substance use Flashcards
Study of how drugs affect humans cognitively, behaviourally, and emotionally
Psychoactive drugs
Acts on CNS and produces changes in cognition, behav, and emotions
Licit drugs
Psychoactive substance that is legal to process or use.
Ex. caffeine, nicotine, alc
Illicit drugs:
Psychoactive substance that is illegal to possess or use
Ex. heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, club drugs
Substance use
Drug use at a level that doesnt significantly impair functioning
Physical dependence
Changes in normal bodily functions so that drug use is necessary for normal functioning
Psychological dependence
Emotional need for a drug to relieve emotional distress
A person who is extremely psychologically dependent on a substance
During regular drug use, when a higher dose is required to feel the same effects as a lower dose
Physical symptoms that occur when a person who has developed tolerance to a drug abruptly ceased using (high physical/emotional arousal, fidgety, agitation)
Substance use disorder
Compulsive pattern of drug use that is associated w/ both physical and psychological dependence
Develop tolerance → exp withdrawal → take risks because of substance → spend time thinking about the drug → withdraw from activities and others → take more of the substance than intended → crave the drug → struggle to quit
Factors affecting drug effects (dopamine)
Drug related factors
-Type of drug
-Route of administration (injection, inhaled, snorted affecting rates of transmission)
-Size of dose (large dose = adverse effects)
Person-related factors
-Pharmacological characteristics (chemical impact of drug on body)
-Psychological characteristics (mood, prev exp w/drug and effects)
setting/psychosocial conditions (atmosphere where the drug is taken, people and their behav/expectations)
Drug interactions (taking multiple drugs, w/alc that make amplifying effects)
Genetic x environment appr
Genetic factors 40-60% of risk factors for SUD
Exposure to high doses of an addictive drug can result in addiction, regardless of genetic risk
Environmental risk factors interact w/ genetic composition
Psychosocial stressors such as lack of parental supervision, poverty, peer substance use are implicated in addiction
Comorbid mental health disorder → ADHD, mood disorders, and PTSD, affective disorders
Behavioral appr to addiction
Social learning theory suggests someone may be peer pressured into trying drugs
Operant conditioning could explain why someone seeks the rewards resulting from a drug (repeated behav for reward (high))
Classical conditioning might explain drug dependency or the association of behavs and drug use
Expectancy theory
A cognitive appr that proposes an individ will behave or act in a certain way because they are motivated to select that behav based on what they expect the result to be
Motivation to exp euphoric states
Euphoric state motivates future use