Forebrain and Limbic System Flashcards
divisions of forebrain
- diencephalon
- internal capsule
- limbic system
divisions of diencephalon
- epithalamus: pineal gland, habenula
- thalamus: all sensory (minus olfaction) paths relay here, composed of distinct nuclei
- hypothalamus
- subthalamus
divisions of limbic system
- hippocampus
- hypothalamus
- amygdala
subdivisions of thalamic nuclei (as defined by internal medullary lamina)
- ant: ant nucleus, important limbic relay, sits in split in IML
- med: dorsomedial
- lat: 1. dorsal tier- lateral dorsal, lat post, pulvinar 2. ventral tier- vent ant, VPL, VPM, med and lat geniulates
* largest subdivision* - intralaminar: centromedian, parafascicular
- reticular nuc: regulatory role
- midline nuc
theme of all thalamic nuclei (except reticular)
- projection neurons: provide output from thalamus
- interneurons: small, inhibitory
*proportions vary
3 categories of thalamic nuclei
- relay nuc: receive well defined specific input from subcortical source and project to well defined area of cortex
- association nuc: receive specific inputs and regulatory from association cortex and project abck
- intralaminar and midline nuc: receive distinct set of specific inputs, project to cortex, BG, and limbic structures
reticular nucleus
- imp source of regulatory input to thalamus
- no projections to cortex
- input: cortex and thalamus
- output: inhib axons to thalamus
sensory system relay nuclei
motor system relay nuc
VA and VL
limbic system relay nuc
anterior, LD
main association nuc
DM (prefrontal lobe)
pulvinar (parietal-occipital-temporal)
internal capsule
- thalamocortical and corticothalamic fibers pass thru
- collects and forms cerebral peduncle (corticopontine/bulbar/spinal fibers descend thru)
5 parts of internal capsule (based on relationship to lenticular nucleus)
- ant limb: lenticular nuc, caudate
- post limb: lenticular nuc, thalamus
- genu: btwn A and P limbs
- retrolenticular: behind lenticular nuc (inf visual field)
- sublenticular: not seen in horiz sections, sup visual field
critical in autonomic, endocrine, emotional, and somatic fnctns, maintains homeostasis
3 types of hypothalamus connections
- interconnected w limbic system
- output to pituitary
- interconnects visceral/somatic nuc
hypothalamic control of pituitary
sup hypophyseal br: cap bed in infundibulum and 2nd cap bed around endocrine cells, caps drain into portal vessels in ant lobe
inf hypophysela br: neurohypophysis , caps drain into cavernous sinus, delivers ant and post pit hormones to systemic circ
what controls pituitary secretions
neuroendocrine cells
2 types of neuroendocrine cells
- parvocellular: end in median eminence (short axons)
2. magnocellular: end in post lobe (long axons)
what do parvocellular cells give rise to
tuberoinfundibular tract
2 hormones released by neurons in paravent and supraoptic nuclei
- ADH/vasopressin
2. oxytocin: contract labor mm
hypothalamic functions
- autonomics
- feeding
- fight or flight
- sleeping/waking, sexual arousal, memory
hypothalamus and autonomics
ant hypo: stim produces parasymp effects (dec HR, constrictpupils, peristalsis)
post hypo: stim produces symp effects (increase HR, BP, dilate pupils)
hypothalamus and feeding
-lat and VM nuc create appetite set point, can be altered by serotonin (anorexia = increased, bulemia = decreased)
stim lat nuc->feeding, lesion->refuse food
stim VM nuc->refuse food, lesion->feeding
*areas also key to fear and rage
hypothalamus and fight or flight
- corticotrophin RH released by paravent nuc->ACTH release pituitary->increased cortisol from adrenal gland
- activation in lat prefrontal cortex
other hypothalamic fnctns
- sleeping/waking
- sexular arousal
- memory
hypothalamic inputs
- forebrain (limbic structures):
2. BS/SC
forebrain as hypothalamic input
- info to mediate autonomic/somatic of some emotional states
- amygdala via stria terminalis, VAP
BS/SC as hypothalamic input
- visceral and sensory info (IX and X)
- mainly DLF
limbic system
- mainly cingulate and parahippocampal gyrus)
- feelings/emotions from sensory inputs, evolved to promote survival so activity varies depending on physiologic needs
- bridges autonomic/voluntary responses to environmental changes
2 parts of limbic system
- limbic cortex: 3 layeres allocortex of hippocampus and septal area and mesocortex in parahippocampal gyrus, cingulate, and insula
- subcortical nuclei: amygdala (emotional responses), hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens and reticular form
specialized area of cortex rolled up into medial temp lobe, critical to memory formation, esp declarative memory
parts of hippocampus
- dentate gyrus
- hippocampus proper
- subiculum
hippocampus afferents
input from septal nuc and entorhinal cortex
hippocampus afferent connections
- afferent fibers from sensory cortex
- entorhinal cortex projects to dentate gyrus
- dentate neuron projects to CA3
- CA3 neuron projects into fimbria and CA1
- CA1 neuron projects to subiculum
- subiculum projects to fimbria (alvear path)
- subicular neuron projects to entorhinal cortex
- entorhinal neuron projects to sensory cortex
hippocampus efferents
- fimbria is an imp efferent
- entorhinal neuron is largest efferent
- fornix is continuation of fimbria, does outputs from subiculum and entorhinal cortex
papez circuit
- neurons in cingulate gyrus project back
- projection into entorhinal cortex
- projection into hippocampus
- fornix
- mammilary tract
- projections from ant nucleus of thalamus to cingulate cortex
types of memory
- short term: hold info briefly (phone number)
- long term: stored, can be retrieved (explicit: facts/events, implicit: performing a learned motor fnctn)
- working: needed for task at hand
- consolidation: process of storing new info in long term
-primary association with fear
nuclear groups of amygdala
- medial: olfaction
- central: hypothalamus, PAG, emotional responses
- basolateral (HUGE): cortex; cent nuclei; emotional responses
amygdala afferents
- all sensory assoc area have direct input to lat nuc
- all areas also linked to prefrontal cortex via assoc fibers so sensations can be cognitively evaluated
amygdala efferent paths
- stria terminalis (to hypothalamus and septal nuclei)
2. ventral amygdalofugal path: also synapses with nuc accumbens
kluver-bucy syndrome
- bilat temp lobe injury, iinvolves amygdala, parahippo gyrus
- fearless, placid, no emotion, males are hypersexual: amygdala damage
- inordinate attn to all sensory stim, pick up same object repeatedly: visual assoc cortex damage
nucleus accumbens
stim: sense of well being, feeling “high” due to dopamine release
AKA ventral striatum
limbic loop in BG
- pleasure increases ventral striatal dopamine release from ventral tegmental area in midbrain
- drive related info to influence movement/behavior
- assoc stim with reward