Summary of tubular reabsorption and secretion of glucose, peptides, urea, Flashcards
glucose - reabsorption
all glucose is reabsorbed by sodium-glucose cotransporters in the PCT
then glucose taken into the blood by GLUT transporters
glucose - secretion
under normal conditions, glucose is not secreted in the tubules
but under uncontrolled diabetes, glucose enters urine
peptides - reabsorption
most small peptides are reabsorbed in the PCT by endocytosis
peptides - secretion
normally, only very small traces of peptides in urine
urea - reabsorption
urea is partially reabsorbed 50%
- loop of henle
- collecting duct
contributing to osmotic gradient of the kidney
urea - secretion
remaining urea passes through DCT/ CD where its excreted into urine
water - reabsorption
water is passively reabsorbed by osmosis
renal tubules:
- PCT (70%)
- loop of henle -> descending limb NOT ascending limb
- DCT - regulated by ADH
- CD
water - secretion
dehydrated = water conserved = conc urine
overhydrated = water secreted out = diluted urine
sodium - reabsorption
sodium is actively reabsorbed
- loop of henle - thick ascending
- CD
sodium - secretion
some sodiums secreted in distal part of nephron
influenced by aldosterone
chloride - reabsorption
- PCT passive
- loop of henle - thick ascending - active
- DCT/ CD - influenced by aldosterone
chloride - secretion
small amounts secreted in DCT/CD under certain conditions
potassium - reabsorption
loop of henle - thick of ascending limb
potassium - secretion
- influenced by aldosterone
phosphate - reabsorption
active reabsorption in PCT
- sodium-phosphate cotransporters