Sup- Tinea of hands and feet Flashcards
other name most commonly caused by what fungi
T rubrum
“athlete’s foot”
for bullous tinea
for bullous tinea, bullae should be unroofed. and either entire roof is mounted intact or scrapings are made from underside if the roof.
may also be placed on sabouraud dextrose agar. mycose agar or DTM. all three. inhibit growth if bacteria or saprophytic contaminants. the last 2 inhibit pathogenic nondermatophytes.
alkaline metabolites prod by growth of dermatophytes change color of oh indicator in DTM medium from yellow to red.
dry toes
antiseptic powder.
tolnaftate powder (tonactin) or zeasorb medicated powder. plain talc, cornstarch or rice powder.
in manuum or exuberant tinea pedis oral agent may be necessary.
aluminum chloride 10% sol or aluminum acetate 1 part to 20 parts of water can be beneficial.
fungal inf on feet and hands; Griseofulvin 500-1000mg/day.
children: 10-20mg/kg/day
adult doseing for
terbinafine 250mg/day for 1-2 weeks.
itraconazole 200mg twice daily for 1 week.
Fluconazole 150mg once weekly for 4 weeks.