Shani/Saturn Flashcards



  • It lasts for a long time (When SA - RA are conjunct they’re going to be conjunct quite a while, over a year most likely). SA is in a sign 2 and a half years, RA for one and a half and depending on when they meet, it can be up to one and a half years. It could also be just for a week).
  • RA rules the desire to rebel, SA rules the desire to conform; it’s a very interesting combination. It can create unhealthy boundaries. SA is boundaries RA is the desire to break boundaries so you will see in people who are strict about certain things but in other things they have no boundaries. E.G. Someone who gives money to anyone who asks (e.g. homeless beggar on the streets) but then has other things they just won’t do; things they’re utterly firm on that they will not do. To the observer they see someone who has no boundaries in some aspects of life and firm ones in others. It’s weird.
  • May have a moustache
  • May have more body hair than the average person (especially if the nakshatra Bharani is involved - Bharani has prominent thick hair and nails). So, if you have this combo you could be in a Pantene commercial (I’m assuming Simon is alluding that SA - RA people can have long hair also).
  • May have a mature look/appearance.
  • RA is like miracle grow! It makes things grow faster; extra energy toward the bones.
  • Can make people tall; SA - RA is tall.
  • Can give people strong or prominent bones and/or prominent facial structure.
  • Will make you live a long time
  • Self-sufficiency; I’m going to leave my family/mu structure/my discipline/ my whatever since I’ve gotta make sure I can make it on my own. SA - RA people work hard to become independent and self-sufficient.
  • Sense of urgency about work
  • The person is both lazy and hardworking BECAUSE when it’s on their terms they will work very hard.
  • They will want work that gives them freedom; work that liberates them. Above all things, RA wants to be free. SA - RA will do work that has some light at the end of the tunnel; work where they’ll feel they’ll be liberated. Like, you don’t have to do this for 40 years to feel like you’ll get security. Instead you do it a certain amount of time and then you can go home and be free of it.
  • High Vata. Vata is the air principle abd both RA and SA are air planets. So, whatever house this combination sits in will create high Vata for the person.
  • Can create a fear of commitments. There is a sense of “WHAT IF I get tied down…” “WHAT IF my freedom is taken from me”… They picture the scenario. There can be literally a phobia around commitment. The interesting though is people will go through part of their life utterly running away from commitment and then at some point (usually the second-half of the life) they’ll commit to a relationship where they’re overly committed. It’s these extremes, like I said, of lazy and hardworking, of absolute boundaries and no boundaries at the same time in, in different areas of their life. So, there are SA - RA people who are the consummate bachelor and then they settle down with someone and that’s it.
  • Strong aversion to being tied down.
  • Strong impulse to be self-supporting.
  • They make their boundaries according to their terms. To the average person though they will see a ‘super’ boundary in one place and then ‘super no good’ boundary in another.
  • Both tamasic planets. Tamasic means dirt; uncleanly things. it forces you to force them out of the body; to shower; to cleanse. So, if you’re moving your colon regularly then you’re doing an Upaya to SA. You have SA living with you right in your belly, why not be nice to him. Eat fiber and drink Triphilla.
  • With SA and RA make oil your best friend, inside and out; oilianate; sesame oil.
  • SA - RA people may tend to be strict and harsh and punishing kind of people. Particularly if that combination is configured with the ascendent and/or Moon and/or Sun because it gets into who they are; their character. If it’s not configured with any of the above (lagna, SU or MO) then you wouldn’t attribute this characteristic.
  • Boundaries and commitment issues
  • Can be compulsive with work; they can be a workaholic or can reject work completely; something compulsive around work situation - probably both things will play out; It’s a push-pull energy; yes, they’re both Vata, but RA is expansive; blow-up; big bang but SA is constricting so there’s this kind of mismatch of energy a littler bit.
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  • Everywhere KE goes there is a sense of disappointment and/or detachment.
  • So, KE - SA is disappointment in day-to-day responsibility and work. What is it that society expects from you; what kind of job you’re supposed to get, and what is it that you really want to do? So there’s disappointment and confusion through work while at the same time you’re seeking a kind of divine fulfilment. So this is the case of someone who is a street-sweeper lets say and they use that to become enlightened, even though it’s not the ideal job.
  • Sometimes there is a sense of fatedness; you feel like ‘why am I stuck doing the same thing? Why can’t I get a different kind of profession? ‘. KE is always fate and fatedness. E.g. KE in 7th fatedness around partner; the partners you’re with, they fall out of the sky for you.
  • The way to integrate this combo is to try to develop a work that has some kind of spiritual inclination or socially redemptive quality; socially redemptive work. e.g. social work.
  • Wherever KE there is going to be fears. So, fears and phobias around boundaries and commitments. Thus, can create a person who never commits. So, for whom freelance work is good; working for themselves. Or, SA - KE in 7th house, they’re gong to have trouble committing to relationships (although SA is Dig Bala and so strong in 7th so this will likely only happen if afflicted - don’t take any of these conjunctions in vacuum - you have to consider everything, you have to compile all the things that have been covered and only THEN make a decision). Or in 10th, hard time committing to a job.
  • Supernatural experiences with people who have passed (SA rules death/’things that have been’). SA - RA will give connection more to the entities that have some form (having JU there also will make it more Sattvic, so, instead of being haunted by these spirits the person can make sense of these experiences). RA has eyes and a head so there is a sense of ‘I’ness’ to it. KE has neither eyes, nor ears, nor mouth… It is just a sensation; it’s beyond the normal senses. So, SA - KE supernatural is focusses more on this aspect of the spectrum of the more subtler realms (non-physical), but still only in relation to people who have passed.
  • Ketu with Mars, Saturn, Sun; any combination with 2 or more of those will indicate surgery; losing a part of the body.
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