SUMMARY Flashcards
name the types of intra-oral x-rays
occlusal - max and man
name the types of extra-oral x-rays
Lateral cephalogram
Postero anterior mandible
Lateral oblique mandible
occipito-mental views of facial bones
what creates the difference in detail between intra and extra oral radiographs?
the distance between object and receptor
what is the atomic mass number?
number of protons + number of neutrons
what is an isotope?
same number of proton
different number of neutrons
what is the most favourable intra oral technique and how is it performed?
uses holder which is parallel to teeth
what intra oral technique involves patient holding film?
bisected angle
what are the 4 types of holders and what are they used for?
red - bitewings
blue - anterior
yellow - posterior
green - endo
what are the different sizes of phosphor plates?
0 - periapical and bitewings
1- periapical (adult), all areas (children)
2 - posterior (adult)
4 - occlusal
in intra-oral radiography, what is the ideal vertical plane?
parallel to long axis of tooth
elongation of teeth
in intra-oral radiography, what is the ideal horizontal plane?
parallel to dental arch
overlapping teeth
in intra-oral radiography, what is the ideal position of the beam?
right angle to tooth and receptor
what would be the outcome if the beam was angled down, up, or poor horizontal angulation?
down - elongation
up - foreshortening
hor. - overlapping
what is at the end of the x-ray tube that helps reduce exposure?
where should the dot on the receptor be placed for periapical, and bitewings?
periapical - crown of tooth
bitewing - palate
what are the ideal magnification distance types?
x-ray source -> receptor - LONG
object -> receptor - SHORT
what is the difference in dose between vertical and horizontal bitewings?
vertical double exposure dose
what would you do if patient cant tolerate the plastic of the holder?
paper tab stuck to receptor
explain the difference between direct and indirect film and what they are used for?
direct film - intra oral
x-rays directly act on silver halide crystals in emulsion.
indirect film - extra oral
light from intensifying screens act on silver halide crystals in emulsion.
what are the types of digital receptors?
PSP - phosphor plate
CCD/ CMOS - solid state
what creates the latent image with PSP?
x-ray energy stored in the electrons of the phosphor crystals
how is an image created with the phosphor plate?
phosphor layer scanned by red laser
stored energy is released as blue light
blue light is collected by scanner and converted to image
what is the phosphor coating of PSP?
Barium fluoride
what does an ACD do?
converts light to digital signal
each pixel is assigned a numerical value according to intensity of light
pixel values represent shades of grey
how is an image on PSP erased?
exposed to bright light
what are the layers of CCD?
Front cover
Scintillator layer
Silicon wafer
Back cover
how does CCD work?
- x-rays hit off sensory in the scintillator layer
- this gives off light and hits the silicon wafer cells which make up pixels of image
- electrons in each pixel are released and converted to a electrical signal (voltage)
- computer converts into image
what differs CMOS to CCD?
CMOS - singular pixels (electrically isolated)
CCD - lines of pixels
what is the system for storing images?
picture archiving and communication system
what are the contents of a film packet?
barrier wrapped film
outer plastic wrapping
black paper
lead foil
what are the layers of a film?
base - plastic
blue anti-glare tint
adhesive layer
double emulsion
gelatine layer
what does the film emulsion consist of?
silver halide crystals suspended in gelatin
what is the function of gelatin in a film emulsion?
even distribution of crystals for readily absorption of liquid
explain direct action image formation
- x-ray beam hits silver halide crystals in emulsion
- silver halide becomes sensitised
- latent image production
what is the main reaction in direct action image formation?
silver bromide crystals reduced to black metabolic silver
relate film speed to crystal size and detail
larger crystal - faster speed - less x-rays - less detail
what does an intensifying screen consist of?
base - polyester
phosphor layer
explain indirect image formation?
- x-ray photons hit phosphor crystals in intensifying screen and give off light
- light hits silver halide crystals in emulsion
- silver halide crystals sensitised
- latent image production
what may pressure do to a film?
sensitise silver halide crystals
what are the stages of film handling?