Supplements in Practise Flashcards
Define the term food supplement
A concentrated source of vitamin, mineral or other substance with a nutritional or physiological effect, alone, or in comnbination, sold in dose form
In what situations would you supplements with a client
- Deficiency states
- Theraputic uses (an underfunction of biochemical pathways identified through lack of nutriion of identification of symptoms)
- For preventative health- used to plug the gaps in a client’s nutrition
Name 4 reasons why might a client need supplements
- Food processing reduces nutritional content
- Food additives deplete the nutrients in food
- Weakened digestion, leading to malabsorbtion
- Stressful lifestyles depletes calcium, magnesium and zinc
- Heavy metal toxixity
- Depleted nutrients in the soil
7 High yield crops deficient in nutrients - Long distance transportation makes crops lose mucn of their nutritional value
Name 3 factors to consider when supplementing with Omega 3
- High levels needed for theraputic effect (4g a day for arthritis)
- Check if the oil is from the bdoy or liver (pollutants are more abundant in liver oils)
- Should contain antioxidents to prevent the oil oxidising
Why is omega 3 from krill oil more bioavailable?
They are carried to the cells in phospholipid form
Name 4 claims that are prohibited on supplements
- reference to the rate or amount of wieghtloss
- Reference to recommendations from doctoes or health professionals
- Claims that suggest that health could be affected by not consuming it
- No allusion to the fact that it can prevent, treat or cure a disease
What supplement forms would you recommend for someone with poor digestion?
Why would you avoid supplements in tablet form?
Contain more excipients
What are the benefits and downsides of capsules?
benefit- fewer exipients
downside-not efficient for large doses
When would you take a supplement in powder form?
For bigger doses
Name 4 benefits of taking a liposomal supplement
- Higher bioavailability and absorbtion
- Increased oral uptake in the mouth
- Easier to take than larger supplements
- Suitable for water and fat soluble nutrients
What is different about a liposomal supplement?
It has a phospholipid bilayer protecting the active ingredients
Give 4 examples of excipients found in supplements
- Fillers
- Emulsifiers
- Flavours
- Colours
- Sweeteners
- Preservatives
How are supplements absorbed?
Chemical bonds are first broken in the stomach and then mostly absorned in the duodenum
Which supplements are absorbed in teh duodenum?
Which supplements are absorbed in the Jejunum
B vits
Vitamin C
Which supplements are absorbed in the ileum
Why would you not take a B vit supplement in the evening?
They can trigger or exacerbae insomnia
Name a supplement that you should take on an empty stomach and one that you should take with food
Zinc-empty stomach
Vit C food
Name 4 factors that should be considered when determining a dose of a supplement
- Age- needs increase with age
- Digestion-Ability to absorb or excrete
- State of health- dosing for optimal health or disease state
4.Theraputic dose- look at the results of credible trials - Lab test results
What is meant by the ‘elemental’ amount of minerals
The amount of mineral available for absorbtion in a supplement. The amount that is actually used by the body
What is meant by a chelated mineral?
When a mineral is accompanied by an amino acid or organic acid chelate to increase absorbtion and stop it competing for absorbtion with other minerals
Name 2 examples of-
a. an amino acid chelate
b. an organic acid chelate
a. Glycine, Lysine
b. Citric acid, Picolinic acid
How much of a supplement needs to be natural to claim ‘natural’ on a label?
Why are food based supplements superior to synthetic vitamins?
The body recognises when nutrrients are derrived from food, it may not recognise or know what to do with isolates.
Why should you advise caution when supplementing minerals
An overdose of one moineral can compromise the status of another
Why should irridated supplements be avoided?
High doses of radiant enery are used to destroy pathogens
This destroys delicate nutrients and disrupts their natural frequencies.
What is an organic acid salt?
Name 2 examples
An organic compund in mineral form.
Citrate, malate
What is the advantage of organic acid salts in supplements?
The bond between an organic acid and mineral is very weak so it is easily absobed. The bosy can use the carrier mollecule.
What is an inorganic salt?
Name 2 examples
A simple mineral compound important for electrolyte balance.
What is the advantage of an amino acid chelate?
It is the best form for mineral absorbtion
What is the best mineral carrier for zinc?
What is the advantage of citrate as a mineral carrier?
- More bioavailable, requires less stomach acid to break bonds and free the mineral for absorbtion
Define the term chelator
A substance that binds tightly to mineral atoms and forces the mineral to go wherever the chelator goes
What is the advantage of an amino acid chelate?
Bypasses the competitive absorbtion that takes place between certain minerals (it is absorbed as a protein, not a mineral.
The body treats it as a peptide and is efficient at absorbing amino acids
Extends the length of absorbtion sites (to a larger portion of the small intestine)
Name 4 disadvantages of amino acid chelates
- Amini acid complexes may be too tightly bonded
- Minerals may not be released from this bond if cellular energy is too poor.
- The complexes can be too larg for tablets so dosages may be too low
- May be too expensive for clients
Name 2 reasons NOT to supplement with calcium
- Supplementation is ineffective at preserving bone mass, when dietary calcium in insufficient
- It can cause kidney disease and soft tissue calcification (especially when G and K2 are low)
Which supplemental forms of calcium are easiest to absorb?
Calcium citrate, calcium citrate malate
Which supplemental for of calcium is regarded as the most bioavaibalble and soluble?
Calcium glycinate
Name the 3 co-factors needed for the aborbtion of magnesium
- Selenium
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin D
Name 4 things that inhibit the absorbtion of magnesium
- Phytates
- Fibre
- Alcohol
- Excess saturated fat
What is a common adverse reaction to magnesium supplementation?
Diarrhoea and possible gastric irritation
What is the best form of magnesium for fibromyalgia?
Magnesium malate.
What is the best form of magnesium supplement for insomnia?
Magnesium glycinate
What form of magnesium supplementation would you reccommend to someone with CV issues?
Magnesium orotate- enhances energy production in the heart.
Name 4 drug interactions with magnesium
- Antibiotics-may reduce the absorbtion of quinoline and tetracycline antibiotics
- Blood pressure medications and calcium channel blockers-may increase adverse effects
- HRT, OCP-may decrease magnesium levels, may need to supplement more.
Which 3 iron supplements are best absorbed?
- ferrous fumarate
- Ferrous Sulphate
- Ferrous gluconate#cx
Name 2 possible adverse effects of iron supplementation
Nausea diarhoea constipaton heartburn
Toxicity- easily oxidises causing free radical damage
What is the most effective form of chromium for type 2 diabetes?
Chromium malate
Name 3 factors that increase requirements for vitamin C
Pollution exposure
Chronic stress
What is the best vitamin C supplement for health maintenance?
Low dose food forms e.g. rosehip and acerola, the bidy regnises these as food
What is the best vit c supplement for detoxification?
High dose ascorbic acid. Although it is easily excreted by the body, it takes free readicals with it.
What does buffered vitamin c mean
Give an example
When vitamin c is joined to an alkaline mineral so that it is better tolerated by the gut.
Eter-C (calcium ascorbate)
Name 3 health conditions which might require vitamin A supplementation
pancreatic disease
eye disease
Why would you suggest a client supplement with Selenium
If they need help converting T4 to T3
For immunity
Name 5 things you should take into consideration when recommending supplements to a client.
- The result you are seeking to achieve
- The length of time
- If recommendin a higher dose that is on the packaging, make sure it’s within a safe range
- Give a clear end date
- Be specific with your guidance