SUGER anatomy Flashcards
The inguinal canal
- a passage through the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall
- deep inguinal ring
- invagination of transversalis fascia that covers the contents of the inguinal ligament
- above the midpoint of the inguinal canal
- superficial inguinal ring
- lies just superior to the pubic tubercle
- invagination of the external oblique aponeurosis
- this also covers the contents of the canal
the inguinal ligament
runs from the asis to the pubic tubercle
what does the inguinal canal contain in males
the spermatic cord
what does the inguinal canal contain in females?
the round ligament of the uterus
spermatic cord structures
rule of 3
- 3 coverings
- external, cremasteric and internal spermatic fascia
- 3 arteries
- testicular, artery of the vas, cremasteric artery
- 3 veins
- testicular, vein of the vas, cremasteric artery
- 3 nerves
- ilio-inguinal (skin sensation anterior 1/3 of genetalia)
- genitofemoral (to cremaster muscle)
- sympathetic (vas and testicular pain)
- 3 others
- vas deferens, lymphatics and tunica vaginalis
spermatic cord fascia
- acquires a layer of fascia from each of the three abdominal wall layers
- leaves the superficial ring with three layers of covering
- most internal is from transversalis
- most externalis from ext oblique
Tunica vaginalis
- a sac covering the testis
- derived from the peritoneum
- works like peritoneum allowing friction free movement
- very coiled duct at the back of the testis - along which sperm travels to the vas deferens
- there’s a head that’s superior and highly coiled
- then there’s a posterior body
- then there’s a tail that turns back on itself and communicates with the vas deferens
cremaster muscle
a muscle of the spermatic cord by which the testicle can be partially raised
it runs in the inguinal canal
it is derived from muscle of the internal oblique
inferior epigastric artery
- arises from external iliac
- hernias medial to this vessel are direct hernias
- hernias lateral to this vessel are indirect
dartos muscle
a sheet of smooth muscle, situated immediately underneath the skin. It acts to help regulate the temperature of the scrotum, by wrinkling the skin – this decreases surface area, reducing heat loss.
tunica albuginea
a fibrous capsule that encloses the testes. It penetrates into the parenchyma of each testicle with diaphragms, dividing it into lobules.
these lobules contain the seminiferous tubules
suprarenal glands
adrenal glands
at top of kidney
embedded in perinephric fat
Right: tetrahedral and lies behind the liver and IVC
Left: crescent shaped and lies behind the stomach and pancreas
divisions of arteries once they have entered the kidney
- renal artery divides into segmental branches
- segmental branches divide to form interlobar arteries
- interlobars are either side of each pyramid
- interlobar arteries divide to form arcuate arteries
- arcuate arteries (in cortex) divide to form afferent arterioles
arterial blood supply to kidneys
- renal arteries which come off aorta just inferior to the sup mesenteric
- aorta lies slightly left of midline
- for this reason right renal artery is longer than the left and passes the IVC posteriorly
blood supply to adrenal glands
- superior adrenal artery (arises from inf phrenic artery)
- middle adrenal artery (arises from the abdominal aorta)
- inferior adrenal artery (arises from the renal arteries)