Stuff Flashcards
Lincoln killed
By John Wilkes booths April 14 1865
Lincoln reconstructin plan
States never left
Pass 13th amendment
Lincoln’s vp
5 effects of national railroad
Stimulated economy Brought nation together Clocks set by railroad (4 time zones) Created jobs in steel industry and promoted business Populated west
Compromise of 1877
Federal troops removed from south
One southerner appointed for cabinet
Gave money to south for reconstruction
Not held by any boundaries
Civil war
Reconstruction act of 1867
Made by congress
Said confederate states divided into 5 military districts except Tennessee
There would be a military governed appointed and required a new state constitution that free men could vote and agreement with 13th amendment to become a state again also required passing 14 amendment
Voters and congress had to approve it
Most states back by 1868
Tenure of office act 1867
Johnson fired Stanton (Secretary of State)
Charged with high crimes and misdemeanors
Impeachment vote 35-19 not guilty
Ulysses a grant
Boss tweed stole 50$ million from treasury
Rutherford b hayes
Wife lemonade Lucy
James Garfield
Shot 4 months after inauguration
Chester Arthur
Passes Pendleton act and started civil service test
Only pres. To serve two in consecutive terms
Started gold standard and shot after being reelected
Carper bagged
Position from north going south
Transcontinental railroad
Union Pacific goes east to west
Central pacific goes west to east
Meet at promontory point
Gold found in
Lake Tahoe
Indian reorganization act
Encouraged grads with Indians
Puritan work ethic
Work is a blessing, all men work, all work glorifies God
Free enterprise
People responsible for their own welfare
Refined iron
Jp Morgan owns 1/2 us steel production
John d Rockefeller
90% of all refinery
Rules nor enforced by laws
Reconstruction era