Survival of Lutheranism Flashcards
What was the problem with Charles’s empire
extensive but fragmented
Why was Charles not able to control the Reformation
Frequently abroad and distracted
Problems for Charles in Spain
Revolt of the Comuneros (princes of castille) 1520-21
How long did Charles spend in Spain
1522-29-key period of time when Charles had the opportunity to control the onset of the reformation and enforce the edict of worms
Charles’s issues in France
Habsburg-Valois Wars August 1521, Charles went to war with Francis
League of Cognac
May 1526 formed in opposition to Charles after his successes at the Battle of Parvia, between France, the papacy, Milan and Venice
Problem with the Ottomans
Sulheim the Magnificent victory against the Hungarians at the Battle of Mohacs “sent a shockwave of terror through Europe”
Key issue that made the HolyRoman empire hard to govern
Limitations on Charles’s power
Capitulation in 1519-not able to bring foreign troops into the HRE
Charles’s attendane in the empire
Over the Course of 36 years charles was only present in the HRE for 8 of them
Charles’s confession in 1556
‘My Life has been one long journey’
What happened after Muhlberg for Charles
Augsburg Interim, Maurice changes sides, Treaty of Chambord with Henry II, division with Ferdinand over inheritance, forced to flee, Peace of Passau and Peace of Augsburg
What did Luther’s publications and teaching allow
The reformation to gain popularity with the people
What did Luther’s popularity mean for Charles
It was impossible to resist the reformation without risking civil war
What may have happened to Protestantism if it didn’t have the same following
Die out like Zwingilism
Vernacular bible
‘September Testament, within 12 years sells 200,000 copies
Official Lutheran Mass
Formula Missae et Communionis and Deutsche Messe-kept different sects of Christianity together so that Charles had to fight one entity. “authentically Lutheran version” of Christianity.
Peasants revolt publications
1525 Against the Murderous thieving hordes of peasants-lost support of the Peasants but gained the support of the princes. Agreed with ‘divine right’
Other 1520 Publications
To the Christian nobility of the German nations and On the Babylonian captivity of the church, against catholic practises
Luther’s beliefs on his teachings
“I did nothing, the word did everything”
What did the Princes have against the emporer
suspicious of any attempts he made to gain power or intervene in their territories, this meant that even catholic princes were wary of any intervention from Charles to prevent the spread of Lutheranism.
Which Princes had the most power
electors- chose the next emperor and had to e kept on side to pass key pieces of legislation
Failure to enforce the Diet of Worms
Diet of Nuremburg rejected oppression of Luther and called for a General council of the church to be called.
1st Diet of Speyer Recess of the 27th August “govern their affairs “to answer to god and his imperial majesty”
Religion left to the sovereign bodies of the empire.
Counter to Princes blocking of the diet of Worms
Charles would not have been able to enforce the diet due to the League of Cognac and Edict of Worms
Phillip of Hesse conversion
1526, following the assurances given by the Diet of Speyer, joined the protestant cause
Organised Princely resistance
The Schmalkaldic league 10,000 men and 2,000 cavalry
2nd Diet of Speyer resistance
6 Princes sign a protestation against enforcement of the Edict of worms
Michael Hughes
“The German Princes and governments ensured the survival of his movement”
Augsburg confession
document outlining Lutheran beliefs “magna carta of Lutheranism”
Counter against Phillip 1540 Bigamy scandal
Diet of Worms
1521 Branded Luther a heretic, protection limited to the gates of worms, at risk of attack
Wartburg captivity
Frederick “kidnapped”Luther and hid him in Wartburg castle for 10 months But he received no protection from Frederick after March 1522, when he became a theologian at Wittenberg University. Allowed Luther to work on his publications
Frederick’s position
One of power as an elector, however religiously he remained a catholic, having a huge collection of relics including milk from the Virgin Mary’s breast