Chandra/Moon Flashcards

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Moon Exalted

  • When any planet is exalted (but especially the moon which represents our internal dialogue/the lense we look at the world through/how we digest life experiences) it makes a person be very stubborn at recognising their own flaws. So, it’s going to take awhile for that person - the second half of life - to see it’s not the world that’s doing it to them but THEY are the common denominator that is participating in all of the hurts and unfairness in the world that is happening to them.
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Mo - Neptune

  • The person will forever feel cheated by the world. And most likely they will be cheated because they will manifest that energetically.
  • They can sacrifice themselves to an infantitum (especially with Sa - Mo going on).
  • Tend to be delusional. That delusion comes from idealism (Neptune is the ruler of idealism and spirituality). They could dedicate allof that effort and sacrifice to a wrong cause; that’s the problem. And then the cycle of victimhood; “I’m a victim, I give so much and nobody gives back” - all of that kind of repeats itself.
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Dark Moon

  • “No, just the facts maam, nope, we just focus on the bad stuff.”
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Bright Moon

  • Focuses on the good stuff.
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Mo - Ma

  • When I say “combos” that could be a Moon Mars conjunction, opposition, or one-sided aspect. One-sided means Mars is aspecting the Moon with it’s 4th aspect or 8th aspect.
  • This is an important combination
  • A combination for earthiness, physicality, and a good level of passion and vitality. We will dive into how these are different when they’re opposed vs conjunct vs one-sided and this is what will make the subtle difference in your interpretation.
  • it is a yoga by itself; it’s called Chandra-Mangala Yoga. It just means Moon Mars combination. Chandra is moon Mangala is Mars. A combination of Moon Mars either conjunct or opposed. Classically this is a combination for wealth. Why? Moon Mars when either conjunct or opposite create intense passion about a particular subject. it’s like a hobby, but then the hobby is so intense it takes you over; it becomes your career in a sense; an intense passion about a cause, a hobby, or a particular subject; even though it didn’t start out as being a career, because you take it to the nth degree, you devote so much time to it; you spend so much time in the basement tinkering that it becomes your career; it becomes what you’re known for. That’s Moon Mars combinations.
  • The difference between the opposition and the conjunction is that when moon and mars are opposed that hobby can be in multiple spheres because two houses are involved. In one part of the life one thing is your passion, and in the second half of the life another thing becomes your passion. That’s with the opposition.
  • It’s different when Moon Mars are together in the same sign. Moon Mars together in the same sign is a little bit more selfish; the person is focussed mainly on one thing and that passion, that hobby becomes their career and it becomes what they’re known for but it’s more self-driven, self-focussed. It doesn’t mean they’re necessarily selfish because that passion can be shared with the world. But it’s more self-focussed.
  • MO/MA together is a yoga for money because it follows that whatever you’re so passionate about that you do fro hours, whether it’s computers or the guitar or singing or dancing, eventually you become really good at it and you become known for it. And it can by jyotish if it happens in your eighth house or the 5th house, remember the 5th and the 8th are the houses of jyotish, then that hobby becomes your career; what you’re known for. It doesn’t have to be innately selfish, but it will tend towards it. It’s easy for the person to become absorbed into their passion.
  • You have to look at what Nakshatra is involved. You can use this to qualify where this is going to get expressed.
  • You also need to determine the health of the moon and the mars - how healthy are they? How comfortable are they? Are they afflicted? Are they strong?
  • Fundamentally the opposition is ‘other’ focussed. Its the 7th aspect which means that when you have the opposition it’s fundamentally inclined to be expressed in the world. When it’s negative you feel like mars in the 7th house from the moon is like other people are stopping you from doing what you want to do. So if moon or mars are afflicted when it’s conjunct, the opposition is within you. When they’re opposed you feel like there’s opposition from the outside.
  • And moon mars when they’re opposite also creates something called Kudja Dosha which is the mars in the 7th house from the moon can obstruct relationships, especially before age 30. We also have to look at other factors as well but that’s a thing…
  • To recap, moon mars combinations, either conjunct or opposite is a yoga for money. Particularly money earned from a passion; something that is a passion project for you. It also becomes where you believe (Moon, belief) in what you do (Mars, mars is action). So, the person becomes congruent. Whether they’re a sales person for Amway, “I believe in this product. I use this product.” or they’re an astrologer, “I believe in the power of astrology to help people.” You get it? That passion comes from an earnest sense of ‘I believe in what i do’, that it’s good, that it’s something that’s right. So, belief (moon) in what they do (mars).
  • So, all moon mars combinations including conjunction, opposition, create a sense of passion and restlessness, like ‘I have to be doing something.’ And if you’re not doing that thing that gives your release from the restlessness you feel irritable. Because Moon is the manus, or if you will, the moon is Rasa. Rasa is the plasma, the blood, your ability to extract nutrition from the world. What Mars does when it influences the rasa is it creates Rakta Pitta; it creates pitta in the blood; hot; the person becomes hot blooded. And the only expression for that is they have to do something; they either become physically involved in their hobby and that releases the heat for them. So it’s often associated with physical movement; so moon mars can mean the person likes to exercise, they like to move, they like to dance, they need to somehow express that heat so it leaves their body. Or they just like to tinker on computers for 20 hours a day or whatever it is and that channels that heat. By the way people think that flexing your muscles is the only way to burn calories. Did you know that a baby 50% of the calories it burns is from its brain. As an adult about 30% of the calories we burn is burnt by our brain. And if you;’re studying or intently focussed on something it’s probably even more. So, your brain can actually burn calories, not just your body and your muscles. So, the point is though you gotta burn those calories, that heat, calorie literally means heat, it’s a measure of heat expenditure. So, moon mars creates heat that needs to be burnt and wherever it sits in the chart, that’s where it has to be expressed. if it’s in the 8th or the 5th it could be astrology, could also be other things, maybe you just love accounting. you have moon mars in the 8th you’re the best accountant because 8th house is the house of accounting and taxes. the 7th house is relationships; showing yourself to others in the world. If its in the 10th house it’s in the public sphere; to do something in the world; to change the political structure.
  • So, the moon as rasa; all moon mars combinations are restlessness.
  • Another theme of moon and mars is strong independence.
  • One thing is restlessness; this is a big theme. This goes hand in hand with independence. This person wants to do things THEIR way.
  • That’s the moon as a conjunction vs as an opposition. both will give you some level of money from your passion. They’ll give you a sense of restlessness and independence, a sense of heat, impatience IF you’re not doing something to release it. So, if you’re stuck in a cubby somewhere in a corporation and all you long for is to have you’re own business, you betcha it’s going to drive you to anger; irritability; you’re not going to be fun to be around. People say, “oh, it’s an anger combination”, well yes, when the energy isn’t being used. But when it’s being used, it’s a combination for tremendous leadership, for joy, like if you’re an athlete but someone is forcing you work as a mortician, all you long for is to get on that court and hit some tennis balls. but when you’re on the court you’re a joy to watch, you’re fun, you’re exciting, people love it. when you’re trying to dress the corpse and someone is telling you “don’t draw a moustache on him” and you’re like “shut up”. So, the anger depends, it depends if the energy is being used.
  • Now lets look at the special aspects… the one-sided aspect of mars where mars aspects the moon but the moon does not reciprocate. And this is a slightly different thing. SP, lets start with the 8th aspect.
  • The 8th house has to do with sex. And it’s a one-sided aspect so mars is the one in control.
  • So, the first theme of the 6/8 Mo/Ma aspect is a wave of emotion comes over you that is hard to handle; it’s a wave of emotion; it’s usually a powerful emotion like sexuality; sex; lust; or wanting to do a daring deed; mars dares you “I dare you to go and set that thing on fire”, which can lead to fool-hardy behaviour. That mars comes over you and it just says “hey hey hey buddy, I dare you to go kick that snake. I dare you”. And you go kick the snake and you get bit and then you have to go to the hospital and people say “what were you thinking?” and you go “i don’t know”. Well what they were thinking is mars overcame your moon, because it’s a one-sided thing and the moon is like “ok, I’ll do that.” So it gives a sense of compulsive kind of.. again it’s passion, but passion doesn’t think and so it can create scandal as a result of the behaviour that it triggers. Fundamentally the 8th house is sex so waves of sexual feeling come over them at sometimes the most in-opportune times. They could be sitting in class, in church, you have no control over it. Or you may get that wave, the urge to drink alcohol, “oh, i have to have a mojito right now”. and you might be in an airplane, somewhere where it’s not… and then you just have this uncontrollable passion. Now I don’t want to paint this like the people are completely powerless with this. but.. and ofcourse you have to look at all the other combinations they have.
  • Will become overwhelmed with passion sometimes and often when it’s inappropriate. And if it’s sexuality it means times when it’s not just in the bedroom. So, this would be a person who maybe.. whether it’s a man or a woman.. a person who may make unwanted sexual advances towards the opposite sex (or the same sex for that matter).
  • OR if it’s not happening in say the 8th house, it could be just that they make dumb decisions sometimes based on impulse and passion; that’s the 8th aspect.
  • Moon Mars opposite is where a passion in your life becomes what you’re known for. If they live long enough at a certain point they will become passionate about something totally different. Fist half of the life it may be computers and then second half of life it will be something else, charity for example. It gives you wealth because it is something that you passionately pursue and naturally that Shakti invites wealth because people see the passion in you and they want to invest in you. When the moon mars are opposite the first half of the life you’re going to be known for one thing, the second half you’re going to be known for something else. Because your passions will involve 2 houses, moon here and then mars here; two different spheres of influence. Whereas people who have this combo in just one house, they’re gonna be known for that one thing pretty much most of their lives; the one thing that is their passion.
  • It can make a person so focussed on one thing… the moon is the manus and the manus can get so overwhelmed by mars’ mechanistic attitude. Mars is men, metal, machines, and a machine is on or of, on or off, on or off, it’s on or off, the piston goes up and down, up and down, up and down, mars is very regimented that way. That’s why mars is military. you march; up down up down up down. leg up, left roght left right. And when that kind of thing overwhelms the moon it can create OCD. i have to turn the light off and on off and on off and on off and on. three times before i leave the room. So yes, it is one indication of OCD because any malefic influence on the mind, moon is the mind and mars is a malefic. this will create manus disturbance. Mano dushti is disturbance of the mind. So Saturn’s influence on the moon.
  • Scandal is the other part of the 8th aspect; there is scandal. Compulsive 8th house behaviour, whether it’s addiction, sexuality, or doing deeds that are foolish that lead to scandal. There is bound to be some scandal, just because of that one aspect.
  • Moon Mars can be fun because when they’re in their element, and when i said earlier, when that tennis player is not stuck in the mortuary, when they’re on the tennis court they’re a delight. And so often moon mars classically the way Heart taught it to us was they become restauranters, they want to entertain people, feed people, they become bar tenders, they get invovled in the hotel busines; their pasison is food for example which leads them to open up a food truck, or a restaurant. Or their passion is travel and it leads them to open up a hotel or travel business. So often it’s in entertainment or sports; something that’s fun.
  • Moon Mars when mars hits the moon again one-sided but with it’s 4th aspect. This often gives us a struggle between the person’s public and private life. Meaning career and home. Between what they want to do and what the world tells them to do. Between what the body wants to do and what the mind wants to do. There are always private/public issues. Private/public means their public life intrudes on their private life. They bring their work home with them or the work comes home with them even if they don’t want it to. The intrusion of the career into the private life. Imagine your client is in front of you and you see mars is 4th aspect to the moon, ask your client “Has your public life intruded upon your privacy?”.
  • Again the sense of security here, these people need to create a sense of security so that there’s a seperation between the public and private life. They may literally have big walls around their house if they can afford that. they may literally have firearms. Maybe a security system or whatever, bodyguards.
  • the main theme is there is a struggle between your home life and between your public life in a sense of your body or the world wants to see you doing this, because mars in the 10th house to the moon, and the 10th house is the career aspect and the 4th house is the home. So you get a career vs home battle. And also the fact that the moon is the public and mars is the body so a double whammy situation.
  • The thing about moon mars is its a passion that defines a niche.
  • This struggle between what your mind really wants to do (the moon) and what the world wants you to do (mars, because it’s 10 houses away from the moon).
  • To be Chandra Mangala yoga has to be conjunct or oppossed.
  • With the 8th aspect of mars we look at rascals becasue the 6/8 is an aspect that is non integrated; it is hard to integrate that energy first of all because it’s one-sided; mars only aspects the moon and moon does not aspect mars. But also the fact that 6/8 on it’s own as an aspect as a relation between two planets is hard to integrate the energy ; it’s hard to find a point of connection between them. So, the 4/10 , even tough it’s not a very harmonious aspect, however it does have a point of contact; you’re able to find a solution through compromise. First you’re going to have to struggle then you find the solution. With the 8th aspect it kind of comes out of no where; so, non integrated. And then conjunction and opposition, especially with conjunction you feel fully integrated. The two planets work in tandem. And conjunction it’s almost like you’re working with a partner; the twi planets are workign with each other; a sort of give/take healthy relationship. Your passion is focussed when they’re together or opposite it’s focussed. When they’re 4/10 one part of you wants to do career, the other part of you wants to stay at home and watch netflix; there’s a stress and usually oen part will win over. But when they’re together or opposite you are focussed on that thign, on that passion project; body, mind and soul.
  • the 8th aspect of mars to the moon; being overcome by a powerful emotion, by a powerful feeling that you have no control over.
  • Moon Mars conjunction: passion, earthy physicality, Chanrdra Mangala yoga which means combination for money, self/body focussed, you gain success from something you are very passionate about; the hobby becomes your career, for a lot of people the thing that started as a little passion, as an obsession, became what they’re known for.
  • Yes, in the divisional chart, if there is a chandra mangala yoga it is a combo for prosperity for that chart. If there are combos like Saraswati yoga in a divisional chart, yes, it’s a yoga. If it’s based on house rulership then Hart (De Fouw) did not consider those yogas. What do I mean by that? The question was ‘does this chandra mangala yoga existin the divisional charts?’ The answer is yes, as well as other yogas that do not depend on house ownership, like moon jupiter conjunction, gacha kaiseri yoga. Like saraswati yoga. Even like upuncha maha parusha yogas; mars in it’s own sigh in a kendra. It’s not a dhama karma yoa, mars rules the 5th, saturn rules the 9th. It’s simply in it’s own sign in an angle therefore it creates a maha parushya yoga. So yes, those yogas absolutely do exist in the D charts. Some people go farther and say the dharma karma yogas do, others don’t. This is a big topic by the way because some astrologers do use dharma yogas and dhama karma yogas. The thing that Hart emphasised was, planets can’t really own houses in the D charts because those are extrapolations. Anyway, it’s a big topic, it’s a philisophical topic. The more you begin to depend on house ownership, the more diluted that yoga will be. So, if you have a moon mars combo in the D9 it means you have a passionate partner. If you have a moon jupiter combo in the D9 your partner will be popular or networky, that kind of thing.
  • Moon marswhen moon aspects with it’s 8th aspect: Scandal in general because the 8th hosue is scandal. So, Mars 8th aspect, something goes through your mind and you go “yeh, I wanna snort that cocain. I wanna try it. I wanna see what it feels like. Come on.” “I wanna jump over this bridge, I think I can make it.”. Or, you are so overcome by passion that just end up punching that person. Even though you know, you could have just avoided that. Yeh, you get in a fight. It comes over you in a fit of passion. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing and it doesn’t always have to be about sex, but it’s something that you’re overcome by.
  • Mars with the 4th aspect: public to private life issue and that conflict between who works who doesn’t.
  • What we’re doing is exploring how the Rishis came up with the meaning of their combinaitons that moon mars is a yoga for money. if you just rmemeber that you miss the whole process of why is it a yoga for money. Because first it starts with a passion, that passion becomes a hobby, it becomes something more than hpobby, it becomes somethign that you do and you become known for and you get paid for. You get it, and so you get to the money at the end.
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Mo - Ju

  • Jupiter Moon opposition gives a person delight in being in the public. it is a combo for networking. Ju - Mo is the premier networking combo. And when it also involves good houses it can lead people to just love and network and be with others. And so when you network you remember people. You remember details about them, because you delight in the social machine; oiling that…
  • Basically the opposite of Moon - Saturn. Instead of wanting to go internal and feeling like no one understands you, you want to go external; there is a delight in the well-oiled social machine.
  • It is the networking combination.
  • Networking
  • Travel
  • Being out with people
  • Generally speaking should be a pretty good relationship with the mother; the mother was supportive.
  • Can also lead to someone being overly optermistic. And so when someone’s too optimistic, “everything will work out fine”, the great author Voltair wrote the book Candeed. In Candeed the whole story is about this very naive, overly optimistic person and it’s set during the great earthquake of portugal that killed over 100 thousand people. And the whole point is “Oh, well everything is for the best. Everything that happens is for the best.” And by the end of it Voltair, his satire is just biting. These people are dying horrible deaths, but “everything is for the best”. So, that’s a moon jupiter thing; if there are any dangers they can be overly optimistic; “oh things will work out.” And so the person may not follow through, “oh, I’ll get there, I have enough gas”. It reminds me of the Nakshatra Purva Phalguni; it has this quality where they rely on their luck a lot; overly. And gosh darn it, they usually are very lucky though. They’re the ones who, oh gas tank is emtpy, “I’ll make it”. And just before the gas runs out there’s a gas station for them. Whereas if it’s for a moon saturn person they’ll run out 10 miles from the gas station. And not because they were overly optimistic but because th guage stopped workign and it got stuck on full. So, the moon saturn person, they’re unlucky.
  • If any of these combinations are going to give you fame it’s moon jupiter because it’s kesari yoga. What is kesari? Kesari is the lion, the king of the jungle. So, that brings you fame, respect, but ive seen it in plenty of charts of people who arn’t famous so… it brings you networking, it brings you in connection with the public.
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Mo - Ke

  • One of the things that moon ketu indicates is an undeniable and kind of unassailable phobia; a fear of the unknown. This combo can be rather overwhelming sometimes. Or it can just be an aspect of the personality that just needs to be dealt with usually in unusual ways.
  • A fear or a phobia; a fear of the unknown.
  • Another aspect is the person feels unseen. And as a result it creates a difficulty in bonding with others. Why? One possibility is that the mother (moon rules the mother, moon is your rasa also. Rasa is related to breast milk). So, the person may have been separated from the mother or not been nourished by the mother. Whether the mother did it consciously or unconsciously.
  • Moon ketu can mean a compromised immune system. It can mean a compromised ability to extract Rasa/juice from the world. Why? Well, maybe because it’s because of your fear or phobia. Because of your sense of feeling unseen. Because of your difficulty in bonding with others. Usually then the moon ketu leads to the person feeling let down by the female figure; the mother or the women in their life.
  • The remedy is go spiritual. Any time ketu is involved you gotta take the high road. The high road means detachment. “OK I have this, this is karma, this is my gift” so, turning the curse into a gift. Moon Ketu in a sense indicates a curse. Spiritual means different things to different people. By spiritual we mean using the curse as a gift; and you may never get there; you may never get to the point where ‘how can i turn this incredible phobia i have into an asset.’ but you learn to accept it. So, one of the ways is through analysis; to analyse why do i have these feelings that I have? So, psycho analysis, deep thinking. But the other is simply to go “ok this is how it is so I have to accept it”. So, accept it and then the second stage is to detach from it. Not to ignore it. “Oh, they’re all fools in thinking I’m this, I’m not.”. No, it’s to accept it and to say, “ok, i can’t help the way they feel except to do my best to try to clear it up.” but there’s a level of acceptance that says “ok god or nature, this is how im made” and to try to just do your best. The first step to dealing with ketu is acceptance and detachment; surrender. Surrender to what is and also to understanding that it’s there for a reason. You have to do the work and surrender is great work. One of the remedies is to look at the past life karma of the client. When ketu, gulika, upaketu, even rahu are involved…; rahu ketu open portals to other worlds. in a more real sense/in a more mechanical sense they’re your genetics, the DNA strand; it’s what you’ve inherited genetically. So, how do you deal with that. its very difficult. you can take drugs for it, but the spiritual answer is, one way is get a nadi reading to find out what is the past life karma that is holding me back. And if it’s a good nadi reader they’ll recommend remedial measures they call them shantis or upayas. and you have to do them. now, some will require a preist and they’ll probably say we have a priest who does this and thats fine. but most of them are going to be things you have to do. and in that process some of this get alleviated hopefully. Another remedy is healing your relationship with your mother. And if she’s not alive then doing it so internally. And because the moon is the natural 4th house ruler and the 4th house indicates psycho analysis/psychology, so going deep within. Even through some kind of dreaming type of activities that are… hypnosis even, can help people heal their relationship with the feminine, with the nurturing energy. Because ketu moon always indicates that the baby did not get enough touch and love by the mother. and so the person grows up not knowing how to love themselves truly. There’s a confusion around nurturing, how you’re supposed to nurture yourself. lots of times people go and try to escape this world and try to find nourishment through drugs or crazy stuff. So, the true problem here is not knowing how to nurture yourself because your mother did not show you how to do that. So healing that relationship with the feminine nurturing energy within you, and if she’s alive, doing it with her directly, and if she’s not then through psycho therapy would be the best remedy. Think about your relationship with your mother and try to forgive her in your mind, in your heart.
  • This is one of the few combos that can hijack the entire chart. There are a few combos that when you see them and you go “why isn’t this person fulfilling their life they have so much potential” the Saturn Sun is one of them and the moon ketu can be another. And spiritual can mean anything, it can mean psychology, it doesn’t have to be an ism like hinduism, budism, or christianity, judaism, it can simply mean that they’re trying to evolve, they’re tryign to be a better person, they’re trying to deal with the thing. so when i say spirituality i don’t mean turning to religon necesarily, could be, for people who are just by nature not religious. But it does mean self study.
  • people with moon ketu moon rahu can become conduits for other energies to take over. because ketu and rahu are portals into other realms, other astral fields. so, just makign sure that they take care to protect themselvs especially when they sleep, you know never sleeping with your head against a window, or an uncovered winder atleast, stuff liek that. Makes for very sensitive borderline psychic kindof people whether they relaise it or not because they can pick up on other peopels energies. so protecting your manas protecting your sheaths. it becomes very important for people because your susceptible to be tken over by spirits and even by… just simply negative energy of other people. The field is open and you’re susceptible to other people’s energy. on the good side is if somebody’s a very positive person you can feed off of that but most peole don’t have that most peolle have tamasic energy so watch out for that.
  • Moon Ketu = bondary issues. Rahu/ketus there’s going to be boundary issues. With rahu it’s going to be you crossing other people’s bondaries. Other peoples energy comes into your bubble.
  • moon ketu people become very obsessive/perfectionists. because ketu is divinity anythign that it touches has to be divine. And unfortunately we don’t live in the perfect world and so the moon, the mind, the way we digest this world, if it is affected by ketu, you want everything to be divine. So, you start expecting thigns to be perfect. ANd it all starts from within so you expect yourself to be perfect. especially if it goes in the first and the fourth house i see because the 1st house is the self and personality or the 4th house is the deeper psyche of your self, how you really deeply feel inside your heart centre. those people become very self obsessive in the sense that they have to become perfect at something. and then that spills out on others. they start expecting things to behave in a certain way. especially if moon is further afflicted, like if it’s debilitated.
  • the obsessive perfectionism.
  • So, again this feeling of surrender, doesn’t mean you run away and you just say screw it all. no. surrendering means acceptance of what is while still living your dhama while still allowing others to live your dharma; still doing your work but not expecting results because it’s not up to us.
  • may like sleeping alone.
  • This combination is particularly harder on a mans chart because they feel like they’re perpetually not nourished by women in their lives. It’s harder because men have to deal with women as partners and when women have tat… unless they are gay then it becomes the same… .you’re not nourished by the feminine.
  • tough combo for relationships… For relationships with women in general. So, if you’re a man, it also has to do with for the most part your ability to have a bond in your life; a family.
  • And yet, it is considered less difficult than Moon Rahu; it’s more manageable.
  • Laser-focussed internally on your issue; that one thing; your one phobia.
  • Mo - Ke is more laser-focussed internally on your issue; that one thing; your one phobia. Whereas Mo - Ra, when they look at the travel magazine and they see Tahiti and their like “I want to go there”; they see Venice and they say “I want to go there.” and they see the Himalyas and say “I want to go there”. The Rahu - Ketu person looks through the whole magazine and finds the one place that they go “THAT’S the place I want to go.”; They’re so precise; everything has to be just right; they’re going to consider all the options and make it perfect. Mo - Ra is like “the more the better!”; the more exciting the better! Ketu is not good enough Rahu is not enough; nothing is enough. It’s a huge difference. Quality Vs quantity; Rahu Vs Ketu. This applies to anything that they touch; the house that they’re sitting in; the planet that they’re affecting; the period that you’re going to be running; if you’re running ketu then nothing’s good enough; everything’s confusing because you have a certain expectation of things to go a certain way and they don’t. And Rahu… you don’t eve know; it just takes over you; you just start shaking inside out
  • Mo - Ke = fear
  • Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde which is why they rule obsession
  • A yoga that has to do with fear. Because of that fear people tend to become obsessed and perfectionist
  • Deep intuition; it comes from some place they don’t even know. I’ve seen Moon Rahu people who are psychics or who are jyotishis who develop it; they use tools to develop their intuition. Moon Ketu, it’s just there but it’s harder to control.
  • Loner
  • phobias
  • Not nourished by the mother; feels let down
  • difficulty in bonding
  • Spiritual partner; because no one really will be able to satisfy you, you will have to look for someone with whom you can have a spiritual bond. There is a sense of the world doesn’t satisfy you if you have Ketu with your moon; you’re dissapointed. Especially if you’re a man, you’re going to be disspaointed by the women in your life. And so, you’re going to need to spiritualise your relationship. Why only for men and not for women? Because for men, typically heterosexual men their partner is a woman. We say spiritual partners because typically for a man he’s been let down by the women in his life. So he’s going to project that on this partners. So he needs to become spiritual and so on. Now, women who have this have also been let down by the feminine, by women in their lives. And that’s going to affect their relaitonships aswell, but in a different way cause they may not feel like they’re enough in their partnership. Now, unless they’re in a same sex relationship and then yes, it’s the same thing, they’re gonna feel let down by their partner. There is just always this desire to go deeper and not all partners are willign to go as deep as that particular type of person would be willing to go. And hence, the chronic dissapointment. And feeling unseen.
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Mo - Ra

  • Powerful desire, obsession, restlessness.
  • “I want to devour everything”; “I want everything”.
  • Mo - Ke is more laser-focussed internally on your issue; that one thing; your one phobia. Whereas Mo - Ra, when they look at the travel magazine and they see Tahiti and their like “I want to go there”; they see Venice and they say “I want to go there.” and they see the Himalyas and say “I want to go there”. The Rahu - Ketu person looks through the whole magazine and finds the one place that they go “THAT’S the place I want to go.”; They’re so precise; everything has to be just right; they’re going to consider all the options and make it perfect. Mo - Ra is like “the more the better!”; the more exciting the better! Ketu is not good enough Rahu is not enough; nothing is enough. It’s a huge difference. Quality Vs quantity; Rahu Vs Ketu. This applies to anything that they touch; the house that they’re sitting in; the planet that they’re affecting; the period that you’re going to be running; if you’re running ketu then nothing’s good enough; everything’s confusing because you have a certain expectation of things to go a certain way and they don’t. And Rahu… you don’t eve know; it just takes over you; you just start shaking inside out
  • Strong desires, obsession, restlessness.
  • Strong desire for your own space. If you have a child with moon - rahu, they’re going to need more than their room, like, today they’re gonna want to play in the kitchen, tomorrow they’re gonna need to be in the yard, next day they’re just gonna wanna be in their room; they want to be independent but but not in the same place. That’s what I mean with the magazine; today they’re gonna wanna go to Tahiti, tomorrow they’re gonna wanna go to Venice. And so if you have a child, or a parent even who has moon rahu, they thing that you did today to please them will not necassarily please them tomorrow. Watching TV/cartoons while you go to work worked today, tomrrow they’re not gonna wanna do that. So, you have to be creative, you have to be on your toes, you have to work outside of the box with moon - rahu combos. Because they have a hard time harmonizing and bonding - not because they feel inadequate like Moon Ketu - but because thye’re just restless and sometimes they also feel alienated, unsupported because they feel people don’t understand them; they feel different; they’re just different; it’s an outsider combination.
  • You could turn this; this could be very attractive; you become a renaissance man or woman; it could be very charming as well. As long as you don’t let it take you over. Just understand that this dragon Rahu is always going to be in the back of your mind wanting to consume; “I want this, i want that”. And sometimes you’re going to have to tell the dragon “ok, chill for a little bit.”. Otherwise you’re going to get your head cut off just like in the myth. So, in the myth of Rahu Ketu, Rahu, because of his desire he goes and he takes something that wasn’t his and he gets his head cut off. And he pays a price. So there is always a price to be paid for biting off more than you can chew.
  • Biting off more than you can chew. Su - Ra also has this; people take on too many projects and they become overwhelmed. Taking on more projects than you can actually complete.
  • Do we take the Moon 5 houses or 9 houses away from Rahu? Because these are the special aspects as Simon works with them. Som e people take Rahu to have a 3rd and 11th aspect like Saturn but Simon doesn’t use that. So, the answer is no, here Simon is just referrign to the conjunction. However, you could takje Rahu in the 5th or the 9th from the moon as being Rahu Lite. It is a maybe a 50% version of the conjunction. So, yes you can do that. But typically when Simon looks at a chart, it usually has plenty of informaiton without having to go to the special aspects of the nodes. But if going to the special aspect of the node, meaning moon 5 or 9 hosues away from rahu, if that gives you extra informaiton then by all means take it as the same as the same as the conjunction but just a little less intense. (I don’t think Simon uses special aspects with Ketu).
  • Rahu will exaggerate.
  • Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde which is why they rule obsession
  • nothing is ever enough
  • Strong desires
  • obsession/restlessness
  • deep intuition; they can develop it as a skill; I’ve seen Moon Rahu people who are psychics or who are jyotishis who develop it; they use tools to develop their intuition.
  • feels alienated/unsupported. But at the same time they also want their independence and freedom; so on the one hand they feel seperated/alienated/unsupported but on the other hand they demand to have their own space, their independence and their freedom. They need space in their marraige.
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Mo - Sa

  • Here we have a couple of things going on. Nameley that the person, they take care of everyone else and their needs are never met.
  • Hard worker but because of hard work ethic you give give give and feel you don’t get much back.
  • they don’t FEEL that their needs are ever met; “I take care of everyone else, why don’t people reciprocate?”. Or “I’m always working I never have time to play, to relax, to have a normal life.” And sometimes in the middle of their life they realise they can’t keep going this way. Usually mid 30s it’s a mid life crisis sometimes later. E.g. George Michael.
  • Often a depressive aspect; it leads to depression. it leads to depression because a person in whatever way doesn’t feel understood, but even more importantly they don’t feel their needs are being met.
  • A Saturn Moon person will often give from a sense of being virtuous; they will give up things that are important to them, for a higher good. They have to remember that they’re often not as virtuous as they think because it’s an ego fixation; no ones asking you to give things up. Or, you’re doing it to get something in return.
  • Has a very strong abilty to self-negate; to deny themselves temporary pleasure for a long term gain.
  • This is for all aspects; everywhere where Saturn touches the moon.
  • Saturn - moon is self-negation; the ability to give up your smaller needs for something higher; something bigger.
  • Saturn Moon people give up things consciously. So, don’t blame others for not understanding; you’re making this decision. There is Karma to be paid for making those decisons.
  • Not everyone has Saturn Moon so you can’t expect other people to have that same level of self negation that you have even they may expect others to anyway and thus experience disappointment.
  • Gives renunciate/wanting to be a private person qualities
  • Can make a person become very cynical. It can come out in a good way like when someone becomes a good satirist; good at satire. because theres this kind of coldness to the mind; you’re looking at the world through this lense of coldness. because perhaps your mother was cold to you. theres some kind of distance, discipline that your mother has put on you when you were younger. So, there is that cynicism that you grew up with.
  • Saturn is always a shadow. So, wherever that shadow goes it’s going to create a little bit of darkness, a little bit of coldness, austerity.
  • These people age faster.
  • They usually feel mature than the people around them; they feel older.
  • It’s like having Saturn in the first house because it’s in the 1st house from your moon, from the moon lagna.
  • Makes the mind more disciplined and the person takes responsibility seriously; makes the person very hardworking, makes them productive, sacrificing, hard-working, dependable. You take things seriously; Saturn brings seriousness to the mind, the way you digest this world.
  • You will tend toward darker things; darker furniture, darker clothing.
  • There are very good things about moon Saturn; the discipline, the hard work; great qualities.
  • It does create Punar Bhu Yoga when connected to the 7th house. Whuch means ‘being again’ or ‘doing it again’. The runaway bride syndrome/combination. the engagement is set, the guests are in the pews and you decide I can’t go through with this and you run away from the wedding whether you’re the bride or the groom. Because, number one, Saturn Moon is a renunciation combination. Number two, especially if it’s connected to the 7th house, but even by itself, but if one of them rules the 7th house, or the combination is in the first or 7th house, it’s a full on Punar Bhu which means you make an engagement and for some reason it’s broken. A relationship seems like it’s going to go well and then all of a sudden one of the people just pulls away from you. if you see a person has this and they’re 22 years old and they’re about to get married you want to really quiz them “Are you sure you want to get married? Tell me what’s going on in your heart.”. Because they may just be doing it because of their parents and whatever, and the more the pressure mounts the more they’re going to want to run away.
  • Does have to do with a sense of renunciation; none of it gives you ultimate satisfaction; you play the game, you get everything that you’re suppossed to get and you’re suppossed to feel great but nothign makes you feel great. that’s why the people tend towards spirituality or drugs to try to get that feeling.
  • One sided aspect of Saturn….. the feeling is the same, you just don’t know where it is coming from. People who have Saturn Moon one-sided… it hits you from left field so you don’t know why you’re depressed. And you’re not depressed all the time. You get waves of it. It’s like a sickness or a cold that comes seasonally. it just hits you at times. The one sided aspect is going to be in a sense harder because the person doesn’t know what’s come over them. But in the other sense it’s easier because they don’t have to deal with it all the time. People who have the opposition or conjunction fairly tight, they know where it’s coming from; that’s the difference.
  • Wanting to go internal and feeling like no one understands you.
  • Generally produces a very challenging relationship with the mother where the mother probably doesn’t want to reciprocate. Even if you do get over yourself; your feelings about her; want to make a first step or attempt; or the one in a hundred step toward healing your relationship, the mother could still not reciprocate so that’s the hard part about it. But you can still do it within yourself.
  • They’re unlucky; they’ll run out gas 10 miles from the gas station. And not because they were overly optimistic but because the guage stopped workign and it got stuck on full. So, the moon saturn person, they’re unlucky.
  • Self sacrificing and then saying “how dare you not do the same thing that i do.” “i’m working so hard, I’m making such sacrifices, why aren’t you?” I take responsibility, why don’t you? I work hard, why don’t you? The ego fixation there is you can’t expect everyone to have the same thing you have; that’s the problem.
  • depressive
  • responsible
  • self-sacrificing
  • runaway bride
  • under-appreciated; feels liek they do more than most; it’s not reciprocated.
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Mo - Ve

  • A basic combination for art, creativity; art for it’s own sake; the person just overflowing abundance of creativity.
  • On the negative side it can be self-indulgent, lazy, and a love of bed pleasures, like literally sleeping in. So, a Moon Venus person may actually need more sleep than the average person. Whether they actually need it Vs they say they need it I guess it’s a moot point.
  • It’s primordial creativity.
  • It’s a soft combination. So, if a person has say moon venus in their 5th house they’re not going to be an auto mechanic. They’re going to be an illustrator, maybe they may be an auto photographer, where they take pictures of cars and they make them very artistic. Because it’s soft, they’re not going to work with metal, machines, with military. God, a moon venus person in the military is going to have a hard time. But if a person has saturn mars in the 5th house you betcha they’re going to be a mechanic and good with engineering, that kind of stuff because 5th house is the mind. So, a moon venus person in the 5th is a poet. A saturn mars person in the 5th is an engineer. And then generally in all of the houses, you have moon venus in the 8th, you’re a poet when it comes to sacred traditons, I’ve seen balet dancers with this combo. Because balet is 8th house, it’s an ancient, very orally transmitted tradition. By the way moon venus in the 8th can be sexually transmitted disease as well because 8th house is disease, moon venus are pleasure so, you could read it that way as well. moon venus in the 11th, a love of money or of social situations; this is the instagram model, the instagram personality, moon venus in the 11th.
  • But anyway, moon venus is art and creativity; great combo for that when you need it. But you don’t call on this person when you need to step on the cockroach, when it’s in your house, you call on the saturn mars person and they’ll be glad to take out their frustration on that roach.
  • With moon venus you could also just be very lazy and not do anything.
  • Could be someone who writes poetry as a hobby and is not famous.
  • Primordial creativity.
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Mo - Me

  • Moon mercury opposition kind of has a particular thing; the person will live far away from their family (put this down as a tendency as this has only been confirmed anecdotally by a handful of examples). The opposition is specifically the one I’ve read about. The people I’ve seen this in they’ve lived in a completely different country. Because Moon is where you’re home, your heart is. Also, moon represents mother and mercury is the child of moon it’s opposition separates the child and the mother.
  • It can also a mean a difference in opinion between you and the family (i believe this only applies to opposition).
  • Any moon mercury combination is going to create… it’s going to emphasise communication. So, the mind is constantly working; very busy. You know, you say something, they’re trying to think of a way to make it funny, to say it back to you.
  • The sun mercury rules intelligence as we rule it on IQ tests. Moon mercury rules kind of emotional intelligence; a good sense of humour.
  • A lower form of Sarasvati yoga because it’s more common. But there is humour, talkativeness, communication, basic kind of care, nurturing, speech, creativity, handwriting will be an emphasises especially; they will like to write whether it’s in a journal or on a keyboard or to comment on people’s videos. If moon’s debilitated oh my god, that’s the internet troll combination; debilited moon conjunct mercury. Well, for a troll you wold maybe need saturn involved, but it would be a person who’s writing “How could you” “how could you have behaved like this” “how dare you”.
  • Mercury is your logical mind, moon is your emotional, your sentimental mind. When they’re oppossed to eachother it will be a battle between sentimentality and logic. So, which ever planet wins, wins. Like lets say you have exhalted mercury, conjunct a dark moon. So, your logic is going to tell you “you’re stupid for thinking that”. But your dark moon is going to be dredging up memories; “this person said this to me and I can’t get over it.” And the exhalted mercury is not going to be able to forget it because it’s an exhalted mercury; you have a perfect memory. So, you can’t forget all the bad things that people said about you. It’s going to be a battle between that sentimental part of you that attaches to things like that and the logical part of you that says well, it’s meaningless, it’s in the past, let it go. And the moon says, I can’t let it go. But if they’re balanced then your ability to convey emotion, this is why it’s good for humour, because you can convey an emotion, sometimes even a ridiculous emotion in a smart clever way. But if one planet is very much stronger than the other then it will be an imbalance between logic and sentimentality. If they are balanced it means emotional maturity; this is a person who is emotionally mature. if they are unbalanced it can mean emotional immaturity, the opposite.
  • Restless mind; always thinking; if the logic isn’t on then it’s the memories. And if the memories get tired then the logic comes back, so the mind is always working. See, we call the mind one thing, ‘the mind’. In Sanskrit, manus is one and buddhi is the other. So, if it’s not the buddhi that’s on then it’s the manus. it’s like in your house, you’ve got the air conditioning and the fan going at the same time. And when the air conditioning turns off, you turn on the fan so there’s always air blowing through your head. Which is good. it means there’s no place that has dust in your brain so you’re never going to get Alziemers. But it’s always working; that’s the good and the bad of it.
  • Too much mental activity.
  • Overly analytical mind.
  • Ability to reason is influenced by moods; it affects your objectivity. “Well, this happened in my family so I know it’s true.” Well, wait a minute, just cause it happened in your famiy… “No, no, no, that’s how it is”.
  • It makes a person intelligence so they learn to trust that intelligence but if the moon is afflicted that can actually work against you, yes, you’re intelligent, but maybe not all of your logical arguments are so logical
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