Surgery Flashcards
The thyroid gland weighs?
20 grams
Water constitutes _____ of total body weight.
ECF main cation?
Formula for total fluid requirement
maintenance fluid + ongoing losses + state of hydration
Guidance for a referral to a BURN CENTER
Ptb > 10% TBSA
Burns involving face hands feet genitalia perineum, major joints
3rd degree burns
Electrical / chemical burns
Inhalation injury
Burn + co morbidities
Burns + trauma
No qualified personnel to handle burns (children)
Need for special social emotional rehabilitation
CO poisoning treatment
100% oxygenation is gold standard
Largest salivary gland?
Parotid gland
Na and Cl content of PNSS?
154 + 154
Electrolyte content of lactated ringer?
NA 130 Cl 109 K 4 Ca 28 Lactate 28mEq
How do you compute for maintenance fluid requirements?
Approximately how much body water is lost in severe dhn?
Mod- 6-10%
Compute for anion gap
Anion gap = Na - (Cl+HCO3)
Cation - anions
Causes of NAGMA
H yperalimentation A cetazolimide R enal tubular acidosis D iarrhea U reteroenteric fistula P ancreaticoduodenal fistula
Causes of HAGMA
M ethanol U remia D iabetic ketoacidosis P araldehyde I infection, iron and isoniazid L actic acidosis E thylene glycol S alicylates
What is the target of decrease in sodium concentration in hypernatremic patients? In excess of this value, patients may lead to?
1 mEq/l/h
Overcorrection may lead to cerebral edema and HERNIATION
What level of Hypernatremia will a patient be symptomatic?
At >160mEq/l
Symptomatic hypernatremic is given what kind of saline solution? Target of increase is?
3% nomal saline to increase sodium at 1mEq/l/h until 130 mEq or symptoms had improve
In asymptomatic patients : 0.5 mEq/l/h
What measures are applied for patients with high peaked T WAVES and a K level of > 5mEq/l?
HyPerkalemia - In ⬆️K say BING!!!
B icarbonate infusion
I nsulin infusion
N ebulize with Salbutamol
G lucose
Calcium gluconate for with ecg changes
Critical level for serum calcium
NV : 8.5-10-5
Hypocalcemia refractory to treatment?
Treat hypomagnesemia first!
Patient asked if her weight loss is significant. How will you answer this?
1wk - 2% of BW
1m- 5% of BW
3m- 7.5%of BW
6m- 10% of BW
More than these values are considered severe weight loss
Normal BMI
18.5 - 24.9
This refers to the minimum caloric requirements at rest
Burn patients need how many grams of of protein per kg/day? Calories?
- 5 protein
2. 0 calories
What is the source of energy in short term fasting?
What is the source of energy in prolonged fasting?
Ketone bodies as principal source by 24 days but becomes important fuel source for the brain by day 2
TPN can provide how much nutrition requirements?
1500-2800 mOsm/L
How much bowels can one resect before it leads to short bowel syndrome?
More than 50%
Most important contraindication in TPN?
Functional GI tract
Patient in prolonged TPN, presenting with scaly hyperpigmented lesions. Dx? Etiology?
Enterohepatic acrodermatitis secondary to ZINC deficiency
Patient in TPN presents with dry, sclay dermatitis and alopecia. What is deficient in this patient?
Fatty acids
What is a common vitamin deficiency in refeeding syndrome?
Thiamine deficiency
Malnourished patient presented with cardiac arrhythmias after initiation of feeding and lethargy
Refeeding syndrome -
Give first 50% of requirement on the first week to prevent this
How many hours after injury is a wound considered tetanus prone?
More than 6 hours
Components of a pancoast syndrome
Lung mass impinging on the stellate sympathetic ganglion presenting with horner’s triad
P -tosis
A -nhidrosis
M -iosis
Maneuver done to clamp the portal triad used for hemostasis in hepatic surgery?
Pringle maneuver
Treatment for burn causing METABOLIC ACIDOSIS
Mefenide Acetate
Treatment for burn causing neutropenia
Silver sulfadiazine
Treatment for burns causing hyponatremia, methemoglobinema and black staining?
Silver nitrate
Fistula with external opening is anterior to the anal margin will have?
A short radial tract to the anterior midline
A fistula with an external opening more than 3 cm anterior to the anal margin will have?
A tract to the posterior margin
A fistula that has an external opening posterior to the anal margin will have?
A curvilinear tract to the posterior margin
Type of hiatal hernia with both cardia and fundus herniate?
Type III
Type IV - intestines herniate!!!
Type of hiatal hernia with the cardia of the stomach herniates?
Type I or sliding hernia
Type of hiatal hernia where the fundus of the stomach herniate?
Rolling hernia or type II
How many hours prior to transplant can the liver be preserved? The kidneys?
Liver -16 hours
Kidneys - 36-40 hours
Poupart’s ligament derived from?
External oblique
Osteonecrosis of the proximal femoral epiphysis of the pediatric hip and is thought to be due to vascular compromise
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease or COX PLANA
Orthopedic conditions related to neuropathic arthropathy that affect diabetics and alcoholics?
Charcot joints
Indications for repair of aortic aneurysms
- Symptomatic
- Asymptomatic
- >5.5 cm ascending
- >6.5 cm descending
- >5.5 cm abdominal aortic aneurysm
- rate of >1cm for thoracic and >0.5cm for abdominal aortic per year
- >5 cm in the setting of a connective tissue disorder
Strongest layer of the bowel wall
Strongest layer of aorta
Tunica media
Segment of the colon that is most prone to rupture and least prone to obstruction?
Part if the colon that is most mobile and thus is most prone to volvulus?
Sigmoid colon
Narrowest part of the colon and is most prone to obstruction
Thyroglossal duct cysts are most commonly located ?
In the midline at the level of the hyoid
Viral infection related to the development of nasopharyngeal CA
Epstein Barr virus
Major component of extracellular matrix in skin
Type I collagen
Major cell responsible for wound contraction
2 or more of the ff
Temp - >=38 or 90
WBC => 12000 or <4000
Most common location for congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Left posterolateral
Usually asymptomatic but if with symptoms it includes headache, neck pain, and numbness and weakness of the extremities
Patient presented with caudal displacement of the lower brain stem
Chiari II malformation
Patient presented with cerebellar tonsil displacement
Chiari II
Patient presented with crampy abdominal pain that waxes and wanes, constipation and nausea and vomiting. What would you likely find in ur PE?
PE will likely reveal an abdominal distention and high pitched bowel sounds and rushes and tinkles and tympani on percussion.
Patient presented with crampy abdominal pain that waxes and wanes, constipation and nausea and vomiting. What would you likely find in an abdominal xray?
Multiple air fluid levels with dilated loops of small bowel, paucity of air in the colon and no air in the rectum
Patient presented with crampy abdominal pain that waxes and wanes, constipation and nausea and vomiting. What is your impression?
Mechanical intestinal obstruction
Patient presented with recurrent peptic ulcer with fasting gastrin level of 1000. What is ur dx?
Zollinger -Ellison syndrome
- caused by non islet tumor that produces gastrin
- malignant tumors
Most common site of gastrinomas
Pancreas at the gastrinoma triangle
Boundaries of the gastrinoma triangle or Passaro’s triangle
Junction of :
cystic and common bile ducts
Body and tail of PANCREAS
2nd and third parts of duodenum
What is paraphimosis?
Inability to reduce the foreskin after it has been retracted
Cantrell pentalogy components
CARDIAC ANOMALIES OMPHALOCELE Diaphragmatic hernia (Anterior) Ectopia cordis Sternal cleft
Approach to treatment with BARRETT’s esophagus
Barrett with NO DYSPLASIA - surveillance every year
Barrett with LOW GRADE DYSPLASIA - surveillance every 6months
Absolute contraindications for breast conservative surgery
3Ps MD
Pregnancy Prior RT Positive margins Multicentric Diffuse micro calcification
Confirmatory test to dx ACHALASIA
Basal caloric requirement of a normal healthy individual
25-30 kcal/kg/day
Single most important test in the evaluation of thyroid nodules
Severe abdominal pain with normal PE
Abd pain out of proportion to PE findings is the HALLMARK OF MESENTERIC ISCHEMIA
Most common presentation of Meckel’s diverticulum in adults?
Intestinal obstruction
Most common abnormality of hemostasis in surgical patients?
Risk of perforation of acute appendicitis?
25% in the first 24 hours from onset of sx then 50% by 36 hours and 75% by 48 hours
Most common appendicial tumor
Carcinoid tumor
Six Ps of acute limb ischemia?
Pallor Pain Pulselessness Paresthesia Paralysis Poikilothermia
Most common location of an insulinoma?
Evenly distributed throughout the pancreas
Most common location of a glucagonoma?
Pancreatic tail
Most common cause of fever in the first 48 hours post operatively?
What sedative medication has a caloric value?
Propofol delivers 1kcal/cc in the form of lipid
What electrolyte abnormalities are expected in refeeding syndrome?
Decreased levels of K, Mg and phosphate
Most common congenital bleeding disorder
von Willberand’s disease
- characterized by mucocutaneous disorder associated with Factor 8 deficiency
Interleukin related to eosinophil proliferation and airway inflammation
IL -5 secreted by mast cells and basophils
Most common indication for intubation?
Altered mental status
The goal MAP of surviving sepsis guidelines
> 65mmHg
The most common form of Basal cell carcinoma?
Nodular form
Basal cell carcinoma presents more often as?
Bleeding, ulceration and itching
It arises from the BASAL LAYER OF NON KERATINOCYTES and accounts for 75% of all skin cancers
NPCA will classically spread to what level of neck lymph nodes?
Level 5 or posterior triangle LDs
HERNIATION involving a Meckel’s diverticulum is also known as
LITTRE’S hernia
Epidural hematoma occurs due to a bleed in the?
Middle meningeal artery
Its an extra axial bleed that appears convex and presents with lucid interval most commonly related to trauma
Subdural hematoma occurs due to a bleed in?
Bridging veins in the dural venous sinuses
Which bones of the orbital wall will be involved in a blowout fracture?
Orbital plate of the maxilla
Most common cause of proptosis in children?
Orbital cellulitis
Adequate urine output monitoring in adults is? In children? In infants?
Adults -0.5 cc/kg/hr
Children -1cc/kg /hr
Infants - 2cc/kg/hr
Spinal accessory nerve
Removed: LN I-V, SCM, IJV and submandibular gland
Spinal accessory nerve and SCM
Removes: LN 1-5 and Internal jugular vein
LN1-5 and submandibular gland is excised
Triangle of CALOT
Inferior border of the liver
Common hepatic duct
Cystic duct