Superfoods Flashcards
Define the term Superfood and give 3 examples
Superfoods contain all or nearly all of the vitamins, minerals, trace minerals that the body needs.
Algae, sprouts and bee pollen
What is does ORAC stand for and what does is measure?
Oxygen Radical, Absorbance Capacity.
It is a labaroatory test that measures the total anti-oxident capacity (TAC) of a food.
As well as vitamins and minerals, name 4 other nutrients that Superfoods are also rich in?
Phytonutrients, enzymes, essential fatty acids and antioxidants.
By what mechanisms does Chlorophyll aid detoxification?
It can bind withthe following carcinogenic chemicals-
* heterocyclic amines found in cooked meat
* * polycyclic hydrocarbons found in tobacco smoke and charred meats
* alflatoxins (food bourne toxins poduced by certain funghi)
It also downregulates phase 1 enzymes whilst upregulating phase 2 enzymes
How does Chlorophyll reduce inflammation?>
Inhibis pro-inflammatory TNF-A gene which can be activated by lipopolyscaccharides released from bacteria, caused by intestinal bacterial infections or intestinal permeability.
How does Chloraphyll support energy production?
It is rich in magnesium which supports ATP
How should you consume chloraphyll to retain it’s benefits?
Eat raw or lightly steam. Overcooking destroys the chloraphyll.
What element often replaces magnesium in synthestic forms of chloraphyll?
Seaweed can be classified into 3 major groups. What are these and name an example of each
Red Algae-Dulse, Nori, Laver
Brown Algae-Kelp, Bladderwrack and wakame
Green Algae: Sea lettuce, spongeweed
What are the energetic properties of seaweed?
Cooling and moistening
Explain how Seaweed acts as an antioxident?
Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid that is found in brown seaweed and has powerful antioxident effects
How is seaweed anti-inflammatory
It is shown to reduce anti-inflammatory protiens such as NF-kB and COX-2
What substance in seaweed is beneficial for the thyroid?
Which seaweed is considered best to support low thyroid function and associated weight-gain?
Bladderwrack. It is righ in biovaiable iodine, other minerals and amino acids like tyrosine.
Name 3 ways in which seaweed can help in weight management.
- It is high in nutrients and low in calories
- High in fibre which increases satiety
- Fucoxanthin can upregulate the expression of UCP1 a mitochondrial uncoupleing protein that is a key mollecule in metabolic thermogenesis
By what mechanism does seaweed help with blood sugar control?
it effects the tyrosine phosphate enzyme which enhances the effect of insulin
Explain the beneficial effects of seaweed on blood lipids
The gel-forming fibre in seaweed can bind to cholesterol in the intestinal lumen and clear it.
What are the benefits of seaweed in the digestive system?
-High fibre induces the growth of benefical bacteria
-Nourishes inflammed disestive tracts (relieving ulcers, constipation and colitis)
Why should we be cautious about using seaweed and how can we mitigate this?
Seaweed can accululate toxins and heavy metals.
Use clean, organic sources
What are the two main sources of microalgae?
Name 4 nutrients found in micro algae
Protein (50-70% complete)
Chlorella is an excellent source of bioavailable B12 and D2.
Chlorella has no iodone.
What are the energetics of microalgae?
Cooling and moisturising
Which microalgae contains bioavaibale B12?
Spirulina contains B12 analogues but these are not absorbed in the gut, so is not a good source for humans.
Name 5 benefits of Spirulina
- Can bind with heavy metals including cadmium, arsenic, lead and mercury
2.Immunity- Enhances natural killer cell activity and has anti-viral properties
- Anti-inflammatory-reduces inflammatory cytokines by inhibiting the NF-kB pathway. Contains Phytocyanin which inhibits COX-2.
- Anti-Cancer- Phycocyanin has anti-cancer proteties.
- Exercise Perfromance- Increses endurance. Hi amino acid content supports muscle growth
- Anti-allergic effects- Inhibits the release of histmine from mast cells
- Anti-hypertensive-raises nitric oxide production, high in antioxidents and lowers inflammation
- Blood Lipids- Lowers LDL, VDL and tricgylcerides and increases HDL
Name 5 benefits of chlorella
- Heavy metal chelator.
2.Detoxification of radioactive particles after radiation treatment - Anti-Diabetic/ Improves insulin resistance- influences genes involved in insulin signaling and glucose uptake (GLUT4)
- Iron and B12 deficiencies
- Oestrogen Metabolism- Can help metabolism oestradiol to less potent forms and degrades BPA
- Immune Support-Increases IgA in mucous (useful in preventing respiratory, gastrointestinal and geiroturinary infection).