Summary Care Records Flashcards
What is a Summary Care Record (SCR)?
A Summary Care Record is an electronic record that contains essential information about a patient’s health and care.
What key information is typically included in an SCR?
- Minimum info is includes medication information, allergies/adverse, patient info
- Can choose to include:
- Significant medical history summary, e.g. long term conditions
- Reason for medication
- Specific communications needs (Accessible
- Information Standard)
- Details of carers
- End of life care information
- Immunisations
- Aditionals were added during COVID
What is the main purpose of a Summary Care Record?
To provide healthcare professionals with quick access to important patient information.
Multiple Choice: Who can access a patient’s Summary Care Record?
Healthcare professionals involved in the patient’s care.
As well as patients
True or False: Patients have the right to opt out of having a Summary Care Record.
Short Answer: How can patients view their own Summary Care Record?
Patients can view their SCR through the NHS App or by requesting access from their GP.
What technology is used to store Summary Care Records?
Electronic health record systems.
How are pharmacists granted access the SCR
- Request SCR role for your NHS smartcard
- Pharmacy compaines/hospitals must appoint a SCR governance person
- SOP regarding SCR
- SCR of friends/family cant be viewed during practise
Role of the SCR governance person (SGP) for SCR in community pharmacies
- Responsible for checking that SCR is being used properly - only used in line with strict data protection rules for looking at patient records
- They must be trained for this role
- Each time an SCR is accessed, an alert is generated. SGPs audit these alerts against records of consent
What is the default status of a Summary Care Record for new patients?
Automatically created unless opted out.
Multiple Choice: Which of the following is NOT included in a Summary Care Record?
Detailed medical history
To View a patient’s SCR:
Access via logging into The National Care Records Service(NCRS) (successor to SCRa)
You must be directly involved in the patient’s care at that point in time - Legitimate Relationship (LR)
Every time you access an SCR, you MUST confirm you have a LR with the patient
Permission from the patient to view the SCR required
Rules on viewing a patient’s care records are set out in the SCR permission to view guidelines
True or False: Summary Care Records are shared with all healthcare organizations.
Consent for SCR - for patient, child, lacking capacity, patient not present, care home patients
- Verbal or written informed consent required to view SCR for each care episode or repeatedly if discussed and agreed with patient
- Children: if not able to consent, it can be provided by a parent/guardian
- Adults lacking capacity: only those with legal authority can provide consent on another person’s behalf (Mental Capacity Act)
- If the patient is unable to give permission, select ‘emergency access’ and justify why - must be in the best interests of the patient
- ‘by proxy’ when they arrive care homes inform them that their preferred pharmacy may access SCR
Name some benefits to patients and NHS of the SCR
- Fewer referrals to other NHS care settings
- Reduced phone calls to GP practices
- Fewer prescribing errors
- Reduced patient waiting times
- Improved service for patients
- Safer service to patients
Limitations of the SCR
- No blood test results
- Most SCR have minimal data
- Might not be upto date if patient has been to another care setting
- OTCs/private meds
- Drugs prescribed exclusively by hospitals
What privacy measures are in place for Summary Care Records?
- Access is restricted to authorized healthcare professionals only.
- Verbak or written consent is required to view SCR
What is SCR used for in community pharmacy
- Emergency supplies - check SCR to confirm what was prescribed, dosage, frequency
- Pharmacy Firs must access SCR
- Adverse reactions/allergies - check SCR to make sure medication is safe
- Vaccinations and other services – e.g. if a patient asks for an NHS flu vaccination, check SCR
- Has a prescription been written? - access SCR to see if a prescription has been issued by GP
Multiple Choice: How often are Summary Care Records updated?
Regularly, as new information becomes available.
Why dont community pharmacists use SCR enough
- Takes too long
- Getting consent is difficult
- Needs a pharmacy professional to have Smartcard access and be trained
What is it used for in Hospital Pharmacy?
- Med reconciliation
- Useful resource alongside patient, PODs, MAR charts, relatives etc.