Shukra/Venus Flashcards

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  • The person is going to marry someone who the family disapproves of
  • They will have disappointment in their love life
  • A feeling of fated relationships. “Why do I always end up with (________).” E.g. “Why do I always end up with alcoholics?”. [This is similar to KE in 7th house where you may commonly attract addicts or people who are spiritual, outside of society in some way, or people for some reason or another your parents may not approve of. Somehow escapism is involved. Both for you as picking/choosing your partner, as well as your partner being an escape artist. It can be in different ways. If there is affliction tot he 7th house or 7th lord (or VE in the case of this conjunction), then it will be more escapism through addictions, drugs, alcohol etc. In a better case scenario if JU is aspecting then it could be more of a spiritual escapism - you or your partner doesn’t want to belong in this world and it comes out in a positive way].
  • The 3 positives of VE - KE…
    i. is that it really spiritualises your relationships; you will have to find a partner with whom you can have a spiritual life together.
    ii. You are attracted to people who are artists or somehow uber creative. For the average person who isn’t innately following the spiritual path, art and music is spirituality. If it’s not that then it could be drugs or other forms of escapism.
    iii. The person is detached. It’s very easy for them to detach from partners in relationships. If you are with someone like that you’re gonna have to know to give that person their own space. They’re going to want to do things without you. It doesn’t mean they don’t like you, it’s just who they are. They’re gonna walk through Zion national park without you for a week. Haha.
  • Disappointment or dissatisfaction in relationships. If you couple this with a bad MA- VE relationship (e.g. 6/8) then you’re starting to paint a picture. Identifying this can help these people as they don’t understand why this is happening to them. You tell them that you’re only solution is to spiritualise your relationship. And also let go of the idea of your relationship having to be perfect since it will never be perfect. By letting go and surrendering you will actually get the rewards. So let go of that partner, let them be an escape artist. If you have true devotion in your heart for that person then let them be exactly who they need to be by supporting them and being respectful toward yourself as well, not letting them step over you. It’s about finding that balance.
  • So, VE - KE another way to express this is open relationship because KE doesn’t want to feel tied down so if you’re in love with someone who has VE - KE themselves (or even if you have VE - KE) you will attract somebody who doesn’t want to be tied down and that’s going to be your spiritual work - to accept the situation as is. Just act; just be in the relationship for how it is supposed to be.
  • KE is transcendental. It wants you to transcend your relationship. VE in it’s strongest form is pure unbound love; unconditional love. So, by strengthening your VE and letting KE help you transcend this attachment to a particular kind of lover that you desire will be a perfect solution for that person. You will have to communicate with that person to see what they need - perhaps more space in the relationship or that they also need to be with others, or both. If that doesn’t work for you then you have to have the detachment to be able to cut it and say look, I respect that, you go do your thing but it’s not going to be with me.
  • You’re going to want to feel open and not feel bound. But sometimes you will attract a person like that even if you are not like that; the nodes are sometimes funny like that… the theme in both of those is:
    i. Fated relationships
    ii. Chronic dissatisfaction
  • You attract someone very different from society; a foreigner; someone who is culturally different. Everything KE touches wants to transcend the mundane so the mundane is the people of your own age, race, culture then KE says “no, that’s not good enough, I want something out of this world”. KE is picky - nothing of the normal cuts it for him. He wants it to be completely other world. VE - RA also marries a foreigner but they speak your language; they are somehow integrated into your culture. E.g. Lets say you’re caucasion, VE - RA your spouse is black, but American. VE - KE your spouse is black but they’re from Cameroon. VE - KE = different culture and different language. VE - RA = different culture but more similarity. VE - RA is going to give you more passion whereas VE - KE is going to give you more detachment. Both VE - RA and VE - KE will attract you to forign partners but the VE - RA will be more urgent.
  • VE - KE sometimes a person can give up on love all together because it becomes too dissapointed. So in a way it can become a Sanyasa. If they’ve had too many failed relationships they can become a monk or something. But with RA you don’t really have a choice as you desire it so much. So that’s the polarity of the two of them because KE is devoid of senses so it wants a heatfelt divine connection and if it doesn’t get it then it’s able to forget it. VE - KE will give up on love. VE - RA even if they’re 94 they’re gonna be chasing love. VE - RA, someone is always going to catch your eye. Whereas VE - KE you can be like, alright I’ve had enough.
  • Access to primordial beauty somehow; it comes in as the muse, we call it the muse. Or RA - VE; the muse is there with you and she is showering you with creativity.
  • You’re going to become disillusioned with your partner.
  • so these are like lego blocks. You don’t have to memorise all of this. Just two or three things of each. Ketu is dissapintment idealism, and fear. And then mars is physicality, energy, and pitta. And so you have that mars block. And you combine it with rahu, you combine it with saturn And you get a certain meaning. So you don’t need the sheet. “OK Ketu is these three thigns, venus is these thre thigns.. lets see, ok so it can mean dissapointment in love. ok. it could mean higher art. that’s the point of what we’re trying to do here with this document and with this class.
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  • Unbridled creativity
  • Wherever RA or KE they bring heterodoxy. Hetero in Greek means ‘different’. e.g. heterosexual: attracted to a different sex. So, if with VE - different cultures, different spouses from different countries. With JU you’re going to be heterodox: attracted to different religions and spiritual traditions. With MA then attracted to different forms of movement. MA - KE is the classes yoga combination: you’re not going to like the normal sports, you’re going to like yoga and tai chi, maybe martial arts.
  • RA is
    i. Fascinaton
    ii. Obsession
    iii. Urgency
    Now it’s touching VE - love, relationships, spouse.
  • Can create urgency around relationships. So, if you’re in love with someone you are head over heels in love with that person, or when you start dating someone you have an urgency to get with them; consumate the relationship; urgency to stay together.
  • You can be an obsessive person; can create a person who follows others.
  • Desire for multiple patterns and in a way it sprouts from the fact that you are attracted to all sorts of kinds of people. All kinds of people are attracted to you. You just want to experience them. So advise people with this not to get married early on because their marriage will not really hold unless it’s a very unconventional marriage. They want to experience people until they settle down. Before SA matures (age 36) they don’t want to get married - they want to experience multiple partners; different people from all sorts of walks of life. Because of that if there are some other afflictions to VE then it can promote sexual addiction. They are very open sexually. Different to VE in Scorpio because there is no urgency in Scorpio. VE become more passionate in a MA sign but passion is different from obsession and this eagerness that coems with RA. Everything RA touches, it’s insatiable. Scorpio’s not insatiable; it’s a fixed water sign so everything’s under the surface, so you may feel those things but you don’t necasarily act. With RA you ACT! You have no control over yourself; it acts through you.
  • A burst of artistic genius.
  • They will have a heightened sense of beauty. RA - VE puts you in touch with primal beauty; primal music; primal art. Even if you’re Joe the plumber you go home and put your headphones on and listen to Bruce Springsteen and you feel it to your core! If it is also configured with the houses that rule creativity and self-expression then that can be your job, it can be your business. If it’s in your ascendent then it’s who you are; you are primal creativity. If it’s in your fifth then it’s what comes into your mind; your inspiration. You ask this person who they are they tell you they are an artist. When RA is int he fifth you have a constant stream of information coming into your head. What kind of info? In this case artistic information. If it were MA then it would be engineering information.
  • The person will want to experience every kind of art, every kind of music. And also every kind of love; every kind of relationship: open relationships, many relationships. Any kind of sensuality. So every sense has to be not just heightened and enjoyed, but full exacerbated for this person. Especially in the first part of the life. They have to be experiencing it all to be able to then say ok I’ve done it all, now I can relax. There’s no judgement in it either; there’s no this type of music or this type of women or man is better; they see the beauty in all of them/it; there’s a very kind of democratic sense.
  • RA is many ways the plane of democracy because RA is the outsiders, the working class, the rabble; RA rules the rabble. Whatever RA touches it will tend to democratise. RA - SA your personal rules and boundaries are democratised; you have boundary issues. RA - SU you’re sense of who you are is democratised hence you want to share everything that you’re feeling with everyone; the person becomes loud and self-expressive. RA - MO democratises your feelings and mind so you feel like people are reading your mind; “people know what I’m thinking” and you start freaking out a little bit cause there’s no boundaries, it democratises your emotional state. You walk into a room and people are sad and all of a sudden you become sad because you’re influenced by it. Or you’re like “people know what I’m thinking, they’re listening to my thoughts”. SO RA breaks down the boundaries and democratises things. And when it’s with VE it’s going to democratise your love relationships, for good or bad.
  • To activate this relationship passion then ideally if it is on the 5/11 or 1/7 axis or even the 2/8 axis since 8 is sex, that’s going to activate relationships. If on 6/12 axis then this will express in other areas; it’s going to be more like Bhukti or desire for escapism. Escapism and service and showing love through Bhukti; devotion. The highest for of escapism is the desire to merge with the divine.
  • Access to primordial beauty somehow; the muse is there with you and she is showering you with creativity.
  • Going to create a compulsiveness in self-expression.
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(any combination of VE - SA, inc. SA’s 3rd and 10th aspect. ALSO because SA is so powerful and constricting a little bit of influence can be felt when VE is in a sign of SA)

  • Can create a sense of an emotional self-esteem problem.
  • Can usually express love physically through sex. A severely afflicted SA - VE combo can create a person who is a sex maniac because that’s their way of dealing with their emotions. But they are still emotionally held back; they don’t give their love to that person, it’s just physical.
  • Something to ask clients with this combo: “Do you feel like you are loved and appreciated enough?”
  • It’s very difficult for them to feel or give love.
  • Will make a person emotionally guarded. This comes from a deep-rooted emotional fear: “I’m not loveable, I’m not worthy of love”. And if I’m not worthy then I’m afraid to reveal myself to you because you’re going to stomp on my feelings, you’re going to affirm that I’m not worthy. So, the VE - SA person reserves themselves. But because they’re reserved they don’t get the love from the partner because now the partner goes “well they’re not giving me anything, so I’m not going to give anything”. So, it becomes a catch-22.
  • Can wear an emotional suite of armour. Simon characterises this combo as Islam: beauty should be covered; VE is restricted; you don’t make images so you express beauty through symmetry, but you don’t paint actual images. Whereas Christianity is JU - VE: everything is absolved, say this mantra and everything is absolved; it’s too optimistic and the other side is too pessimistic.
  • Can create great artists because they’re disciplined; it forces them to express beauty in a limited disciplines way, conditional way, like sculpture or architecture because there’s very strict boundaries and you’re working with the earth. VE - SA is not free-verse or free-form dance.
  • Guilt around love
  • VE in a sign of ME aspected by SA indicated lust; definitely multiple partners and possibly marriages. Especially if linked to the 8th, 7th or 5th house.
  • Can have a very hardworking and accomplished spouse.
  • Desires a spouse who is practical and hardworking.
  • Can be attracted to people who are older than them. Or, if not physically older then they have to be mature; committed; that kind of parter. Child-like behaviour will be a turn-off.
  • Can also indicate that person will find the love of their life later in life; it’s going to take time because SA rules time and distance.
  • Can also imply that you could have a long-distance relationship, at least in the first part of your relationship or throughout; distance and time is involved.
  • Delays to the relationship. Maybe you’re married and the other person is married and you have to wait. Or they can’t get their VISA; they live here, you live there, they can’t immigrate; there is some obstacles, SA rules obstacles and restrictions. And because of that you have to delay you have to wait. But ultimately if those planets are strong it’s worthwhile. Delayed gratification. If the planets are afflicted then there is delay and no fulfilment; you try and try but the obstacles are just too great. So, it depends on the dignity of the planets if they’re in their own sign or otherwise.
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  • (by conjunction) Lusty, amorous by nature. You’re gonna see someone and you’re going to wanna jump their bones. But you win’t necassarily act on it. Whereas the opposoiton, you’re gonna see someone and you’re gonna think “I wanna jump their bones” and you’re going to walk up to them and you’re going to say “Hey, you’re provoking me, you look so beautiful I had to come talk to you.” You get it? It’s the same effect but one it more externalised, one is internalised.
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