Supervise Gunnery Evaluation Flashcards
What does the LCE need to know to determine the allowable exposure time to a given targets?
Target Category, Number of Target Conditions, Target Range.
______ is the recommended target total exposure time for the 25mm targets during the day?
80 seconds.
If a crew fires an engagement and gets 2 NO GO’s on a leader subtask standard and 2 NO GO’s on non-critical subtask standards and gets GO’s on everything else what will be his rating?
P (Needs Practice)
120 seconds is the recommended target total exposure time for ________ targets?
A crew fires an engagement and gets 1 NO GO on a task standard and 2 NO GO’s on a leader sub task standard, what is his rating?
How many engagements will a crew remediate to obtain a qualified rating?
A crew will only shoot as many necessary to obtain a qualified rating.
The leader sub task evaluates the _____ ability to ________ the crew, vehicle, and weapon systems.
Commander, Control.
When does time start during an offensive / retrograde engagement?
Time starts when the target or simultaneous target are fully exposed (Target Look) or the first round is fired. (which ever occurs first)
The _______ needs to know the target category, number of target conditions, target range to determine the ____________.
LCE, Allowable Exposure Time.
A crew must fire what to get a Trained (T) rating?
GO on all task standards, GO on all critical sub task standards and leaders sub task standards and no more than one NO GO on a non critical sub task,
What are the only allowable conditions for rating an alibi ?
Range equipment failures, vehicle equipment failures that are not the result of the crew errors. conditions not related to the firing vehicle or crew.
Time resets in a defensive engagement before the firing vehicle __________ to the __________ position.
Returns, Hull Defilade.
Name the non critical sub tasks?
Driver uses proper driving techniques, crew uses proper defensive techniques, commanders or gunners use proper engagement techniques, proper response terms in support of leader subtasks.
______________ apply to techniques and procedures crews should use for successful engagements?
Non-Critical Sub Task Standards.
The recommended target total exposure time for ____________ is 90 seconds?
Night Time 25mm Targets.
If a crew receives all GO’s except for 1 NO GO on a non critical subtask standard he receives a ____ rating?
Name the Task standards?
That a given target with an appropriate number of rounds and type of ammunition with out exposing the LAV-25 beyond vehicle the exposure time. (TGT Range/Type)
The target kill standard for ____________ is hit the target with 5 rounds?
Coax point target.
A crew fires an engagement and gets GO’s on everything except for 1 NO GO on a non critical subtask standard?
Name the leader subtasks?
Proper fire command for each engagement; most dangerous is engaged before least dangerous. Proper ammunition and weapon system for target is used, vehicle moves (?) at least on full vehicle length when going from turret- defilade to a hull defilade position and when returning, ensures gunner doesn’t fire before receiving the execution command.