Orthomollecular Ingredients and Mushrooms Flashcards
What is meant by Orthomollecular?
The right mollecules in the right amounts
Are orthomollecular compounds essential?
No, they can be synthesised in the body
Give 4 examples of orthomollecular compunds?
Alpha-lipoic acid
Chondroitin Sulphate
What is orthomollecular medicine?
The practise of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of the substances that it already produces.
Why is CoQ10 so important?
It is present in all mitochondria and plays a crucial role in ATP production
What is CoQ10 also known as?
Name 3 factors that might reduce CoQ10.
Certain disease states (e.g. cardiovascular)
Name 5 food sources of CoQ10
- Peanuts and pistachios
- Sesame seeds
- Olive Oil
- Oranges
- Strawberries
- Avocado
- Broccalli and Cauliflower
- Meat and Poultry
- Fish (herring, mackerel, trout)
- Eggs
Name 4 functions of CoQ10
- Energy production- needed for the electron transport chain
- Antioxident-
-A potent fat soluble anti-oxident, it inhibits the peroxidation of cell membrane lipids.
-It neutralises free radicals produced by the mitochondria - CV Health-
-Crucial for cardiac muscle function
-Protects against endothelial damage with helps with atherosclerosis
-Reduces LDL oxidation
-Increases superoxide dismutase which preserves the activity of Nitric Oxide. - Peridontal Health-
-Diseased gums have much lower levels of CoQ10
-This is thought to be because of the oxidative stress caused by gingevalis which triggers mitochondrial dysfunction
Which enzyme, also responsible for CoQ10 production is blocked by statins?
HMG-CoA reductase
What is the metabolic pathway responsible for the production of cholesterol and CoQ10 called?
The Mevalonate pathway
What is Alpha Lipoic Acid?
A naturally occuring short-chain fatty acid
What are the 2 forms of alpha lipoic acid?
Which one is more potent?
R-form (natural)
S-form (synthetic)
The R form is nearly 10 x more potent.
How does Alpha Lipoic Acid act as an antioxident?
-It is a fat and water soluble antioxidant (works intracellularly and extracellularly)
-It is anti-inflammatory
-It can regenerate other antioxidants (e.g. E, C, glutathione and CoQ10)
-It upregulates glutathione
-Protects spermatozoa from oxidation.
Which diseases can ALA be used theraputically for?
-Infertility (600 mg daily)
-Diabetes, PCOS (improves insulin sensitivity)
-AZ (slows decline 600 mg daily for 1 + year)
-Chronic fatigue
-Peripheral neropathy-reduces oxidation of the myelin sheath
-Heavy metal detox-it can chelate iron, mercury, copper, lead and zinc.
Name 5 food sources of ALA
Brassicas, spinach, potato, carrots, beets, tomatos, peas, brewer’s yeast.
Why is ALA crucial for energy production?
It is one of the key coenzymes required to convert carbohydrates into engery in the kreb cycle.
By what mechanisms can ALA promote weightloss?
-Reduces the oxidative stress that promotes weight-gain
-Influences AMPK (activated protein kinase) to reduce appetite
-Increases energy expenditure and reduces fat synthesis
Dosage 1,800 mg per day.
What should we be mindful of when prescribing ALA supplementation?
Must be taken on an empty stomach to optimise bioavailability
Competes with biotin for activation across cell membranes
Can increase hypglycaemia in medicated diabetic patients. Glucose levels must be monitored.
What is Glucosamine?
What is it’s function in the body?
An aminosugar naturally present in body tissues with high concentrations in joints and cartialage.
Required for the synthesis of glycoprotiens, glycolipds and glycominoglycans (GAGS) also known as mucopolysaccharides. These are an important structual compontent of-
-synovial fluid
-mucous membranes
-structures in the eye, blood vessels and heart valves.
How can Glucosamine be helpful in IBD and intestinal permeability?
NAG Supports the GI epithelial barrier by enhancing the function of mucin (a group of protiens found in mucous that form a barriet and prevent microbial overgrowth)
Also reduces the biofilm formation associated with IBD
By what mechanism can Glucosamine be helpful in the treatment of osteoarthritis?
-Stimulates metabolism of chondrocytes in the joint that slows down degeneration and prevents joint space narrowing
-Decreases inflammation by inhibiting cytokines (e.g. interleukin-1)
-Pain reduction, comaprable to NSAIDS
What can glucosamine be combined with the enhance it’s effects in the treatment of Oseoarthritis?
Chondroitin and MSM
Name 3 properties of Chondroitin Sulphate
- It is a type of glycosminoglycan
- it is a major component of many connective tissues
- Thickens synovial fluid, this provides resistance to compression.
By what mechanisms can chondroitin sulphate be useful in the treatment of osteoarthritis?
Protects cartialage from degradation by..
-reducing degradative enzymes
-decreasing inflammation (inhibits COX 2)
-increases hyaluronic acid synthesis-enhancing joint lubrication
What is MSM
Methyl Sulfonlmthane is a source of sulphar used by plants to create the amino acids cysteine and methionine.
Name 5 food sources of MSM
- Green leafy vegetables
- Alfalfa sprouts
- Algae
- Fruit and vegetables
- Grains
- Cow’s milk
By what mechainisms can MSM help in Osteoarthritis?
-It can reduce pain and swelling and restore joint function
-Anti-inflammatory-inhibits the secretion of inflammatory cytokines
-Sulphur s found in cartiallage
Dosage 500 mg 3 x per day
How can MSM improve CV health?
-Reduces homocysteine levels (acts as a methyl donar)
-Reduces lipid peroxidation (thus protecting the vascular endothelium)
Dosage 3 g per day.
How can the use of MSM be useful to treat allergies?
It acts as an immune modulator, down regulating inflammatory cytokines
What are 2 properties of Betaine?
It’s chemical form is trimethyl glucine (TMG). This can be formed from choline (tetramenthyl glycine)
TMG serves as a methyl donor, faciliating the convertion of homocysteine to methionine
What are optimal blood levels of homocystien
Below 9 micrograms
What can high homocystien be inidcative of?
How well someone is methylating
High homocysteine can be implicated in atherosclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases (and other inflammatory diseases)
Name 5 food sources of Betaine?
- Beetroot
- Wheat bran
- Quinoa
- Spinach
- Sweet potato
- Seafood
- Turkey
By what mechanism can Betaine improve skeletal muscle?
Reduces fat mass and increases muscle mass
Improves muscle endurance
What is Dimethyl Glycine?
Trimethyl glycine (betaine) after it has donated one methyl group during the methylation of homocystein.
It only exists for a few seconds at a time.
What is dimethyl glycine used to treat?
What is the most abundane fat-soluble phospholipid in the human brain?
What is the function of phosphatidylserine in humans?
Imperative in neuronal membrane functions.
Name 5 food sources of phosphatidal serine
1-White beans
2- Whole grain barley
4-Mackerel and herring
5-Organ meats
By what mechanism can phosphatidal serine be helpful in AZ disease?
-Increases acetylcholin, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine
-Improves glucose metabolism
-reduces hippocampal inflammation
How does phosphatidylserine improve depression?
Regulates cortisol (more effective when combined with fish oil)
Which nurological conditions can phosphotidylserine be helpful in?
Stress and Insomnia
How does phosphatidylserine help with anxiety and insomnia?
It dampens the effect of prolongued cortisol secretion on brain function.
Dosage 400 mg before bed-insomnia
200 mg- stress management
Name 3 properties of phosphatodylcholine
- major structual component of cell membranes, maintaining their integrity/fluidity
- Syntheised from dietary choline or through the menthylation of another phospholid-phosphatidlyehtanolamine
- We can sythesise it but need dietary forms to meet demands
Name 5 food sources of phosphatidylcholine
Nuts, peanuts, wheatgerm, bussel sprouts, broccoli, spinach, peas.
Meat, eggs, liver.
How can phosphatidylcholine be used in liver health?
Prevents fat accumulation
Reduces oxidative damage
How can phosphatidylcholine be used in neurological health?
It is an essential component of nueronal membranes
supplies choline for the syntheis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter involved in memory which is protective against cognitive decline and dememtia)
Name 2 functions of myo-inositol?
- Regulates hormomes (including insulin)
- Provides structure to the body’s cells
Name 5 food sources of myo-inositol?
Whole grains
Grass fed meats
Which 2 metabolic disorders can Myo-inositol be used theraputically in?
PCOS and type 2 and gestational diabetes
Describe the mechanism of action by which Myo-inositol can improve insulin sensitivity?
It is a secondary messanger of insulin signalling and promotes metabolism of Glut 4 vessicles (transporters for glucose into muscle and fat)
By what mechanism can Myo-inositol help in PCOS
Improves insulin sensitivity and increases SHBG to reduce biovailable testosterone
Dosage 2-3 g daily, should be used with folate
What neurological symptoms can myo-inositol help with?
Anxiety and depression
Dosage- 12-18g a day
What neurtranmitters can myo-inostial help the cell signalling for?
Serotinin and Dopamine
Name the 4 main theraputic compounds found in mushrooms
- Beta-glucans
Support immunity and immunomodulation, anti-tumour - Triterpines- hepato-protective, anti-tumour
- Sterols- pre-cursor to vit D, anti-cancer
- Lectins-agglutinate tumour cells and prevent them from proliferating
What mushroom has been described as “the mushroom of eternal youth”
Name 5 theraputic uses of Reishi mushrooms
- Immune boosting-increses no. and activity of immune cells
- Anti-viral
- can inhibit the replication of EBV and hepatitus B
-Inhibit reverse transcriptase in HIV - Anti-cancer
-induces apoptosis and inhibits angiogenesis
-inhibits metastais by limiting attachement to endothelial cells - Anti-inflammatory- reduces nf KB and anti-histamine
- Anti-coagulant-inhibits platelet agression, thins the blood.
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia- clocks the convertion of testosterone to it’s more potent form (DHT)
- Stress and sleep- Triterpenes have a sedative effect and calm the nervous system
- Blood sugar regulation- Ganoderic acidss increase insulin secretion and decreases cellular resistance to insulin.
Name 5 constituent of Shiitake Mushrooms
- Lentinan- beta-glucan with anti-cancer properties
- Zinc
- D2
- B-vits
- Unsaturated fatty acids
Which mushroom fights candida?
By what mechanism does shiitake promote oral health?
Anti-bacterial action against gigivitis and perisontitis. Prevents plaque formation
By what mechanism does shiitake help in CV disease?
Lowers LDL by increasing excretion through the bowel and increases HDL
Is anti-thrombotic
How does shiitake help in cancer patients
stops it from proliferating and is anti-angiogenic
studies have shown that Lentinan in shiitake can prolongue the life of those suffering with gastric, pancreatic, colorectal and liver cancer
How does shiitake help gout sufferers
Alaklising, lowers uric acid levels
How can shiitake help in Benign prostatic hyperplasia?
High zinc blocks covertion of tesosterone to DHT (dyhydrotestosterone)
How can Lionsmane help with GI disorders?
Promotes the regeneration of gastric and intestinal mucousa.
Acts as a pre-biotic to support good intestinal flora.
Why is Lion’s mane useful in nervous system disorders
The erinacine in Lion’s mane stimulates nerve growth factor (NGF) a protein required to regenerate and repair nerve tissue.
It has powerful antioxident effects
What type of cancers have turkey tail been particularly helpful in?
Hormonally driven cancers
Breast, prostate and ovarian
Which mushroom has been hailed “the king of mushrooms”
By what mechanism does Maitake reduce imflammation?
Fatty acids in Maitake block COX-1 and COX-2 pathways.
Why is Matiake good for CV disease?
- Contains a protease which which prevents clot formation
- Reduces LDL cholesterol
- Regulates the angiotensin/aldosterone system which regulates blood pressure.
How does maitake improve metabolic diseases?
Contains a proteoglyucan that improves insulin sensitivity.
It can help induce ovulation in PCOS
Helps in fatty liver as it has hypolipidemic effects
Why might you prescribe Chaga to a patient undergoing cancer treatment?
It off-sets the bone marrow-supressing effects of chemotherapy
it is an antioxidant and induces cancer cell apoptosis
Name 3 theraputic benefits of Chaga
- Cancer treatmen
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Increased endurance
According to TCM, what is the function of Cordyceps?
Supports the energy-stimulating capacity of the kidney, plays an important role in convalescense
How does Cordyceps help in kidney disease?
Decreases proteinuria
Improves creatine clearance
Can promote regeneration of kidney tubular cells
Protects kidney from damage due to immunosuppressants
Stimulates the formation of erythrocites (decreased in kidney failure)
How can cordyceps improve liver disease?
Improves hepatocyte function
Decreases the formation of fibrotic tissue in liver cirrhosis
Improves liver function in hep b and c
What substance in Cordyceps improves fatigue?
How can cordyceps improve reproduction?
Enhances libido in men and women
Increases testosterone in men
Up-regulates ovarian hormone production on women helping to regulate the mestrual cycle
How does cordyceps mediate depression?
It is an MAO inhibitor which increases dopamine and seratonin