Idfc Flashcards
,of advanced groups before Columbus sod covered usi
Incas, Mayas, Aztecs
Aspects of life centered on ownership and use of land
Roman Catholic holy wars to get Muslims our of holy land
Redo quilts
Get moors out to make land Roman Catholic country
Middle class
Merchants traders and craftsmen
Rebirth of learning
Ate plane and quadrant
Helps sailors
Sailing into wind
Johann Gutenberg
Movable, type printing press
Protestant reformation
Revival of biblical Christianity
Why was Portugal interested In new world
Wanted all water route through Africa to indies
ESSAY PART ONE Why was France interested in coloring new world, and explorer, dates of exploration, area explored, discoveries and claims that explore made and results
France wanted the northwest passages One explorers - Samuel de Champlain 1608 Explored Quebec and founded it Founded first permanent French settlement in new world
ESSAY PART 2 Why did England want to settle new world, an explorers , dates, area explorers, descoveries and impacts
Religious, political, and economical freedoms
John Cabot
Landed near Newfoundland
First European on North American mainland in modern age
2 heritages from England
Spiritual - John Wycliffe, William Tyndall, Henry 8, queen Elizabeth
Political - Magna Carta and parliament
Ponce de Leon
First Spanish landing on North American mainland and find st Augustine first permanent European settlement in the New World
Line of demarcation
Pope Alexander VI divided between Spain and Portugal
John white
Roanoke island
Religious freedom (4)
Dissenters opposed Church of England
Catholics chose pope instead of king
Puritans whanted to make church more biblical
Seperarists wanted to form their own church
Inflation and unemployment
Higher prices
Sheep enclosure movement
Debters prison
Joint stock company
Several business man invest in stock on a single company to support colonizing new world
London stock- southern VA
Plymouth- northern VA
Barthomolomew dias
Gets to cape of good hope (1488)
Two migration theories
Beringia theory- thought ocean sank 300ft for,omg land bride between Serbia and Alaska (Bering strait)
Pangea- earth was once a land mass that split apart