Advance Naturopathic Case taking Flashcards
Name the 5 naturopathic princilples
1 The healing pwer of nature
2. Treat the cause not the symptom
3. Treat the whole person
4. Prevention is preferable to cure
5. A naturopath is an educator/teacher
What are the 5 principles of Herring’s law of cure?
- From the inside out- e.g. a boil clears internal toxins away from more vital organs to the skin
2.From more important organs to less (from the lungs asthma to the skin eczema - The mind gets better before the body- anxiety starts improving before PMS does.
- Symptoms disappear in reverse order to when they arrived
- From above to below. Toxins disappear off the ends of the fingers or toes
Name 5 common root causes of disease (the roots in the naturopathic tree)
- Senedary lifestyle
- Genetics
- Nutrient deficiencies
- Toxic environment
- Structural damage
- Adverse Childhood events
What are the bio-chemical inflammatory mediators?
C-reactive protein (CRP)
Erythrosite sedimentaion rate (ESR)
Serum ferratin
What lifestyle factors can contribute to symptoms/disease?
Sleep, stress, excercise, nutrition, hydration, relationships
Name the possible biochemical endochrine mediators
TSH, T4, fT4, fT3, oestrogen metabolism. progesterone, tesosterone, cortisol, DHEA and HbA1C
Name the 7 core clinical imbalances which need to be considered when deciding which systems are under stress>
- Assimilation-Digestion
- Strutural integrity-cell and mucous membrane health. Joints and cartilage, bones and teeth
- Communication -hormones and endocrine system and neurotransmitters
4 Defence and repair-Inflammation, immunity
- Transport and circulation-Lymphatic structures, vascular structures, and mobilisation of blood lipids
- Energy and mitochondrial health
- Detoxification and elimination
Name 3 signs/symptoms of an assimilation imbalance
- Pallor/shortness of breath
- Dysbiosis-gas and bloating
- Food allergies and intolerances
- Heartburn
- Untable weight
- Illnesses that will impede absorption (cystic fibrosis or coeliac)
Name 3 signs/symptoms of an structural integrity imbalance
- Oesteoarthritis
- Join, ligament or muscle pain
- Skin problems- acne, eczema, psoriasis
- Leaky gut-autoimmunie conditions
- Low essential fatty acids
- Low vitamin D
- Low bone minerals (Ca, Mg, Zn, B and P)
Name 3 signs/symptoms of an communication imbalance
1.Reproductive issues
2. Fatigue
3. Stress
4. Low mood
5. Disturbed sleep
Name 3 signs/symptoms of a defense and repair imbalance
- Recurring infections
- Fatigue
- Poor wound healing
- Skin issues
- Autoimmune conditions
- Intestinal permeability
- Low vitamin D
- Antioxidents status
- High free radical exposure
Name 3 signs/symptoms of a mitochondrial health imbalance
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Parkinsons disease
- MS
- Poor cognitive function
- Intestinal permeability
Name 3 signs/symptoms of a transport imbalance
Circulatory issues
Peripheral neuropathy
Lymphatic issues (e.g. odema)
Name 3 signs/symptoms of a detoxification and elimination imbalance
2. Bloating
3. Light/dark coloured stools
4. Smelly feet
5. Oestrogen dominance
6. Dry itchy skin
7. Yellow skin
8. Nauseous after fatty foods
9. Excessive cellulite
10. Weight gain
11. Fatigue
What 3 emotional considerations must we take into account in naturopathic case taking?
- Mental health- Cognitive function and perception. Impairment may result in dementia, sensory processing disorders etc.
- Emotional Health- Emotional regulation and sense of well-being.
Influenced by- coping strategies, perception of quality of life, self-esteem, having a purpose, adverse childhood experiences - Spritual Health- Does their life mirror their values? Also considers stress, resistance and relationships with friends, family and community.
What could a red Malar flush (red discolouration of cheeks) indicate?
Yin deficiency
Rosacea (linked to H pylori)
B3 deficiency
What could a lined forehead indicate?
Many lines-poor intestinal health
One line-Small intestine issues (decreased absorption)
What could lines between the eyebrows be an indication of?
One line-Stomach insufficiency (e.g. HCL, pepsin)
Two lines- Liver imbalances (alcohol, suppressed anger)
What could brown shadows under the eyes indicate?
Liver stagnation
What could blue/black shadows under the eyes be a sign of?
Adrenal exhaustion. Kidney issues
What could white nails be an indication of?
aneamia, odema or vascular conditons
What could white spots on the nails indicate?
Calcium, Zinc or silica deficiency
What may be implicated if the lanula (moon shape on the nail) is absent on the thumbs?
What could a pale blue lanula indicate?
Diabetes Mellitus, anaemia or peripheral neuropathy
What could a red lanula indicate?
CV disease
Connective tissue disorder
Name 3 nutritional imbalances that could be implicated in dry brittle nails
- Biotin
- B12
- Vitamin A
What pathologies are associated with dry/brittle nails
- Oesteopenis
- Thyroid disorders
- Severe malnutrition
What nutritional deficiencies can cause wicks (hangnails)
B vitamins
Vitamin C
Name 3 possible causes of Beau’s lines (a furrow in the nail caused by interrupted growth at the nail matrix)
- Severe infection
- Myocardial infarction
- Severe Zinc deficiency
- Surgery or chemotherapy
What is the cause of Mee’s lines (white bands across the full nail width)
Heavy metal toxicity or chemotherapy
Name 5 possible causes of longitudinal ridges on the nails
- Ageing
- B vitamin deficiencies
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Lichen Planus
What could cause central ridges on the nail?
Repetitive trauma
Iron, folate or protein deficiency
What could cause nail clubbing?
Pulmonary and CV disease (80%)
Gastrointestinal (5%)
Name 3 possible causes of nail spooning (Koilonychia)
- Iron deficiency
- Protein deficiency
- Haemochromatosis
- Raynaud’s disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
What are the possible causes of nail pitting?
Psorisis (random pits)
Alopecia (ribbed)
Lichen Planus
What are the possible causes of nail thickening?
Fungal infection
Chronic eczema and psorisis
periperal vascular disease
Old age
What are the possible causes of nail beading?
Endochrine conditions -
Diabetes mellitus
Thyroid disorders
B vitamin def
What causes pncholysis (the splitting of the nail from the nail bed)
Posiris and eczema
contact dermartis
Which organs are the back of the tongue affiliated with?
Reproductive organs
Which organs are the centre of the tongue affiliated with?
Which organs are the sides of the tongue affiliated with?
Gall bladder
Which organs are the tip and front of the tongue affiliated with?
What could a pale tongue indicate?
Qi or Yang deficiency
Excess cold
Iron deficiency anaemia
What could a red tongue indicate?
Inflammation and infection
A red tip (heart area) indicates underlying anxiety
What could a purple tongue indicate?
Blood stagnation
Reduced Qi
Poor circulation
Cyanosis (low oxygen)
What could prominent red papillae indicate?
Excess heat
What could excess papillae indicate?
Often follow anti-biotic treatent. Require pro and prebiotics
What could a dry and cracked tongue be indicative of?
What could impaired taste signify?
Zinc deficiency
What could scalloped marks on the edges of the tongue indicate?
Weak digestion
Pancreatic insufficiency
What could be implicated when a tongue is raised/upturned at the edges?
High stress
What could a tongue tremor indicate?
Spleen/Qi deficiency
Excess Vata (ayurveda)-nervous energy and anxiety
Magnesium deficiency
In Ayurveda, what does the mid-line of the tongue represent?
The spine
What could a medial fissue (crack down the midline) of the tongue be indicative of?
Deficiency of digestion. An under secretion of digestive juices
What could a midline fissure at the tip of the tongue indicate?
Heart problems (constitutional tendancy)
Thyroid issues
What could a geographical (mapped tongue) indicate?
Yin deficiencey
B vitamin depletion
What does a brown coating on the tongue indicate?
Chronic excess heat-leading to degenerative changes
What does a greasy yellow coating on the tongue indicate?
Damp heat- Inflammation and infection
What does a greasy white coating of the tongue indicate?
Damp cold-excess phlegm and mucous
What does an uncoated tongue indicate?
Yin deficiency
What coating indicates a healthy tongue
Thin, white coating
What vitamin deficiencies can dry/cracked lips indicate?
What else can cause this?
B2, B3 and folate
dehydration, excess heat associated with too much spicy food, sugar or alcohol
Name 3 possible causes of angular stomatitis
- Deficiencies- Iron, B vits
- Infections- fungal or bacterial
- Bite issues- Causing excess drooling
What nutritional deficiencies can bleeding gums indicate?
Vitamin C
What are the main causes of peridontal disease?
High sugar, meat and dairy
Love biofalvanoids, zinc and CoQ10
What is the dominant neurotransmitter when a pupil is
a. Contracted
b. Dilated
a. Acetylcholine
b. Adrenalin
What is indicated when a pupil is
a. Contracted
B. Dilated
a. Parasympathetic Dominance
Inward tension, internalised, cautious,reserved, slow responses.
b. Sympathetic nervous system dominance
Possible adrenal exhaustion
Fast responses
What nutrient deficiency can dry eyes indicate?
Vitamin A, EFAs
What nutrient deficiency can night blindness indicate?
Vitamin A and Zinc
What nutrient deficiency can pale conjunctiva indicate?
What 2 eye symptoms can be an indication of low iron?
Pale conjunctiva and blue sclerela
What nutritional deficiencies can photophobia indicate?
Vitamin B2, B3, beta carotene, vitamin A, Zinc
What nutrient deficiency can be implicated in lack of eyelashes and eyebrows
What vitamin deficiency can be implicated in dermatitis on the face?
What nutritional deficiency can be implicated in hyperpigmentation of the mouth, cheek and eye areas?
What deficiencies can inelasticity of the skin be indicative of?
Vitamin C
What can hair loss indicate?
Nutrient deficiencies- Iron, protein, biotin
What nutritional deficiencies are implicated when hair is dry and brittle?
Iron, protein, EFAs
When is the best time to take a PH saliva reading?
1st test-One hour after brushing teeth
2cnd test- 30 mins before lunch
3rd test- 30 mins before evening meal
What should healthy urine look like?
Straw yellow colour
What could smelly urine indicate?
UTI, dehydration
What would pathology could be implicated if urine was very dark yellow, orange or brown
What is the idea hip-waist measurement in
a. males
b. females
a 0.95 or below
b. 0.80 or below
How do you calculate waist-to-hip ratio and what can it tell you?
Waist divided by hip measurement
It can indicate risk level or a heart attack, stroke, diabetes or premature death.
Describe the characteristics of an ‘ideal stool’
Neither sinks or floats (but is mostly submerged)
Medium brown colour
No obvious undigested food remnants (with the exception of corn and seeds)
What can floating stools indicate
insufficient bile
excessive intake of fats
What can sinking stools indicate?
decaying matter or unused minerals
What can thin stools be a sign of?
Tension, colon spasm as seen in IBS
What can dry stools be a sign of?
Dehydration, slow transit time, lack of fibre, hypothyroid, stress.
How would you define constipation?
Passing stools less than 3 x per week, needing to strain or passing pellet-like stools on more than 1/4 of occassions.
State 3 causes of constipation
- A low fibre diet
- Digestive insufficiency
-mechanical- reduced peristalsis
-chemical, low HCL, Bile and pancreatic enzymes - Dehydration
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Stress
What does a pale stool indicate?
Insufficient bile production
What could green stools be a sign of?
Release of toxic matter in bile
What could white mucous in the stool indicate?
Disturbance of intestinal flora
Microbial infection
Immune response to gluten or lactose
What could very dark brown stools indicate?
Slow transit time in colon. Hypothyroidism.
What could an orange stool indicate?
Insufficient bile
Name 2 red flag stool signs and state what each could indicate
- Black tarry stools-
oesophageal/gastric bleed - Blood in stools. Darker blood is a sign of a more serious pathology.
Bright red blood could be haemorrhoids