Ear Flashcards
maintains balance (vestibular), perceives sound (auditory)
parts of ear
mexternal (to tymp mem), middle, and inner (in petrous ridge of temp bone)
external ear
-external acoustic meatus, tymp mem, and auricle gather sound and direct it to tymp mem
how does cone of light project
embryologic origins of tmyp mem
1st pharyngeal pouch (endoderm) and groove (ectoderm)
fnctn of middle ear
transmits sound vibrations from tymp mem to inner ear via ossicles
middle ear cavity
- tymp cavity:air spac in temp bone
- tymp cavity proper: medial to tymp mem
- epitympanic recess: sup to tymp mem and ossicles
- anteriorly: leads to auditory tube and nasopharynx
- posteriorly: aditus and antrum
doorway into mastoid antrum and air cells, continuous with mastoid antrum and auditory tube
auditory tube
- has bone and cart (sup and mid walls ant 2/3) parts
- inf and lat walls are mem
*tensing of tensor veli palatini opens tube
middle ear boundaries
roof: tegmen tympani (bony)
floor: jugular wall-thin layer of bone separating cavity ad IJV
lat: tymp mem-attaches to manubrium of malleus
med: tymp cavity, inner ear labyrinth
ant: carotid wall-thin bone separating mid ear cavity and carotid canal
post: mastoid wall
features in medial wall of middle ear
- promentory: from cochlea, facing tymp mem, covered by tymp plexus
- fenestra vestibuli: oval window, receives base of stpaes
- fenestra cochlea: round window, mem covered, inf to oval
- facial canal prom: CN VII inside
- lat semicirc canal prom
openings in sup part of ant wall of mid ear
- auditory tube
2. semicanal for tensor tymp m
features of post wall of mid ear
- pyramidal eminence: hollow bone, origin of stapedius m
2. aditus ad antrum: entrace to tymp antrum
- malleus, incus, stapes
- lined with simple squamous epi
- malleus and incus articulate
- incus and stapes articulate
- stapes attaches to tymp mem via oval window
mm of middle ear
- tensor tympani: in bony semicanal, insets onto handle of malleus, teses tymp mem, inn by CN V3 (from arch I)
- stapedius: arise from cav inside pyramidal eminence
- inserts into neck of stapes
- inn by CN VII (from arch II)
vessels of mid ear
- arterial supply via tymp brs of caroitd brs (ant tymp a from max a)
- accompanying vv (to sup petrosal sinus-intracranially, to pterygoid plexus of vv-extracranially)
path of facial n and canal, and chorda tympani
- CN VII enters canal posteriorly and runs ant
- travels in medial wall of mid ear
- exits and stylomastoid foramen
- CN VII turns ar geniculate gang
- chorda tymp (ascends ant thru mid ear) comes off CN VII joins ling for special sensory of ant 2/3 tongue
greater petrosal n
- br off geniculate gang of CN VII
- carries parasymp fibers to pterygopalatine gang
- joins deep petrosal n (symp) to make n or pterygoid canal
tympanic plexxus of nn
- covers promentory, runs under mucosal lining, and supplies it
- formed by tymp br of CN IX (parasymp) and cartoticotympanic n (symp)
lesser petrosal n
- br of tympanic plexus of nn
- continuation of tymp br of CN IX
- carries parasymp to otic gang (sits outside of foramen ovale, by CN V3)
inner ear
- fluid filled chamber for hearing and equilibrium
- semicirc canals: controls balance and position
- cochlea: controls hearing
- oval window: beginning of transduction of sound (cochlea)
- round window: end of transduction of sound, vibrates –opposite oval window to perceive sound
- membraneous structures: semicirc canals, utricle and saccule
transmission of sound
-waves are established in perilymph, cause vibration of basilar mem of spiral gang of corti