’t change, but your attitude towards it will change. Or it has the potential to change. We have to remember the D9 and all the sub-charts are derivatives of the main chart. And so, when in doubt I always refer to the main chart. But for a lot of these combos say for example, Ve - Ma 6/8 or 2/12, classic combination for you picked the wrong guy or your picked the wrong girl, you’re gonna go through that for the first 20 - 30 years of your life. But if they are not 6/8 or 2/12 in your D9 then later in life you will realise “Ahh, i’ve been picking the wrong guy” or “I’ve been picking the wrong girl”. And you can start to consciously work on it, whereas someone with whom the D9 also shows Ve - Ma 6/8 it’s going to be harder, they’re going to need the astrologer to say “Listen to me, you’re picking the wrong guy or wrong girl”; they won’t get it - They will ask “Why do my relationships always not work out? I wonder? People are weird.” The astrologer - “NO, you’ve been picking the wrong person.” I’m exaggerating. My point is, in the Navamsha it shows the ability to work with that and improve it later in life Vs the higher likelihood that it will permanently scar you if you have the combination in both the Rashi and D9.
  • Sun conjunct Moon, meaning the Moon is a new Moon, in the same house (in the same sign). Immediately this tells you that this is a dark moon. Hence, the person will see the world through eyes that see the world as ‘glass half-empty’; ‘glass half-empty syndrome’. Do not look to the D9, this is only in D1. Why? Because in the D9 the Sun can be in any relationship to the Moon but it doesn’t mean and actually reflect their physical relationship. So, just trust me, don’t look at the D9 for this. Now, the Moon is Rasa. In Ayurveda Rasa literally means ‘lymph’, but Rasa is this: when you eat a hamburger and it goes into your belly , the hamburger turns into chyle. Chyle is a form of gross Rasa. Chyle is like this sludge; your body digests the hamburger and it become like a soup in your digestive tract with hydrochloric acid, with bile from the liver ad gal bladder, with pancreatic acids; all of those break down that hamburger until it turns into this soup. As that soup passes through your digestive system it gets absorbed into the blood. That is Rasa! That is a moment where a hamburger; something outside of you become you. It’s a powerful, powerful moment because it is literally the membrane between the outside world and your world; it’s about a quater-inch thick; this is the membrane of your intestinal lining (Simon is drawing). And it is the difference between that beautiful Wendy’s burger that is here on outside of you. And then here as it crosses the membrane, it becomes part of you, it becomes a liver cell, it becomes a brain cell. So, what does this have to do with Su - Mo? The Moon rules this process of your ability to extract nutrition from the world. This is EXTREMELY important; your ability to turn life experience into your own story; your own myth; your own Bhava; Bhava means your state of being. So, Rasa, we tend to lose as we get older. A baby is full of Rasa; it’s got that glow, it’s got those nice chubby cheeks; it’s full of Rasa; it’s ability to extract anything from the world and make it meaningful. You know when you’re a kid and you watch a show or you play with toys and you were so into it; two little sticks and in your mind you imagined so much and it was so meaningful. Now, when you play with that action-figure - you look at the old Star Wars style Bobba Fett - and you can’t get into it as much. Because the Rasa is different; you have less Rasa than you did as a child. And when people get older they have much less Rasa. And that’s why for example when old people watch the news, or they watch a TV show, instead of extracting joy and deep satisfaction from it they get mad. “Well, in my day people didn’t treat each other that way. It was different.” “Really? Was it Grandpa, you grew up during WWII… people were murdering each other, what are you talking about. There was rampant racism all across America.” Go back 100 years, go back 1000 years, the older person is always going to have a level of dissatisfaction, why? Because the lack of Rasa. And so when the Sun is conjunct rasa the person will tend to see the glass half empty, why? Because their ability to extract joy from the world. Now in this case the world is a hamburger and this (the drawing Simon has down) is your GI tract, but also from a TV show that you look at through your eyes, something you touch like a nice shirt on your skin. A person with a nice juicy Moon that’s opposite, that silk feels really lovely. To a person with low rasa, it’s just a fabric; it doesn’t mean as much. Again, this is general but I’m building a case so you guys (us students) can recognise this pattern and then if the Moon is additionally debilitated or with Ketu or aspected by Saturn then we really build the case. But we’re just exploring this. So, your ability to extract enjoyment is limited. it doesn’t mean you can’t, but you’re not starting at pole position. Meaning you’re not starting in the front of the line. So, you will have to learn how to do it if you have a Moon that’s dark. What does dark mean? Well, generally a dark moon is when it is with the Sun, but also when it is in either house next to the Sun - what does this create? A 2/12 relationship! Which we’ve already covered. But, when the Moon is exactly conjunct in the same sign, it won’t give a 6/8; it doesn’t mean that the parents didn’t get along, it just means that one of the parents got much more satisfaction from the relationship than the other and somehow that perhaps plays out in your psychology; you’re not able to extract as much from the world.
  • Nadia has seen people with the Su - Mo conjunction where their father was dominating over the mother. The mother in a way didn’t have a say in the relationship and so the child grows up with that same feeling within themselves; the feminine side of them is in a way dormant. Because the Moon represents the comfort; how we’re able to find the support, the comfort from anything that we consume, whether it’s physical or emotional. Any given situation happening to two different people if the moon is dark, that person is not going to be able to enjoy, find comfort or support in that situation. If the moon is bright then even in the most horrible situation they’re able to find optimism in it. There’s “Ok, but, the world still loves me, there’s still support.” There’s that feminine mother energy that’s always present with you, it’s kind of a given. Rasa is an ayuravedic term, it means that part of your physiology that is the first part of food becoming you. So, it’s your blood but it’s not the red blood cells, it’s the plasma in your blood. It’s the microchyle that gets absorbed by the GI tract. But the upa dhatu, the sub-tissue of rasa is stana. Stana means the breasts, and the breasts and the milk. So, a person with a dark moon will feel less nourished by the world, and hence perhaps less supported because it could be that they didn’t get enough breast milk when they were young. That would be a very direct kind of obvious case. It could mean they just didn’t get you know, all of us; we didn’t get enough boob. Boob is the most comfortable pillow. The boob is the first thing, it’s the mother’s breast. OK, maybe we did get the mother’s breast, but for some reason it wasn’t fully comforting to us; the mother wasn’t able to transmit her own comfort to you, even though she was comforting the energy of hers was not supported by comfort so it wasn’t really truly comforting to you cause she was weak. Maybe you just don’t get enough milk and you’re on the bottle, on formula. None of this is a judgment, this is just simply an observation that for whatever reason in early childhood a person didn’t receive nourishment and that can create a situation where your ability to suck nourishment from the world is compromised.
  • The remedy is to understand and love it. Because the world actually needs this type of person. If the world was just full of people with full moons, walking around going “Oh, everything’s fine, don’t worry about it, oh, Coronavirus, oh it will be fine. Go have fun, we’ll be alright.” No, we need people with dark moons to say “Hey, people, listen up, we got a problem here” because they’re the ones who see the glass half-empty. They say “hey, hey, hey. Don’t be so happy. The wolf is at our door folks.” Understand that and love it because you are an essential part of society. So what if your mother didn’t breast feed you enough or you didn’t get enough. That’s what was supposed to happen based on the chart and you can still be a fully functioning beautiful human being. Often times much better functioning than people with full moons. It’s just that they enjoy things a little more. This only applies to the Rashi chart.
  • With a dark moon your ability to extract rasa from the world is limited. So, what that will drive a person to do is to find rasa some place else. This could be a very spiritual combination. In fact, one of the dark moons is pictured as lord Shiva. He has that very dark crescent moon over his head as he’s meditating; the spirituality of the dark moon. That’s the beautiful part about it; if you have a dark moon and you’re not able to extract the juiciness from this material life; none of the comforts really comfort you. Then the beautiful part is you have no choice but to go within; to be spiritual, especially if there are other combinations in the chart that support spirituality.
  • Hanumanji, because he had a dark moon, didn’t think much of himself even though he could of been anything; he had all the powers in the world. That’s why you chant the Charlise thats why you do mantras to remind him - “Wow, you’re the ocean of wisdom and compassion!” “I am!?” “Yeh, you’re the lord of all monkeys man.” He’s like, “I AM!?”. Ok, so the moon represents rasa. The second thing which you all know is that the moon represents the mind. So, people with a dark moon need to be reminded how beautiful and good they are. This is the moon of Kali, the dark goddess. It’s the moon of lord shiva.
  • A dark moon can also give a dark sense of humour.
  • There can be a lack of emotional presence from the mother, not necessarily physical.
  • So, a dark moon can have these qualities of glass half-empty, dark sense of humour, they will want to seek fulfilment from things that normal people don’t; like spirituality or doing the Kimino thing where you walk 5 million miles across Spain barefoot, that gives them fulfilment. A normal person with a big moon, when they do that walk, they’re stoping every couple of hours having wine and cheese cause that gives them fulfillment. And a dark moon is like “No, I must stay true to my fast until I reach the goal, because otherwise God won’t love me.” - that’s how they think! The full moon is like “yeh, come on over here! Let’s enjoy, you only live once.” The dark moon willingly puts themselves out of comfort to kind of sustain that sense of connection to non-material things oftentimes. Hanumanji is the perfect example.
  • BUT when the Sun is with the Moon, specifically in the same house, it does not have the sense of 6/8 or 2/12 like we said, where the fundament yin/yang disharmony that comes from one parent missing, one parent being afflicted, or gone, what happens if they’re int he same house is the parents could be together but either one parent is dominant, like Nadia says, the Father dominates, it could be, if it were taking place in Libra, that neither dominates but they’re not able to nurture you; they feel powerless and you’re unable to get that rasa and hence, mental joy and fulfilment from the world. So, you turn to other places. This is a great combination for a scientist. A full moon can be (but not always) a liability for a scientist. Why? Because it’s hard to dissect frogs when you have a full moon. I’m being general, if you have Saturn and Rahu in the 5th house or in angles then you can be a scientist no problem, even if you have a full moon. But all other factors being equal, the dark moon will allow you to do things like that better. You don’t have a dark enough mind with a full moon. You need a little bit of a dark mind that isn’t so touchy feely. Whereas the full moon can be a little too sensual. It’s a little too Kama - moon is the planet of Kama.
  • The sun is the way for you to achieve things; the drive behind your actions. In a way, kind of your purpose in life. And the moon is how you benefit from it emotionally; how you get fulfilment from those actions of how you express yourself in the world. Then it’s important to look at whether the aspect between them is harmonising or has tension and detriment. So, if it’s a 6/8 then in a way sometimes you could feel like you’re your own worst enemy when it comes to pursuing things but not being fulfilled by them. You can feel like you have a perfect career that you have been pursuing because the sun is the karaka for career, but then you don’t get emotional fulfilment from it and it might drive you to keep changing your career because you feel like your own worst enemy. And with 2/12 there’s just disconnect - “what am i supposed to be doing because nothing really brings me fulfilment.” And if it’s 5/9 then you have a perfect harmony between what you do in life, how you express yourself, and how much fulfilment from those actions you get. it shows you that that’s not the area of life that they struggle with. 4/10 creates a situation where there’s initial tension that needs a little effort to resolve; compromise. So, if you have 4/10, there is an initial tension that is resolved either through compromise or working through it. And often it is a situation where which parent is going to work, and which parent is going to stay home; which parent is going to do what; who takes out the garbage and who cooks? When there’s 4/10 it can create some initial tension around who does what and who is recognised for that; “well I cook all the time and you never say thank you.” “oh yeh, but I bring home the pay-check and you never say thank you”. So, there’s a little bit of that with the 4/10 aspect but it’s very resolvable. A 4/10 aspect starts out as tension, and over time it gets ground down. Because the 4th and the 10th houses have to do with the private life and public life. And you’ll see, when the moon is in the 10th house from the sun, often it will the mother, or the person with the feminine energy who wants to be out in the world, meaning that the mother wants recognition and the father stays home and when the moon is in the 4th from the sun it’s the opposite. But it’s not always that simple, lets say your parents grew up in the 50s the guy worked and the women stayed at home. That was the paradigm mostly. But lets say the moon is in the 10th from the sun, 10 houses away means it’s in the career position. Then the mother will still want public respect and accolades, whereas the father goes to worka nd comes home and collects a pay-check and that’s it, the mum is involved in the PTA meetings, Mum has a neiboughood watch and a bookclub that she participates in. Even though she may not “work”, socially she wants to be more active because she’s in the 10th position; she’s more visible than her husband. And that’s how you resolve a 4/10 relationship, you say (lets say you’re husband and you’re a debilitated Sun), “Honey, what do you want?” and honey says “well, i want to be public.” and Sun says “honey, that’s great, but we live in 1937 and your opportunities are maybe as a secretary”… The honey is going to want to excel and she’s going to shine much brighter than him, but it has to be in the context of what the society allows; in achievable things. And they work out this tension. So if you’re the husband you’ve gotta understand, you gotta to let your hunny shine in whatever way, you can’t get mad at her for that. So, if you come home and dinner’s not ready because she’s at the book meeting you gotta be like “alright, this is awesome”. Why? a) because i get to be alone, and b) she’s doing her dharma and she’s going to be happy and not resentful and when she comes home she’s gonna give me a hug and we’re gonna love on each other. So, just understanding that can help you figure out your dynamics. And vice versa, moon, with this combination, the husband comes home and goes to the garage to tinker maybe don’t be mad at him cause he’s gonna need some private time for 4th house; his cave time. And we can reverse it, sun in the 10th, let the husband shine and so forth. So, if you have this combination this can tell us a little something about your parents situation in the household. Again, it’s a general look, but it can give us an idea. Who gets what duties. The 4/10 is fundamentally who does what in the relationship; who is the public who is the private; who cooks who cleans, who brings home the cheque, that kind of stuff. (from Nadya: It also could be passionate).
  • 1/1 relationship will create both harmonious and challenging results (since it is a dark moon). This can be harmonious because of the spirituality characteristic that can be associated with this aspect. It can be a harmonious aspect if you channel it that way; toward spirituality; there is a 1/1 relationship to the sun and the moon despite the dark moon; it is a positive relationship. But it also is challenging so it is both.
  • 5/9 does not necessarily mean your parents got a long famously, it just means that your sun and moon are 5/9… See, this is why I don’t cover them because people go “Oh, my sun and moon are 5/9 therefore mum and dad got along great”, no, not necessarily. Whether they got along great or not it may not have left much of a scar on you by itself. Generally your sun and moon should support each other in life unless there are other factors that depress that: debilitated moon, debilitated sun, aspected by Saturn etc.
  • Su opposite Mo is the opposite; there the moon is very bright in the sky. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your parents got along great. But it means they were actively interacting with each other. It’s the opposite of a 2/12. 2/12 is they’re disjointed, the yin-yang was disjointed. With Su opposite Mo the yin gives and the yang gives and they give as good as they get. And what that tends to give is the person has more of a model how male-female interactions are int he world. They see the mum both being powerful and the dada being powerful and so they can make up their own mind who they are but it’s not one-sided. Like in the 6/8 or 2/12 or even the Su conjunct Mo, one parent; the yang may be more, or the yin may be too much because the Dad left and there’s too much yin in the house. With Su opposite Mo they each give as well as they get. And so it also gives you goo Rasa; glass half-full syndrome. It doesn’t mean you’re an eternal optimist but if someone says it’s going to rain it’s like “oh cool, it’s gonna rain. It means I don’t have to water the grass. Awesome.” Whereas someone else is going to be like “oh, it’s going to rain… I have to stay indoors :(“. In many ways you’re kind of made for this world - you know how to extract the juiciness and you know how to act in this world so it makes yourself and others comfortable. You can become an example of male-female well-balanced energy. Su opposite Mo helps you understand because you saw your mum and dad interacting and you can do that in the world. It could still be that mum and dad fought, very much so. But each of them was able to see the other. With The 2/12, one is either deceiving the other or leaves and is gone, they do no behold each other. There is a disappointment involved there. Because it’s like passive-aggressive or you just don’t see the person because they’re not there, they’re alway at work or they left or they’re taking drugs; you can’t actually interact. Whereas Su opposite Mo they’re looking at each other, they’re beholding each other. Even if they hate each other they’re still going to debate it out. And you, having that combination, that was modelled to you perhaps and you saw how, even if two people don’t get along they’re going to try to work it out and one is not greater than the other; the moon is very bright, the sun is giving it’s light and they’re interacting, the keyword is there’s an interaction between yin and yang; they’re not stuck. One isn’t very high and one is just stuck. Even if one parent leaves, there is still somehow a balance between the yin and the yang. Even if one parent left that energy that they represent is still fulfilled somehow for you Vs that parent leaving and now there’s a dirth of that energy; you feel you got the full Dad and the full Mum experience.
  • Again, this 1/7, 1/1/, all of these Sun Moon combos only int he main chart.
  • Consider that this world is the world of the moon, this planet wouldn’t have the life that it has if it weren’t for the moon and the cycles of the moon. So, a person who has a bright moon in a way - why it’s considered exaggerated - there could be a little bit extra attachment to the way of this world; wanting to get the Rasa, wanting to get the comfort, the juiciness, the satisfaction from this material world; trying to extract it all the time; that’s why the exageration. A full moon says “we can improve things. we can make life better. Hey, lets go into politics, let’s become this.” “Hey, you know what, things started bad but things can get better.” Whereas Shiva, he is pictured with his eyes in a half closed because he’s partly dead to this world. He represents the dark moon. He’s like “there’s nothing good in this world I’m destroying it.” And you’re liek “wait wait wait wait please, hold on.”. The full moon is a different energy; it’s an optimist (to a fault sometimes). The word “Maya” comes from the root “Ma”. “Maya” is a verb. What do you think “Ma” means? It means to measure. And so Maya is all that can be measured, it is the world that is accesable to the senses and the instruments that we build to understand it, and that is represented by the moon. Whereas the Sun represents the essential; the thing at the heart of Maya and manifest creation. It represents the singularity at its core. And so people with a brighter moon are perhaps better suited towards this world of maya. Maya can also mean illusion. This is because all the can be measured is impermanent; its the five elements and all of those a transitory. The five elements are constantly changing because of rajas and tamas they’re changing from one state to another and this is the world of Maya. And the sun is that which is eternal and the moon waxes and wanes; it’s form changes every night, the sun never changes; it gets up it does its job; the atman; it’s the eternal witness.
  • When the moon is together with the sun or dark that’s essentially a combust moon.
  • When the Sun and Moon are 2/12 to each other it gives an imbalance in the yin yang especially in the early life between the mother and father. An imbalance in the mother - father dynamic especially when growing up.
  • So, if moon is 2/12 to sun in your main chart but it’s 5/9 in the D9 then it means later in life the yin yang will come into harmony.
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Sun - Ma

  • Compulsion
  • Ambition
  • Assertiveness
  • Anger problems
  • Raw physicality
  • This is going to be Su - Ma by conjunction, to a lesser degree if you have Mars aspecting the Sun with its special aspect. This will be maybe half true, like, half the intensity. But when they are both together it is A THING.
  • Having Su - Ma opposite will have a slightly different meaning.
  • Conjunction is the thing is always coming from you. For example, we talked about moon as being the Rasa, I gave the ayuravedic definition here of the moon represents rasa. Rasa means juice, essence, or soup, like in ayuraveda mam rasa means meat soup or chicken soup. But soup is the essence of that thing because you boil the thing, you boil the vegetables, you boil the meat, whatever it is and the soup is the essence of it; the very digestable essence. That’s rasa, it’s the essence of anything. But in the body it’s also the plasma. The plasma in the blood. Well, Mars is the red blood cells. It’s called Rakta. It’s the RBC’s, it’s the hot aspect, it’s the red aspect of your blood. it’s what makes your blood red i guess the oxygen in there as well. And so whenever the Sun connects to Mars it will create heat, it will create increased blood in the body. Something in Auyraveda called Rakta Pitta which is too much heat. And when it’s a conjunction it’s heat coming from inside of you. However, when it’s in oppositon it comes from someone else, it comes from the outside. Or PERCIEVED to come from the outside. So you go “I’m not an angry person but when that guy says whatever he says oh it just makes me so mad.”. They percive the anger, the heat as triggered from an outside source. So the conjunction is going to mean that you just have a lot of…. So let’s talk about what Su - Ma means… it means ambiton, it means impulsiveness; the desire to act. The sun brings light to anything it touches. So , by bringing light to Mars it will highlight Mars’ qualities, both the positive and the negative. So there is an assertive, fiesty, ambitious, anger-prone quality to the Sun - Mars combination. But the difference in how it expresses is when it’s opposed, there’s gonna be a sense of ‘people piss me off’ whereas when it’s conjunct it’s going to turn into ambition, it’s going to turn into anger but it’s going to be within them. they may not necessarily lash out at the world or say “it’s Trump’s fault” or “It’s Biden’s fault”. or “it’s corona’s fault” or whatever it is. They’re less likely to externalise it. So there’s a difference in having Sun Mars conjunct or opposed. But the the basic meaning is it creates impulsiveness, possibly quick to anger, their blood boils.
  • Equals anger, ambition, impulse
  • If you see it in 7th house you can ask, “hey, does your wife get angry all the time?” is she a little hot under the collar? Because if its int he 7th house then it will play out it their area of love and romance, if it’s in the 10th house then it will play out in career.
  • If it’s just mars aspecting the sun (via it’s 4th or 8th aspect) it means the blood, the rakta is not really getting heated up, it’s the sun that is getting heated up by Mars’ aspect so SOME of this stuff will apply, the ambition, yes, because Sun is ambitious, the high anger, not nesacarily. Because anger comes from having the blood heated up - the mars combust and hot. Whereas if Mars is just aspecting the sun then no, the anger is not likely to be there as much so that’s why i say 50% influence with just the mars aspect. Also, when you run the sun period that will play out more Vs the mars period because it’s not as affected by Sun. And during thr sun period you may suffer from high ____. And during mars you have to evaluate mars.
  • Compulsive
  • Administration
  • Ambition
  • Anger-prone
  • Assertiveness
  • Raw physicallity
  • Athleticism if it’s connected the 1st house, 3rd house, 6th house; the upachaya houses.
  • Can be the animalistic part of sex
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Sun - Me

  • A combo called Buddha Aditya Yoga in Vedic astrology. Many peopel this is just when Su and Me are in the same sign. But really for this to be a yoga, the 1st or 5th house have to be activated. Meaning that either to 1st or the 5th house are aspected by this conjunction or the rule of the 1st or 5th house should be mercury or sun. To repeat, the definition of Buddha Aitya Yoga is Mercury Sun in the same sign and the involvement of either house 1 or house 5. What this confers is high intelligence. You can confirm it by looking at the palm of a person. Palmistry is always a part of vedic astrology. When you look at the palm you should not be able to see the fingerprint patterns They should be very faint, very difficult to see. If you can see the rough fingerprint pattern on the palm that’s typically an indication of someone who is someone who is kind of what we call an earth hand; the hand of a farmer, a worker; someone who is not necassarily intellectually refined. Doesnt mean they’re a good or a bad person, it;s not a judgement. it means that’s not their forte. When it’s hard to see; when you take the person’s hand and you can’t see their fingerprint patters, their palm print patterns that is one indication (but not the only) of intelligence. So, if you see that in the palm and you see Budha Aditya Yoga the person has a very high IQ; you have an IQ of over 160. Particularly if more than one factor is involved, like lets say their 5th house is quite strong also. But basically Buddha Adita Yoga when it is present, Su Me confer good IQ. But there is a subtle difference when the 1st house is involved and when the 5th house is invovled. When the 1st house is involved the person can make use of it and actualise it in their life to make good decision. VS if it’s just the 5th house, the person may be brilliant but when they go to buy a car, the salesman still rips them off. They don’t necasarily have practical intelligence. So, the first house always is practical intelligence; applicable intelligence; books smart vs street smart. It doesn’t mean that this person doesnt also have booksmarts because Buddha Aditya Yoga is Buddha Aditya; the person is still intelligent, but that intelligence they’ve also learnt how to navigate int he world. Whereas if it’s only in the 5th houese and lets say that the 1st house is otherwise afflicted e.g. there’s Ketu in the 1st and they feel like an alien in this world, they may be very brilliant but they leave the house with one shoe and one sandal on; the practical aspects are missing. That’s a subtle difference between buddha Aitya that involves the 1st and 5th. Some Buddha Aditya yogas invovles both and then it’s supremely strong. But as is the case with all yogas, you would also want to see are there other yogas for education and intellect like Saraswati yoga.
  • The Buddhi mind, the logical mind becomes overly active; you’re analysing everything; being smart becomes a big part of your identity. Remember, anything that the sun touches will become more identified with because its our identity. In the worst case scenario we become attached to it because it’s the ego, in the best case scenario it brings light into that sphere of life; the sun brings light into the logical mind, the ability to analyse things. But when the mercury is weak for instance then maybe you become too talkative, too over -analysing, you become attached to how smart you are supposedly.
  • If this combo does not activated the 1st or the 5th house it will still indicate smarts related to the part of the chart that the combo sits in. So if you have it in the 3rd house you might be good at writing or communicating or you might be a good driver, or a good dancer or have a good sense of humour; those are all 3rd house things, but not necessarily book smart. By the way this is a common combination so a lot of people will have this; that’s why we qualify the actual yogas as having to involve the 1st and the 5th house.
  • The sun mercury rules intelligence as we rule it on IQ tests. Moon mercury rules kind of emotional intelligence.
  • If someone has Sun mercury but doesn’t have Buddha Addita yoga will they still have these attributes that we talked about? Yes, specific to the house where it sits in. So, if it’s in the 11th house it will be intellect pertaining to 11th house matters. If it’s in the 8th house you will have great insight into 8th house matters. So, think of the Sun as light and then mercury as like a filter. We live in the desert here, and to see scorpions int he desert you need a UV light because under normal light you can’t see them but you turn on the UV light and you can see the little scorpions shining. You guys still want to come over here to Phoenix? And so the sun mercury combination creates a filter to help you really see deep into one area of life. When it’s not a Buddha Adita yoga (meaning when it’s not configured with the 1st or 5th house) then it will still give you deep insight into that particular area, wherever it sits. When it’s in the third house it will be with third hosue things, writing or self expression. Maybe you’re sibling will be brilliant - that person becomes brilliant. Sun mercury in the 9th maybe your father has a very high IQ. Sun mercury in the 11th, it’s your older brother. In the 12th it could be your cat’s spouse. Because 6th house is your pet and the 7th from the 6th is the 12th. So the spouse of your cat is very smart. So, it will still have an effect, it can’t help but have an effect. But the actual full buddha adaita yoga is more of a general effect, it just tends to make you bright generally speaking. And by the way most indian astrologers will say sun mercry together is buddha adaita yoga without the qualification. But we’re being a little more precise a little more exacting of Sun mercury for it to be a full buddha adaita yoga. Because otherwise everybody has it basically because mercury is always within a house of the sun.
  • Sun mercury in the 11th you would have ery intellectual friends. Well, sun mercuy in the 11th is configured with the 5th because it aspects the 5th so you also would be an intellectual. but yeh, the house it happens in keys what area of life.
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Su - Sa

  • This combo is deadly to self-esteem (especially the one-sided aspect to the Sun).
  • “I am not good enough”.
  • Usually comes from the father.
  • To understand some of these combos you have to understand the mythology: Sun is the father of Saturn. Sun kicks Saturn out of heaven so far that Saturn falls and breaks his leg. And then Saturn becomes the farthest planet and they’re always far away from each other. Now, later in life they make-up a little bit, but still there is this very juxtaposed nature: Sun is is outgoing and radiant, Saturn is inward and dark. But when Saturn is one-sidedly aspecting the Sun, it brings the Sun’s natural radiance inward and dampens it’s expression, so the person doesn’t feel like they can express themselves.
  • This is a big one… Sun Saturn here, by conjunction, yes, by opposition, yes, but here we also include one-sided aspects - they take equal weight. And even to a smaller, much much smaller degree, Sun in a Saturn sign because Sun hates being in a Saturn sign… But to a much lesser degree.
  • The one-sided aspect of Saturn counts as much and in some ways even more than the Sun Saturn conjunction or opposition. The reason for that is - and this only applies to Saturn here - is Saturn aspects the way you throw a punch. He aspects with a right or left hook, you don’t see that punch coming. In boxing the straight punches are the jab and the cross. The hook is something that comes around, it looks like a hook where you don’t see it and it hits you in the temple and you get knocked out. Its not that it’s such a hard punch, its the one that your brain can’t prepare for; it comes out of nowhere, it’s like this “why is this happening to me feeling’; “why do i deserve this!?”, that’s the feeling. It’s the hook that really hurts and brings you down because you’re looking straight and it comes from the side and that’s Saturn’s aspect, the 3 and the 10 aspect of Saturn is like that.
  • So the first thing you’re going to think when you see Sun and Saturn, i don’t care where it is in the chart, is there’s going to be low self-esteem; there’s going to be self-esteem issues. And self-esteem issues usually related to the early life. Of how the person was raised, either the father didn’t give the love or the mother didn’t give… it’s usually the father and the person becomes afraid to project themselves. They become afraid to stand up and speak their own truth in the relationship. The Su - Sa combo is not so much that the person doesn’t have the archetypal masculinity it’s that the way they were brought up, they were made to feel like that isn’t worthwhile. It’s like “shut up, you don’t have a say in this kind of feeling.”; that’s what’s happening inside the person’s mind; “you know I want to speak up, but who cares about me, nobody cares.”; That’s the worst expression of it.
  • In a relationship the person is likely to be not assertive sexually, like the debilitated sun, but because they’re just too down on themselves. There’s a little bit of fear with expressing who they are and what they want.
  • On the good side, the person becomes a hard-worker, responsible, dependable because that’s the way they express themselves; “If I’m not gonna jump up on top of the table and sing ‘living on a prayer’ well i’l be the dependable one”.
  • Afraid to make the first move in a social situation.
  • Harsh, disciplinary father because the Sun is the father and Saturn is discipline and boundaries, so it’s likely that the father or the father-figure somehow imposed discipline and boundaries on you. Maybe too much and so it’s natural for you to be a hard-worker and be dependable but not natural for you to express yourself; to shine in the world.
  • Hard-working, dependable, responsible
  • A sense of feeling not good enough
  • These planets are mutual enemies and so that enmity… there is that sense of enmity; these people will have to overcome harsh forces in their life to get to where they want to be. And in some sense they will have to overcome their own lack of self-esteem.
  • It’s a classic low self-esteem issue so if you combine other things… If you see Guilika on the ascendent and you see Sun Saturn then these people actually need vitamin D. These people will actually need supplementation because their chemistry will be off. So you could talk all day about how they need to improve their self-esteem; its a chemical thing in the body, but the sun saturn is only one block of it.
  • This is one of the few combos that can hijack the entire chart. There are a few combos that when you see them and you go “why isn’t this person fulfilling their life they have so much potential” the Saturn Sun is one of them and the moon ketu can be another.
  • Sometimes this can completely make or break a chart. The person can become overtaken by the self esteem factors or they can overcome them.
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Su - Ju

  • The classic combo for spirituality
  • The desire to improve the world
  • The sun when it combines with Jupiter it gives light o Jupiters qualities of spirituality, faith; there tends to be natural optimism; natural desire to make things better for people; to better the world.
  • Again, this is by conjunction. If it’s just Jupiter aspecting the Sun it’s 50% to 75% true because this is generally a very positive aspect; I don’t have anything special to give you about this aspect.
  • Generally spirituality and healing
  • A NATURAL spirituality and healing.
  • Almost always they’re into social work, psychology, some kind of natural spiritual system like yoga or if they’re in a religion; it’s not rote religion like they have to be in the pews by 10am every Sunday, it’s like naturally they feel connected to Christ and so on.
  • It makes a person a naturally good person. The Sun makes you identify with being good which is Jupiter (all other factors being equal ofcourse). At least in their mind they think they’re good/they’re doing good.
  • A natural inclination towards spirituality, and doing good in the world.
  • Good people who probably have good hearts
  • Spirituality and healing
  • The Sun brings light to whatever it touches, with Jupiter it brings light to wisdom
  • Ask the client “have you always been into spirituality and healing?”
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Su - Pluto

  • Sun represents father. This is never a good combination for experiencing the sweetness of the fatherly love.
  • (Especially in the 4th house + especially 4th lord in the 5th house) it can often indicate being very good at psychology and working with creating inner and outer environment that is conducive to healing. The deeper and more profound you go, the more powerful it will be.
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Sun Debilitated (in Libra)

  • the person tends to lose their sense of self because Libra is about balance/relationships/it’s the natural 7th house so the person gets lost in their relationships, meaning that they want to please others by finding harmony so they forget the true self; why they got into the relationship in the first place maybe; that kind of feeling.
  • The house that the Sun rules in the chart can sometimes give you an indication on the why or who made that person that way. If the sun rules the 9th house and it’s debilitated it’s maybe because of the father’s influence. the father made the person feel like they are not enough. If it’s the 11th house it could be the older sibling or sometimes your friends. 4th house, sun debilitated, it’s through the mother somehow that the person has lost their sense of self. 5th house, perhaps through the children they lose their sense of self. If the sun rules the 7th house and it’s debilitated perhaps through partnerships. That’s one way to maybe identify ‘where is the source of this lack of sense of self’. Obviously the other way will be through the actual house it inhabits. So, working those 2 in will help.
  • Deferring to others is an issue.
  • The Sun is also the spine; the ‘organ’ in your body that supports you as a person; you’re able to stand up for yourself, hold yourself high ia the spine. So, when the sun is in libra the spine is kind of wishy washy, sometimes you might be a little bit spineless but it all comes from a good point of view; “i just want to create harmony” and yet it can be to a detriment.
  • “A woman is looking for a man with a strong spine and open heart.” Sometimes hard to get both of those things.
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Su - Ve

  • The Sun brings light to whatever it touches, with Venus it brings light to creativity
  • Primordial creativity
  • It doesn’t mean everyone with Su - Ve conjunct is a musician but at the very least they like music. They are more appreciative than the average person of different styles of music.
  • The Sun and Venus both rule the eyes so perceiving beauty through the eyes could be one of the big themes in the person’s life. So they might have a good eye for beauty.
  • Creativity in general
  • A good eye for beauty
  • Charm; this is one of the classic aspects of someone who is charming
  • Heightened sensitivity to beauty and creativity
  • Can make people (especially women) want to be flashy when they dress; drawing attention to themselves when they get dressed; wanting to look good because part of your identity associates with that physical beauty; the desire to look good
  • If you ask your client “Are you a highly creative person?”
  • Means you’re a gentle artist
  • Keen eye for things and wanting to express yourself in a beautiful way because Sun is also significator for self-expression, not necessarily through communications but how you shine in the world.
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Su - Ra

  • Chronic over self-expression
  • Compulsive self-expression; wants to project; the desire to project their voice. Especially if the third house is involved - people are going to hear from this person; this person cannot help but express themself; they’re the one’s if you go to a baseball game, a cricket match, a basketball game they’re gonna be yelling to the players “hey c/mon faster faster lets go” and everyone looks at them and goes “how can that person be so loud?”. Or if you’re sitting with someone like this at a restaurant by the end of your meal everybody is looking at you and it’s just so uncomfortable but they don’t care (ha) they’re like “screw them all, I’m ..”. Especially if the second and the third house are involved, the house of speech and mouth or the house of communication and self-expression.
  • Blind self-confidence; meaning self confidence that just is innate, it’s not necessarily tied to your achievements.
  • Sometimes excessive self-expression
  • A powerful need to express yourself and if it’s tied with the second or third house then the person will have diarrea of the mouth; these people need to learn mindfullness when they talk since this can be a big problem. They can become so annoying. Mindfullness is great; mindfullness in speech and self-expression is necessary because Rahu is your blind spot. And the blindspot here is about your fundamental sense of who you are/of self. And blind spot means you don’t really know how you’re affecting others by just by being who you are. Nothing is good or bad; we’re not putting judgement, we’re putting quality here. Nothing is really negative or positive, it’s our perception of things. its more like is it helping you or is it hurting you? is it helping other or is it hurting others?
  • This is the opposite of Sun and Saturn; Sun and Saturn is low self-esteem, this is excessive self expression or self-promotion; “I’m the greatest”. You know like the rooster in the morning: when roosters wake up in the morning and they do their thing they go “I AM THE GREATTESST” and then you’ll hear another one pipe up, “NO, I’M THE GREATESSST”. That’s what they’re saying. And they have no reason to; they’re in a little check coop somewhere… it’s like dude, look at yourself, you’re walkign around in goo and… but nope, he’s just proud.
  • The opposite of Sun saturn.
  • It leads to excessive self expression or self promotion. But because of that, over confidence can lead to overwhelm. Meaning that they take on too many projects; it becomes too much.
  • Because the Sun is the father and Rahu is poisons/addictions/alcohol, lots of times it can mean that the father was somehow addicted to something, often alchohol.
  • There are many ways to look at these combos. One is Rahu’s effect on the Sun, another is the the Sun’s effect on Rahu. And they can lead to slightly different things but in this case it’s mostly… when the nodes are involved witht he sun and the moon the nodes always win. The point here is that rahu and ketu are stronger than the sun and the moon. They’re actually by themselves the most powerful grahas. Because they have the power to swallow the sun and the moon. And because of that, the sun and the moon really don’t have that much of an influence. its usually rahu that overwhelms. And when rahu swallows the sun it does create… Rahu is like methampheteines/drugs, if the sun is ego, he puts the ego on drugs, it’s like way too much. It’s almost like you become blind exactly to how bright you are as a person. You become shining so brightly it’s kind of like “wooooaa too much buddy”.
  • Sun Rahu is loud; they’re the people in the stadium at the basketball game or cricket match who are yelling; they are the one’s who have that voice that reaches across the stadium. Especially if the 2nd or 3rd house are involved. either it’s happening in the second or the third or the sun rules the second or the third, but especially if they’re in it.
  • It does tend to create popularity because the sun is how you project yourself in the world, it’s also the Karaka or significator for career. So, it can explode your career, specially if you’re running Sun Rahu period or Rahu Sun; explodes your personality in the world; it explodes your career.
  • In general these qualities will be there regardless of what house, the house will channel which area, so if it’s in the 8th house it’s going to be very different than if it is in the 10th house.
  • By the way we’re not talking about aspect, this is Sun Rahu conjunction.
  • Where Rahu sits tends to be your blind spot. So then the planets that rahu conjuncts will show how that blindspots going to be activated. if it’s activated by the sun it will be in career and self expression; you will somehow not be able to see how you influence other negatively, meaning if you have sun rahu you may think you’re the sweetest nicest person but you may rub people the wrong way. It just happens! You need to develop mindfulness in how you rub people.
  • Can rub people the wrong way even if you’re silent; it’s not anything you’re really doing, it’s just.. Sun Rahu… It’s your energy; your vibrating differently; in may ways you’re an outsider; in your soul you’re an outsider so you may come from south america but you decide to live in antarctica with the pengins; there’s going to be a sense of being attracted to other cultures, other languages, different races, differnt languages, diferent tradtions. But beyond that you have to just go listen; I’m going to rub people the wrong way and if my intention is right… you know, look at Neil Degrasse Tyson, I’m sure he rubs people the wrong way, but he’s doing his dharma; he is spreading astrophsyics and truth and science ot the world and yes some people are annoyed by him. I’m sure other astrophysicists are annoyed by him because he’s so damn popular, charming and likeable but so what? So yes, he has to cultivate mindfullness, absolutely. if you look at him he has really tiny ears, and if you have sun rahu and you have tiny ears which in face reading can mean you kinda dont listen, then yo ujust have to develop mindfullness and listen more. Sometimes in the flow of the interview he just interrupts, “No no no no no, what it actually is” because it’s dying to come out fo him. So, those of you who have thus just understand, look you’re going to rub people the wrong way. Rahu is an uncontrollable force - it just takes over. if it touches somethin as important as the lagna, thr sun or the moon in many ways you’re going to be misunderstood. You just are, period. Cause you’re very much an outsider.
  • Mindfullness is the antidote. That, and not giving a crap. But you have to give a crap. Meaning, you do your part and then forget about… People are still going to leave bad youtube comments. They just are, because you’re going to rub them the wrong way.
  • Being a rebel against authoirty in a proactive way. You are rebelling actively against it; doing loud things.
  • When you see Rahu think overconfidence
  • Whatever Rahu touches will bring its influence to it.
  • compulsive need to expres syourself.
  • You just rub people the wrong way and you don’t even know why they’re irritated at you.
  • Biting off more than you can chew. Su - Ra also has this; people take on too many projects and they become overwhelmed. Taking on more projects than you can actually complete.
  • Very expressive.
  • A drive to self-express.
  • overconfidence.
  • rebel of some sort
  • voice/communication; they are loud.; rooster in the morning.
  • self-obsessesion
  • The person rebels outward; they’re not afraid of rebelling.
  • Loud speech
  • The desire for self expression
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Su - Ke

  • You feel special. Special how? Becausw you’re somehow connected to truth in a way that other people don’t know and because of that you feel unseen or unrecognised. You’re like that kid in American Beauty filming the garbage bag; Sun - Ketu.
  • the person often feels unseen, unrecorgnised, unappreciated. But they feel special because they have a connection to something; an ancient tradition, something you know… like the kid in american beauty.. but because of that they will actually be the opposite of Sun Rahu and they prefer their privacy. Even though they may have public lives and in public they may express a certain way. By nature they will probably prefer their privacy.
  • There is a sense of being perpetually dissapointed; they never feel liek they are fully understood. Why? because they’re sitting with a shadow - ketu. And Ketu gives them knowledge but it comes from an invisiable palce: “How do you know this?” “Well, I don’t know, I just know it.”
  • The main thing is that these people are goign to prefer privacy.
  • On some level, this is a person who prefers to sit and meditate, to be in a quiet place, regardless of what their position in life may be.
  • Never feel fully understood and because of that prefer privacy.
  • Dissconnect from father. Some kind of distance between the father and the person; either the father was emotionally or physically not present. There’s a disapointment in the masculine principle. These people are dissapointed in government, in authority in general.
  • Dissapointment in everything the sun represents; government, authority. dissapointment can simply mean “well, you know, i worked 40 years and now my social security cheque is this low; I thought I would be taken care of.”. Or it could means “hey, I voted, but my vote doesn’t count for anything. Look, they still elected x y z.”. It’s dissapiintment in ‘the system’.
  • Asa young person typically you grow up idolising authority, father, the big company, whatever it is, the guru, and then with life you learn very quickly they’re either corrupt; they’re not the perfect thigns that yo uthought they were. Because Ketu is also idealism. And as a young man or woman you ideolise these thigns and later on you realise they don’t have the keys to fulfilment.
  • Being a rebel against authority in a passive-aggressive/inner kind of way; you might be stabbing yourself instead of them; you’re mutilitaing yourself so they can pay attention; “It’s your fault” kind of thing, but still a rebel.
  • inward oriented
  • prefers privacy
  • feels unseen
  • Ketu with Mars, Saturn, Sun; any combination with 2 or more of those will indicate surgery; losing a part of the body.
  • Has deep dissapiintment in everythign the sun represents.
  • When you see Ketu think disspaointment.
  • Whatever Ketu touches will bring its influence to it.
  • Ketu is unfinished business (from past lives); it’s like… So, ketu in the 7th: you had the husband with 2.5 kids, you had the white picket fence, all of that, and now in this life the man comes up to you and says “honey, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me so we can have 2.5 kids and live with the picket fence” and you’re like “ehhh, i could take it or leave it.”. So, on the one sense, yes it’s dissapointment, but yo ustill have to work it out because you mucked it up somehow. Ketu represents where you didn’t quite do things right and there’s still some karma left over. So, it’s a bit of a mixed bag, it’s a muddled issue. Ketu in the 4th house: your relationship with your mother is mixed. like maybe you took care of and spent a lot of time with mum in the last lifetime and this lifetime you just don’t want to, you want to get away. but mum is sick and you have to take care of her… it’s a bit of a mixed picture…. Ketu is where you need work because it’s the antidote to Rahu. It;s where you ned to focus attention. But where you WANT to focus attention is where your Rahu is. It’s not as simple as that though because it;s always the two sides of the pendulum. You always end up coming back to ketu whether you liek it or not because you cant help…. Rahu and Ketu are both the areas of life you might feel like you have control over because you focus a lot of your energy there but you don’t really: it controls you. So yo uend up spending a lot of your energy ont he rahu things - wherever it sits or whatever it touches - and then you just become so overwhelemed by it that you end up going to ketu. But ketu, you’ve done it before already so it becomes this burdensome thign that yo ucan’t really stay there for too long either so you end up going back to Rahu. So there’s this perpetual swing of the pendulum; you can’t help but do it. Ketu is the place where you have to spiritualise your life. The hosue that Ketu sits in is wheer you want to invite God to take care of thigns for you because you can’t.. E.g. Ketu in the 10th, no matter how hard you try to have the job you want it just doesn’t come to you. And also, no matter how good it is, it’s never good enough for you because yo uhave a higher standard of it. it might be amazing but it’s “not quite right, not quite enough’ - Rahu is like “it’s not enough” and ketu is like “it’s not good enough”. E.g. Ke in 9th house - they’ve never got quite enough degrees. So, wherever Ketu is, is where you want to invite the divine to come in and take care of thigns for you. Say, Krishna, Christ, lord Buddha, whoever it is, Ganesh Gee, “please, i’m opening”…. and you have to do this with no ego cause if ou have even and ounce of ego to this, it’s not going to work. God will be like “doors not quite open, I can’t fit in that door, Ganesh is big, so you not only gotta open the door you gotta bust the walls of your personality and go ganesh G now I’m ready for you to come. Because ketu is about detachment and that is exactly what he wants you to do, he doesn’t want you to give up thigns and completely not do that things and like you know “screw it, whatever” no, the detachment comes fom eactly simon is saying; letting go the part of your ego that is attached to a certina outcome you think is the only right thign but still doing the work. Everybody alway says “where ketu is, you have mastery over that thing” not true. you have done that before no doubt, but have you become a master at it, questionable. you have to look at the rest of the chart you have to look at “is ketu happy?” what sign its in. are there malefics aspecting it? Are malefics sitting there? So, have you don it or not? yes, absolutely. Have you become a master of it? no. So you still no doubt about it have unfinished business there; unfinished karma; somethign you did not do right. And that’s patently true, since if it were ketu where you have mastery then everyone would be a master at something cause everyone has ketu somewhere. it’s what you’ve done befre, it could be many lifetimes, you have familiarity with it but you’ve created karma with it. It’s where you’ve messed up. The point is where ketu sits is where you have to invite God intp your life. That is the door they will want to enter. because you’re not in control of that sphere; you’ve gotta let go but also do work. The way to do it i to let go andonly you know what that means for you. i cant tell you “well, this is what that menas for you if its in your 5th hosue”. But that’s the gist of it you have to invite God through that area of your life and your life will prosper. it’s hard because where ketu is yu have some karma there believe me it’s hard letign go. In many ways we’re obsess with Ketu things as mush as we’re obsessed wih Rahu thigns. it’s just harder to see it because rahu is an extravert and ketu is an introvert and it’s a bunch of hidden desires that we have with ketu; things that we consider perfect; they have to be only a certain way oterwise theyre not good enogh; thats a type of attachemnt, just like rahu; the two polarities, plus and minus but stil lthe same thing. And this is a big topic in certain budhis tibeten principles; where your ketu is is where you will find you have the most spiritual materialism. You have to go to total surrender; but total surrender is not paying your rent or not taking care of your famil; it’s not escapism cause that develution of ketu - “so I’m suppossed to be detached to sim going to completely escape this world” - also wrong. its an internal process where you truly give up in your heart. you go inside and you say, lord, you tell me how im suppossed tot do this. and you will hear the message when the door is really open ganesh will come - he’ll burst through house and say i’ve been waitign do you to call me. Surrender even though your ego may want other thigns. In many ways it’s the albatross we carry in this life. It’s the thing that’s around our neck; if you’re familar with this metaphore; the albatross; great peom by samual taylor colridge; its what we carry and If we don’t address that then what’s the point. the other stuff is great but…. There’s a real material application to it… It always makes you need to surrender and to go spiritual i think.
  • The person rebels quietly.
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Sun Exalted (In Aries)



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