Superior and Posterior Mediastinum Flashcards
MS divisions
- superior
- inferior (ant, med, post)
extent of superior MS
from the thoracic inlet to diaphragm and from sternum to 12th thor vert
-extends posteriorly to T4-5 post border
landmark btwn sup and inf MS
sternomanubrium jt
sup MS contents
-thymus gland SVC and great vv arch of arota vagus and phrenic nn trachea and esophagus thor duct
thymus gland
post to manubrium, ant to brachiocephalic vv, atrophies after puberty
where does L brachiocephalic v cross?
anteriorly to trachea
aortic arch
- begins and ends at sternal angle (T4-5)
- arches over L main bronchus and pulm tr
- gives rise to
1. brachiocephalic tr
2. L common carotid a
3. L subclavian
Vagus N
originates lat to olive in medulla
descends post to root of lung
phrenic n
origin C3-C5
travel w/ pericardiacophrenic a and v
motor and sensory (somatic to diaphragm)
descend ant to root of lung
- descends immediately ant to esophagus
- bifurcates at inf limit of sup MS (carina)
- numerous lymph nodes found at the corina
- inf stem to bifurcation
- foreign bodies aspirate to R main bronchus (shorter and wider than L)
- begins C6 (base of pharynx)
- descends immediately post to trachea
- pierces dia at esophageal hiatus
esophageal hernias
type I (sliding hiatal hernia): stomach slides freely into thorax, most common, often asymptomatic type II (paraesophageal hernia): fundus, often fixed in position risking gastric blood supply
what creates retropharyngeal space
ant: buccopharyngeal fascia
post: prevertebral fascia
post MS contents
- esophagus and esophageal plexus
- aztgos system of vv
- descending aorta
- thor duct
- thoracic splanchnic nn
esophagus and esophageal plexus
-vagus nn join to form plexus around eso (near dia plexus reforms vagal trs)
L vagus n: ant vagal tr
R vagus n: post vagal tr
*bc gut rotation
azygos system of vv
- venous drainage for thorax
- azygos v: drains intercostal vv from R side of thor, arches over R sup bronchus to drain into SVC
- hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos vv: drain L thorax
descending aorta
- just L of eso
- gives rise to post intercostal aa supplying thorax
- supplies brs to trachea, bronchi, eso
thoracic duct
- post to eso and ant to vertebral bodies
- located btwn azygos v and descending aorta (thor)
- passes thru dia w/ desc aorta
- drains lymph from entire body below dia
- enters venous angle btwn L subclavian v and L IJV
accumulation of lymph in pleural cavity
- results from torn or leaking thor duct
- often from lymphoma/trauma during thor surgery
- a type of pleural effusion visible on chest films
symp chain gang and thor splanchnic nn
symp trs are lat of vert bodies and pass posteriorly to dia to enter abdomen
2 types of brs from symp chain gang
- postgang symp to thor viscera
2. pregang symp innervation to abdomen greater splanchnic nn: synapse at ciliac gang, lesser: SMA, least: aorticorenal
thor autonomic nn
symp: originate from T1-T5 (serve thor cavity)
parasymp: originate from CN X
commingle to form thor plexus (cardiac, pulm: along primary bronchi, eso)