Chpt 2&3 9th Grade Flashcards
Roger Williams
Founds Connecticut
Indian who helped pilgrims hunt fish and plant crops
Led Indian uprising and caused war
King phillip
10 acre pictures and artist for king George 3
Benjamin west
Father of choral music
William billings
Lord Baltimore
Founder of MD
Watson and the shark artist
Jay Copley
Triangular trade routes explain one
Slaves from Africa to West Indies
Sugar and molasses from West Indies to us
Rum from us to Africa
Colonies are there to benefit England
House of burgesses
Representative government
Contributions to music
Founder of Georgia
Dutch governer
Peter stuvesyant
John Rolfe
Introduced tobacco and married pocohontas
Founder of Connecticut
Thomas hooker
One of 3 who founded new jewelry
Broke ties with England church
Henry 8
Persued Indians against governer swishes
Bacons rebellion
Passage paid by establish colonist
Indentured servant
Puritan work ethic
All work is honorable
All work glorifies gold
All men are called to work
New Hampshire founder
New Hampshire
Dominion of New England
Sir Edmond andros
Boat that leaked and sunk
Famous botanist
Alexander gardener